Series 4470

Governor Matheson Radiation records, 1950-1983.

7.35 cubic feet and 18 microfilm reels

These records are housed in the Utah State Archives' permanent storage room.

Historical Note

See history of the records' creator.

Summary of Records

This series contains documents generated by federal and state agencies concerning the effects of radioactive fallout for residents of southern Utah, from nuclear tests at the Nevada Test Site.

Scope and Content

This series contains documents generated by federal and state agencies concerning the effects of radioactive fallout for residents of southern Utah, from nuclear tests at the Nevada Test Site. In January 1979, federal and state agencies were requested by Governor Matheson to fully disclose any documents they might have in their files, relating either to the nuclear tests at the Nevada Test Site or to studies on the effects of the resulting nuclear fallout. The resulting flood of information sent to Matheson's office comprises much of the records in this series. This series also includes records from congressional hearings in which Matheson and other governmental officials took part. Also contained in this series are numerous articles and publications relating to radiation. All documents in this series were received or generated, and then retained by Governor Matheson and his staff in their efforts to determine policy regarding the effects of radioactive fallout on southern Utahresidents.
Federal agencies represented in this series include the Atomic Energy Commission/Department of Energy, including AEC's Division of Biology and Medicine; the Department of Defense and the Defense Nuclear Agency; the Department of Health, Education and Welfare/Public Health Service (PHS), including the Center for Disease Control, the Food and Drug Administration, the National Institutes of Health, and the Division of Radiological Health. The Center for Disease Control conducted various health studies in the 1960s on the effects of nuclear fallout; documents from those studies are included in this series. Edward Weiss, who worked for PHS's Division of Radiological Health in the 1960s, completed a 1965 study entitled "Leukemia Mortality in Southwestern Utah"; the study is included in this series. Harold Knapp, who worked for AEC's Division of Biology and Medicine in the 1960s, generated extensive reports in 1979 for use by Matheson and congressional committees; those reportsare included in this series.
Federal offices and agencies, in conjunction with the Utah state agencies, conducted studies on the health effects of nuclear fallout. From 1959 through the 1960s, the Utah State Department of Health and the U.S. Public Health Service conducted various dental, eye, and thyroid studies on children in southern Utah, as well as investigating possible statistical links between a higher incidence of leukemia in southern Utah and fallout from the Nevada Test Site; those studies are included in this series. University of Utah medical researchers Charles Mays, Joseph Lyon, and Robert Pendleton also contributed studies on the effects of radiation; those documents are included in this series. An agricultural study was conducted in the 1950s by Utah State University, in cooperation with the Atomic Energy Commission, to determine the effects of malnutrition on thousands of sheep in southern Utah, that were assumed to have died from radioactive fallout following a1953 nuclear test in Nevada; documents from that study are included in this series.

Research Note

Copies of most of the documents accompanying Governor Matheson's testimony at the April 19, 1979, joint congressional hearings may also be found in this series under the appropriate agency, office, or organization. For example, Matheson's copy of the Edward Weiss's 1965 leukemia study may be found with other documents accompanying Matheson's testimony in box 3, folder 9; the study may also be found with other 1965 documents concerning Weiss in box 5, folder 9. In the container list for this series, many long agency names are referred to by acronyms. The following acronyms are used for federal offices, divisions, and agencies: AEC/DOE for the Atomic Energy Commission/Department of Energy; DBM for the Division of Biology and Medicine, under AEC; DOD/DNA for the Department of Defense/Defense Nuclear Agency; HEW/PHS for the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare/Public Health Service; CDC for the Center for Disease Control, under PHS; FDA for the Food and Drug Administration, under,PHS; NIH for the National Institutes of Health, under PHS; DRH for the Division of Radiological Health, under PHS; ICRA for the Interagency Committee on Radiological Assistance; and ITFIR for the Interagency Task Force on Ionizing Radiation. The following acronyms are used for state agencies and entities: DOH for the Department of Health; UU for the University of Utah; and USU for Utah State University.


Alphabetically by document type or topic, thereunder alphabetically by article title, federal agency, or state agency.

