Capitol Commission

Entity: 2499
Entity Type: State Government


The Capitol Commission was created in 1909 when the Legislature enacted four Capitol Building bills. The first bill created a Capitol Commission consisting of seven members to oversee the construction of the captol building. The other three bills provided for funds to meet the cost of the building. The final report of the commission was issued in 1916.

Biography/History Notes

The commission was authorized, empowered, and directed to cause a suitable design, with plans and specifications, to be prepared for the erection of a State Capitol upon the Capitol grounds in Salt Lake City. The commission was charged to provide a design to meet the future requirements of the State, and to provide for growth as the necessities of the State may require.

The officers of the commission consisted of a president vice-president, a superintendent of buildings and grounds, and a secretary. The governor acted as president, the Secretary of State as vice-president, with the supertintendent and secretary elected by the commission from among the members appointed by the Governor. Five members of the commission constituted the necessary quorum for the transaction of business.

Members of the commission were Governor William Spry, president of the commission, Secretary of State C.S. Tingey who was vice-president, Attorney General A.R. Barnes, and four others by the Governor: John Dern, C.E. Loose, M.S. Browning, and John Henry Smith.