This series is arranged alphabetically by document type or topic; thereunder, if applicable, alphabetically by article title, federal agency, or state agency. Folders are further broken down alphabetically by lower governmental division, thereunder chronologically by day. For example, documents relating to a 1968 study on leukemia in Pleasant Grove, Utah, conducted by the Center for Disease Control, may be found under: federal documents; Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of/Public Health Service; Center for Disease Control; leukemia in Pleasant Grove, Utah, 1968. This strict arrangement of the records does not apply to the following documents: 1. Documents from April 19, 1979 testimony (under "federal documents", then "Congress", then "statements and testimonies") as those documents are in an order prescribed by the Governor's office. 2. Documents identified as coming from Department of Energy files (under "federal documents", then "Atomic Energy Commission/Department of

Energy") as those documents are in an order prescribed by the Department of Energy. 3. Documents identified as "sheep disease investigation documents released by State" (under "Utah state documents") as those documents are in an order prescribed by the releasing agency.Microfiche processed by Rebekkah Shaw under the National Historical Publications and Records Commission grant to the Utah State Archives and Records Services for the Utah Microfiche Backlog Project (Grant No.: NAR10-RB-50086-10). July 2010-December 2011

Additional Forms

This series is available on microfilm.

Access Restrictions

Microfiche holdings require staff assistance due to fewer reference copies. Handle masters under supervision.

Use Restrictions

These records are available for reproduction and use.

Preferred Citation

Cite the Utah State Archives and Records Service, the creating agency name, the series title, and the series number.

Acquisition Information

These records were acquired from the creating agency through established retention schedules.

Processing Information

This series was microfilmed in March 2004 and the hard copy kept because of the intrinsic value of the papers. It was processed by Kira Robertson in November 2001.
Microfiche processed by Rebekkah Shaw under the National Historical Publications and Records Commission grant to the Utah State Archives and Records Services for the Utah Microfiche Backlog Project (Grant No.: NAR10-RB-50086-10). July 2010 - December 2011

Related Material

Hotline records from the Governor Matheson, Series 4087, for telephone messages from constituents regarding the effects of radioactive fallout (those specific messages, unfortunately, are interspersed throughout the series).
Speeches from the Governor Matheson, Series 4455, for testimonies and statements given by Matheson and others regarding radioactive fallout and victim compensation.
Sheep radiation studies from the Department of Health, Series 11571, contains originals of the "sheep documents" contained in this series (found in this series in box 3, folders 3-5 and box 7, folders 25-31).
Administrative records from the Department of Environmental Quality. Division of Radiation Control, Series 16841, contains radiation information that may compliment the information in this series.

Container List

111Arizona; 1966, 1979
112Articles and publications; ""Biological and Health Effects of the Nuclear Industry and Nuclear Weapons: a Current Evaluation"", conference notes, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Arms Control and Security, 1982
113Articles and publications; ""Cancer and Low Level Ionizing Radiation"", Karl Z. Morgan, The Bulletin, September 1978
114Articles and publications; ""Chemical Carcinogens: the Scientific Basis for Regulation"", Thomas H. Maugh II, Science, September 29, 1978
115Articles and publications; ""Civil Defense Implications of the U.S. Nuclear Power Industry During a Large Nuclear War in the Year 2000"", Conrad V. Chester and Rowena O. Chester, Nuclear Technology, December 1976
116Articles and publications; Congenital Malformations in Utah, Robert E. Seegmiller and Wilford N. Hansen, Liberty Publishing Co., 1978
117Articles and publications; ""Diagnostic Radiation Facilities in the Salt Lake Area"", Jan Howard, et. al., Utah Society of Radiologic Technologists, n.d.
118Articles and publications; ""The Effect of Inversion Conditions on the Levels of Natural Radiation in the Air"", R.C. Pendleton, et. al, n.d.; ""Geological Considerations Related to Uranium Disseminated in Coal of the Fruitland Formation at the San Juan Generating Station, San Juan County, New Mexico"", Walter A. Klinger, May 1974
119Articles and publications; ""Effects of Ionizing Radiation in Children"", Wataru W. Sutow and Robert A. Conard, Journal of Pediatrics, October 1965
1110Articles and publications; ""Effects of Radiation on Human Dentition - Preliminary Report"", T. Terasaki and K. Shiota, Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission, June 30, 1953
1111Articles and publications; ""The Effects on Populations of Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation"", Report of the Advisory Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations, Division of Medical Sciences, National Academy of Sciences, November 1972
1112Articles and publications; ""Funding of Radiation Protection Standards Research"", Carl J. Johnson, letter to the editor, American Journal of Public Health, February 1979; ""The President's Message"", Dade W. Moeller, Health Physics, 1971
1113Articles and publications; ""Genetically Significant Dose to the Population of New York City from Diagnostic Medical Radiology: a Dosimetric and Statistical Study"", Bernard S. Pasternack and Mortimer B. Heller, Radiology, February 1968
1114Articles and publications; ""Grim Legacy of Nuclear Testing"", Patrick Huyghe and David Konigsberg, publication unknown, n.d.
1115Articles and publications; ""Health Officials Fired Up over 'Tolerable' Cigarettes"", Science, September 1978
1116Articles and publications; ""How Safe is Nuclear Power?"", Peter Gwynne with James Bishop, Jr., and Stephen G. Michaud, Newsweek, April 12, 1976
1117Articles and publications; ""The Incidence of Goitre During Pregnancy"", J. Crooks, et. al., The Lancet, August 15, 1964
1118Articles and publications; Intergovernmental Radioactivities, compiled by State Planning Council on Radioactive Waste Management, Washington, D.C., June 1, 1981
1119Articles and publications; Killing our Own, excerpt, n.d.
1120Articles and publications; ""Local Fallout: Hazard from Nevada Tests"", Technical Division, Committee for Nuclear Information, Nuclear Information, August 1963
1121Articles and publications; ""Medical Findings in Marshallese People Exposed to Fallout Radiation - Results from a Ten-Year Study"", Robert A. Conard and Arobati Hicking, Journal of the American Medical Association, May 10, 1965
1122Articles and publications; ""Medical Radiological Practice in New Orleans: Estimates and Characteristics of Visits, Examinations, and Genetically Significant Dose"", Joseph L. Izenstark and Walter Lafferty, Radiology, February 1968
1123Articles and publications; ""The Menace of the Peaceful Atom"", Sheldon Novick, publication unknown, 1968
1124Articles and publications; ""The Nuclear Burden: Guess Who's Being Asked to Bear it?"", Alan Green, Rural America, January 1979
1125Articles and publications; ""Persons with Exceptionally High Risk of Leukemia"", Robert W. Miller, Cancer Research, December 1967
1126Articles and publications; ""Precautions are Being Taken by Those Who Know: an Inquiry into the Power and Responsibilities of the AEC"", Paul Jacobs, Atlantic Monthly, 1971
1127Articles and publications; ""Program Planning for Radiological Health"", Herman E. Hilleboe and Alexander Rihm, American Journal of Public Health, August 1958
1128Articles and publications; ""Radiation Hazards of Primary Concern to Public Health -- Present Status and Outlook"", Russell H. Morgan, n.d.
1129Articles and publications; ""Radiation-Induced Thyroid Carcinoma"", James W. Pifer and Louis H. Hempelmann, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, April 2, 1964
1130Articles and publications; ""Radium Isotope Accumulation in Animal Thyroids"", author and publication unknown, January 28, 1966
1131Articles and publications; ""Report of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation"", United Nations, 1964
1132Articles and publications; ""Report of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation"", United Nations, 1977
1133Articles and publications; ""The Significance of Radiation-Induced Chromosome Abnormalities in Radiological Protection"", G.W. Dolphin and D.C. Lloyd, Journal of Medical Genetics, June 1974; ""The Study of Chromosome Aberration Yield in Human Lymphocytes as an Indicator of Radiation Dose"", R.J. Purrott, et. al., National Radiological Protection Board, 1973
1134Articles and publications; ""Social Problems of Fallout"", transcription of discussion at Conference on the Pediatric Significance of Peacetime Radioactive Fallout, Pediatrics supplement, January 1968
1135Articles and publications; ""Stabilization of Uranium-Thorium Milling Waste-Retention Systems"", standard approved by American National Standards Institute, 1974
1136Articles and publications; ""Study of Adolescents Exposed in Utero to the Atomic Bomb, Nagasaki, Japan"", part 2, ""Growth and Development"", Gerard N. Burrow, Howard B. Hamilton, and Zdenek Hrubec, Journal of the American Medical Association, May 3, 1965
1137Articles and publications; ""Summaries of Selected Papers from the 94th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association.."", publication unknown, March 1967
1138Articles and publications; ""Summary of Studies on Children Exposed in Utero to the Atomic Bomb in Hiroshima City"", Wataru W. Sutow, Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission, May 10, 1954
1139Articles and publications; ""Three Decades of Nuclear Testing"", Melvin W. Carter and A.Alan Moghissi, Health Physics, 1977
1140Atomic Industrial Forum; 1973
1141Brower, Steven, Iron County Agriculture Agent and Graduate School of Management, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah; 1954, 1979
1142Bushnell, Dan, attorney for Iron County sheepmen; 1979, 1982
1143Citizens Call Medical Fund; 1982
1144Chinese and Soviet tests in Utah, fallout from; 1961-1971, 1979
1145Colorado; 1981
1146Congenital malformations in Utah; n.d.
1147Deseret News; 1978
1148Dose Assessment Steering Committee; 1979
2149Downwinders; 1982
2150federal documents; Agriculture, Department of; 1979
2151federal documents; Army, Veterinary Corps; 1953
2152federal documents; Atomic Energy Commission/Department of Energy (AEC/DOE); Agricultural Research Laboratory/Tennessee Agricultural Research Station; 1966-1971
2153federal documents; AEC/DOE; atomic test statistics; 1976 and n.d.
2154federal documents; AEC/DOE; atomic test statistics; 1976 and n.d. (cont.)
2155federal documents; AEC/DOE; Atomic Tests in Nevada; 1957, Mar
2156federal documents; AEC/DOE; Biology and Medicine, Division of (DBM); general; 1953-1965
2157federal documents; AEC/DOE; DBM; Knapp, Harold; correspondence and reports; 1962-1963
2158federal documents; AEC/DOE; DBM; Knapp, Harold; correspondence and reports; 1979, Jan
2159federal documents; AEC/DOE; DBM; Knapp, Harold; correspondence and reports; 1979, Jun-Jul
2160federal documents; AEC/DOE; DMB; Knapp, Harold; correspondence and reports; 1979, Aug
2161federal documents; AEC/DOE; DMB; Knapp, Harold; correspondence and reports; 1979, Dec
2162federal documents; AEC/DOE; DMB; Knapp, Harold; correspondence and reports; 1980, 1982
2163federal documents; AEC/DOE; DMB; Knapp, Harold; ""Sheep Deaths in Utah and Nevada Following the 1953 Nuclear Tests"", prepared for Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research, Senate Committee on the Judiciary, report and appendices A-D; 1979
3164federal documents; AEC/DOE; DMB; Knapp, Harold; ""Sheep Deaths in Utah and Nevada Following the 1953 Nuclear Tests"", prepared for Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research, Senate Committee on the Judiciary, appendix E, annexes 1-30; 1979
321federal documents; AEC/DOE; DMB; Knapp, Harold; ""Sheep Deaths in Utah and Nevada Following the 1953 Nuclear Tests"", prepared for Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research, Senate Committee on the Judiciary, appendix E, annexes 31-35 and ""Summary and Conclusions""; 1979
322federal documents; AEC/DOE; documents identified as coming from DOE files; 1950, 1978
323federal documents; AEC/DOE; documents identified as coming from DOE files; 1953, 1979
324federal documents; AEC/DOE; documents identified as coming from DOE files; 1953, 1979 (cont.)
325federal documents; AEC/DOE; documents identified as coming from DOE files; 1954-1955, 1972, 1978-1979
326federal documents; AEC/DOE; documents identified as coming from DOE files; 1963
327federal documents; AEC/DOE; documents identified as coming from DOE files; 1963, 1965
328federal documents; AEC/DOE; documents identified as coming from DOE files; 1963, 1965-1966
329federal documents; AEC/DOE; documents identified as coming from DOE files; 1963-1978
3210federal documents; AEC/DOE; documents identified as coming from DOE files; 1965-1970
3211federal documents; AEC/DOE; documents identified as coming from DOE files; n.d.
4212federal documents; AEC/DOE; general; 1950, 1953
4213federal documents; AEC/DOE; general; 1954-1959
4214federal documents; AEC/DOE; general; 1963-1966
4215federal documents; AEC/DOE; general; 1970-1974
4216federal documents; AEC/DOE; general; 1977-1982
4217federal documents; AEC/DOE; general; n.d.
4218federal documents; AEC/DOE; Nuclear Regulatory Commission; 1975-1976
4219federal documents; AEC/DOE; Nuclear Regulatory Commission; 1977-1979
4220federal documents; AEC/DOE; Operational Safety, Division of; 1963-1965
4221federal documents; AEC/DOE; Public Information, Division of; 1965
4222federal documents; Civil Defense Administration; 1954
4223federal documents; Commerce, Department of, aeronautical chart; 1950
4224federal documents; Congress; correspondence and news releases; 1957-1982
4225federal documents; Congress; documents released by Senator Edward Kennedy (MA); 1979
4226federal documents; Congress; general; 1979-1980
4227federal documents; Congress; proposed legislation; 1978-1982
4228federal documents; Congress; statements and testimonies; 1978
5229federal documents; Congress; statements and testimonies; 1979, Apr 19; opening statements by Sen. Kennedy, witness list, testimonies
531federal documents; Congress; statements and testimonies; 1979, Apr 19; documents accompanying Matheson's testimony; index
532federal documents; Congress; statements and testimonies; 1979, Apr 19; documents accompanying Matheson's testimony; #1
533federal documents; Congress; statements and testimonies; 1979, Apr 19; documents accompanying Matheson's testimony; #2, ""Sheep Documents"", pp. 1-155
534federal documents; Congress; statements and testimonies; 1979, Apr 19; documents accompanying Matheson's testimony; #2, ""Sheep Documents"", pp. 156-275
535federal documents; Congress; statements and testimonies; 1979, Apr 19; documents accompanying Matheson's testimony; #2, ""Sheep Documents"", pp. 276-395 [see also box 7, folders 25-31]
536federal documents; Congress; statements and testimonies; 1979, Apr 19; documents accompanying Matheson's testimony; #3-4
537federal documents; Congress; statements and testimonies; 1979, Apr 19; documents accompanying Matheson's testimony; #5-9
538federal documents; Congress; statements and testimonies; 1979, Apr 19; documents accompanying Matheson's testimony; #10-17
539federal documents; Congress; statements and testimonies; 1979, Apr 19; documents accompanying Matheson's testimony; #18-30
6310federal documents; Congress; statements and testimonies; 1979, Apr 19; documents accompanying Matheson's testimony; #31-47
6311federal documents; Congress; statements and testimonies; 1979, Apr 19; documents accompanying Matheson's testimony; #48-75
6312federal documents; Congress; statements and testimonies; 1979, Apr 19; documents accompanying Matheson's testimony; #76-89
6313federal documents; Congress; statements and testimonies; 1979, Apr 19; documents accompanying Matheson's testimony; #90-105
6314federal documents; Congress; statements and testimonies; 1979, Apr 19; documents that have portions blackened out
6315federal documents; Congress; statements and testimonies; Las Vegas; 1979, Apr 23
6316federal documents; Congress; statements and testimonies; Washington, D.C.; 1979, Apr 23
6317federal documents; Congress; statements and testimonies; 1979, May 3
7318federal documents; Congress; statements and testimonies; 1982, Mar 12
7319federal documents; Congress; statements and testimonies; 1982, Apr 8
7320federal documents; Congress; statements and testimonies; n.d.
7321federal documents; Defense, Department of and Defense Nuclear Agency (DOD/DNA); general; 1979
7322federal documents; DOD/DNA; lists of documents identified as coming from DNA library; ""classified references""; 1979
7323federal documents; DOD/DNA; lists of documents identified as coming from DNA library; ""selected classified documents""; 1979
7324federal documents; DOD/DNA; lists of documents identified as coming from DNA library; ""selected unclassified documents""; 1979
7325federal documents; DOD/DNA; lists of documents identified as coming from DNA library; ""unclassified references""; 1979
741federal documents; Energy Research and Development Administration - Health and Safety Laboratory; ca. 1971-1976
742federal documents; Environmental Protection Agency; 1971-1979
743federal documents; Federal Radiation Council; 1960
744federal documents; Federal Radiation Council; 1962-1965
745federal documents; Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of/Public Health Service (HEW/PHS); Center for Disease Control (CDC); Fredonia [Arizona]-Kanab [Utah] Health Survey; correspondence; 1964-1967, 1971, n.d.
746federal documents; HEW/PHS; CDC; Fredonia (Arizona) - Kanab (Utah) Health Survey; survey description, instruction manuals, statistics; ca. 1966-1967
847federal documents; HEW/PHS; CDC; general; 1953, 1961-1979, n.d.
848federal documents; HEW/PHS; CDC; ""Leukemia Case Surveillance""; n.d.
849federal documents; HEW/PHS; CDC; ""Leukemia Case-Reporting Program""; 1967, Mar 1
8410federal documents; HEW/PHS; CDC; ""Leukemia Cluster in South Salt Lake"", L.E. Klock; n.d.
8411federal documents; HEW/PHS; CDC; leukemia in Monticello, Parowan, and Paragonah, Utah; 1964-1971, 1978, n.d.
8412federal documents; HEW/PHS; CDC; leukemia in Pleasant Grove, Utah; 1968
8413federal documents; HEW/PHS; CDC; ""Leukemia Surveillance Program""; 1967, Dec 1
8414federal documents; HEW/PHS; CDC; leukemia in Washington and Iron Counties, Utah; 1961
8415federal documents; HEW/PHS; CDC; Veterinary Public Health Services; 1952-1955, 1961, 1968
8416federal documents; HEW/PHS; Food and Drug Administration (FDA); 1965-1979 (see also: federal documents; HEW/PHS; National Center for Radiological Health/Environmental Control)
8417federal documents; HEW/PHS; FDA; n.d.
8418federal documents; HEW/PHS; general; 1952-1965
8419federal documents; HEW/PHS; general; 1966-1970, 1978-1979, n.d.
9420federal documents; HEW/PHS; Institutional Total Diet Sampling Network; 1962-1963, n.d.
9421federal documents; HEW/PHS; Interlaboratory Technical Advisory Committee; 1963-1964
9422federal documents; HEW/PHS; Iodine 131 in milk; 1961-1965
9423federal documents; HEW/PHS; lists of selected documents on low-level radiation; 1979
9424federal documents; HEW/PHS; lists of selected documents on low-level radiation; 1979
91federal documents; HEW/PHS; lists of selected documents on low-level radiation; 1979
92federal documents; HEW/PHS; lists of selected documents on low-level radiation; 1979
103federal documents; HEW/PHS; lists of selected documents on low-level radiation; 1979
104federal documents; HEW/PHS; National Center for Radiological Health/Environmental Control; 1961-1970, n.d. (see also: federal documents; HEW/PHS; FDA)
1051federal documents; HEW/PHS; National Institutes of Health (NIH); general; 1965, 1978-1981
1052federal documents; HEW/PHS; NIH; National Institute of Dental Research; 1965-1966, 1970, n.d.
1053federal documents; HEW/PHS; Northeastern Utah Area Survey, nuclides in milk; 1963-1966
1054federal documents; HEW/PHS; Radiological Health, Division of (DRH); general; 1953
1055federal documents; HEW/PHS; DRH; general; 1961-1964
1056federal documents; HEW/PHS; DRH; general; 1965-1968, n.d.
1157federal documents; HEW/PHS; DRH; uranium mill tailings; 1963-1964
1158federal documents; HEW/PHS; DRH; Weiss, Edward; 1963-1964
1159federal documents; HEW/PHS; DRH; Weiss, Edward; 1965
11510federal documents; HEW/PHS; DRH; Weiss, Edward; 1966-1967
11511federal documents; HEW/PHS; DRH; Weiss, Edward; 1968-1971, n.d.
11512federal documents; HEW/PHS; Southwestern Radiological Health Laboratory, Las Vegas, Nevada; 1964, 1969-1970
11513federal documents; HEW/PHS; ""Statistical Considerations on Field Studies of Thyroid Disease in School Children in Utah-Arizona""; 1965
11514federal documents; HEW/PHS; Whole Body Counter; 1963
11515federal documents; HEW/PHS; Whole Body Counter; 1964
11516federal documents; interagency documents; Interagency Committee on Radiological Assistance (ICRA); 1956-1957
12517federal documents; interagency documents; ICRA; 1958, Feb-Sep
12518federal documents; interagency documents; ICRA; 1958, Oct-Dec
12519federal documents; interagency documents; ICRA; 1959, Jan-Apr
12520federal documents; interagency documents; ICRA; 1959, May-Dec
12521federal documents; interagency documents; ICRA; 1960, n.d.
12522federal documents; interagency documents; Interagency Radiation Research Committee; 1980
12523federal documents; interagency documents; Interagency Task Force on Ionizing Radiation (ITFIR); ""The History and Application of Radiation Protection Principles and the Jurisdictions of the Various Federal Agencies with Responsibility Over Some Aspect of Radiation""; 1979, Feb 20
13524federal documents; interagency documents; ITFIR; ""Legal Restrictions and Other Barriers which Impede Access to Records for Epidemiological Research on the Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation""; 1979, Feb 7
13525federal documents; interagency documents; ITFIR; ""Medical Care and Income Maintenance Benefits for Persons who May Have Been Harmed by Radiation Exposure""; 1979, Feb 16
13526federal documents; interagency documents; ITFIR; ""Members of the Interagency Task Force on the Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation""; n.d.
13527federal documents; interagency documents; ITFIR; ""Public Information Program for the General Public and Workers who are Exposed to Low Levels of Ionicing [sic] Radiation""; 1979, Feb 20
1361federal documents; interagency documents; ITFIR; ""Research Activities on the Biologic Effects of Ionizing Radiation""; 1979, Feb 20
1362federal documents; interagency documents; ITFIR; ""Summary of Work Group Reports of the Interagency Task Force on Ionizing Radiation""; 1979, Feb 27
1363federal documents; Interior, Department of the; 1967
1364federal documents; Marine Corps/Biological and Chemical Defense School; 1972, n.d.
1365federal documents; White House; 1978, 1980, n.d.
1366film of fallout; n.d.
1367Japan Council Against A and H; Bombs; 1978
1368Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Livermore, California; 1965-1966
1369Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico; 1963
13610Mancuso, Thomas, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 1977
13611National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements; 1965
13612Nevada; general; 1966, 1968, 1980
13613Nevada; Governor's Committee on Radiation Effects; 1979
13614Nevada; Governor's Committee on Radiation Effects; 1980
14615newspaper clippings; 1953-1966
14616newspaper clippings; 1975-1980
14617newspaper clippings; 1981-1983
14618newspaper clippings; n.d.
14619Nuclear Information, Committee for, St. Louis, Missouri; 1966
14620Southern Utah Animal Hospital; 1979
14621Tri-State Commission on Atomic Testing Fallout Effects on Health (Utah-Arizona-Nevada); 1979, n.d.
14622Udall, Stewart, lawyer; 1978-1979, 1982
14623unidentified documents; 1953-1966
14624unidentified documents; 1967-1978
15625unidentified documents; n.d.
15626unidentified documents; n.d.
15627Utah state documents; Agriculture, Department of; 1979
15628Utah state documents; Attorney General's office; 1975
15629Utah state documents; Community Affairs, Department of; 1979
15630Utah state documents; Development Services, Department of; 1974
15631Utah state documents; Education, Board of; 1979
15632Utah state documents; Governor's office; chronologies of radiation studies; 1978-1979
15633Utah state documents; Governor's office; correspondence; governor; 1978-1979
15634Utah state documents; Governor's office; correspondence; governor; 1980-1983, n.d.
15635Utah state documents; Governor's office; correspondence; Miller, Clyde; 1970
15636Utah state documents; Governor's office; correspondence; Wilde, Maggie; 1979
15637Utah state documents; Governor's office; correspondence; Zimmerman, Michael; 1979-1982
15638Utah state documents; Governor's office; interagency memoranda; 1977-1979
15639Utah state documents; Governor's office; intra-office memoranda; 1977-1982, n.d.
1671Utah state documents; Governor's office; news releases; 1979-1980
1672Utah state documents; Governor's office; notes and miscellaneous; 1979, n.d.
1673Utah state documents; Governor's office; requests for information, incoming; 1979-1982
1674Utah state documents; Governor's office; ""Summary of Events Relating to Health Effects Studies of Low-level Radiation""; 1982
1675Utah state documents; Governor's office; telephone messages; 1978-1979, n.d.
1676Utah state documents; Health, Department of (DOH); contamination of San Juan and Colorado Rivers; 1958-1964
1677Utah state documents; DOH; Environmental Health, Division of; 1979-1981
1678Utah state documents; DOH; establishing recommendation for individuals exposed to ionizing radiation from Nevada Test Site; 1979
1679Utah state documents; DOH; general; 1957-1965
16710Utah state documents; DOH; general; 1966-1971
16711Utah state documents; DOH; general; 1972-1981, n.d.
16712Utah state documents; DOH; Health, Board of; 1962
16713Utah state documents; DOH; Health Statistics, Bureau of; 1978-1979
16714Utah state documents; DOH; Iodine 131 in milk; 1962-1963, 1968, n.d.
16715Utah state documents; DOH; leukemia case report system; 1967
16716Utah state documents; DOH; ""Public Health Services for Utahns Exposed to Fallout from the Nevada Test Site""; 1980
16717Utah state documents; DOH; radon daughter concentrations measured at Mountain States Supply, Inc.; 1979
16718Utah state documents; DOH; Radiological Health Advisory Committee; 1963-1969
17719Utah state documents; DOH; testimony by G.D. Carlyle Thompson, director of Public Health, before Senate Joint Committee on Atomic Energy; 1965
17720Utah state documents; interagency meetings on radiation; 1978-1980, n.d.
17721Utah state documents; Oil, Gas, and Mining, Division of; 1975
17722Utah state documents; Planning Coordinator; 1977, 1979
17723Utah state documents; proposed legislation; 1979, n.d.
17724Utah state documents; Records Committee; 1979
17725Utah state documents; sheep disease investigation documents released by State; incomplete set; 1963-1954 [see also box 3, folder 5]
17726Utah state documents; sheep disease investigation documents released by State; incomplete set with note attached; 1953
17727Utah state documents; sheep disease investigation documents released by State; complete set, #1-130; 1953
17728Utah state documents; sheep disease investigation documents released by State; complete set, #131-225; 1953
17729Utah state documents; sheep disease investigation documents released by State; complete set, #226-350; 1953-1954
17730Utah state documents; sheep disease investigation documents released by State; complete set, #351-395; 1954-1955
17731Utah state documents; sheep disease investigation documents released by State; synopsis; 1979
17732Utah state documents; Transportation, Department of; 1979
17733Utah state documents; University of Utah (UU); Anatomy, Department of - Radiobiology Division, Charles Mays; 1963-1967, 1980
17734Utah state documents; UU; Family and Community Medicine, Department of, Joseph L. Lyon; 1978-1979, 1982
17735Utah state documents; UU; general; 1965-1981, n.d.
17736Utah state documents; UU; Health Sciences, Chase N. Peterson; 1979-1982
18737Utah state documents; UU; Pediatrics, Department of, Marvin L. Rallison; 1966-1973
18738Utah state documents; UU; Pharmacology, Department of, McDonald E. Wrenn; 1979-1983
18739Utah state documents; UU; project budgets and contracts; 1978-1979
18740Utah state documents; UU; Radiological Health, Department of, Robert C. Pendleton; 1958, 1962-1979, n.d.
18741Utah state documents; Utah State University (USU); correspondence; 1979
18742Utah state documents; USU; ""The Effect of Level of Nutrition on the Pathology and Productivity of Range Sheep""; 1954-1957
18743Vitro Chemical Corporation, property of; 1973
18744Washington County, Utah; 1964, 1966