Series 7073

Legislature. Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel Bill drafting and research files, 1980-

562.1 cubic feet and 38 microfiche sets

These records are housed in the Utah State Archives' permanent storage room.

Historical Note

See history of the records' creator.

Summary of Records

These files document bills submitted during a legislative session which are being considered by the Legislature. The files include drafts of the bills, amendments, research information, and correspondence concerning the issues.

Scope and Content

This series contains various records that document the assorted pieces of legislation that are annually submitted during a legislative session, for consideration by the Utah State Legislature. The Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel conducts legal and policy research regarding legislation and legislative policy. Attorneys and analysts for the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel conduct original research and draft legislation. Bill drafting and research files can serve as a valuable resource for researchers attempting to track the legislative intent behind a particular House or Senate action.
The bill drafting and research files in this series include bills from the House and Senate (HB and SB), House Resolutions (HR), House Concurrent Resolutions (HCR), House Joint Resolutions (HJR), Senate Resolutions (SR), Senate Concurrent Resolutions, Senate Joint Resolutions (SJR), and abandoned legislation for any given year after 1980. The bill files present inthis series cover both the General Sessions of the Utah State Legislature, as well as any Special Sessions that might be called. The types of records present in these bill files include drafts of the bills, amendments, research information, and correspondence concerning the issues being considered by a given piece of legislation.

Research Note

The Utah State Archives holds microfiche copies of bill files between 1980 and 1990. Bill drafting and research files from 1990 to the present are available online on the Legislature's webpage. The physical copies of bill drafting and research files from 1990 to the present are maintained in the permanent collection of the Utah State Archives.


Chronological, thereunder numerical by bill number.

Additional Forms

This series is available on microfilm.

Access Restrictions

This series is classified as Public.

Use Restrictions

These records are available for reproduction and use.

Preferred Citation

Cite the Utah State Archives and Records Service, the creating agency name, the series title, and the series number.

Acquisition Information

These records were acquired from the creating agency through established retention schedules.

Processing Information

This series was processed by Jim Kichas in October 2013.

Related Material

Working bills from the Legislature. Senate, Series 428, record changes made in the legislature whereas bill drafting files are the background files.
Working bills from the Legislature. House of Representatives, Series 432, record changes made in the legislature whereas bill drafting files are the background files.
Legislative bill files from the Governor Huntsman, Series 25857, contains research information that may correspond with the records and information in this series.

Indexing Terms

Container List

Fiche boxDateDescription
1980House Bill (HB) 1-98; House Concurrent Resolutions (HCR) 1-2; House Joint Resolutions (HJR) 1-38; House Resolutions (HR) 1B3; Senate Bills (SB) 1-85; 1st Spec. Session HB 1-4; 1st Spec. Session HCR 1-2; 1st Spec. Session SB 1-4; 1st Spec. Session Senate Concurrent Resolution (SCR) 1; 1st Spec. Session Abandoned Bills
1981HB 1-405; HJR 1-48; HR 1-7; SB 1-253
1981SB 253-309; SCR 1B8; SJR (Senate Joint Resolutions)1-9; SR (Senate Resolutions) 1-2; Abandoned Bills; 1st Spec. Session HB 1-16; 1st Spec. Session SB 1-11; 1st Spec. Session SCR 1-4; 1st Spec. Session SJR 1-3
1982HB 1-148
1982HB 149-159; HCR 1-5; HJR 1-37; SB 1-89; SCR 1-5; SJR 1-20
1982Abandoned Bills; 2nd Spec. HB 1-8; 2nd Spec. Session HJR 2; 2nd Spec. Session HR 1; 2nd Spec. Session SB 1-8; 2nd Spec. Session SCR 1-3; 2nd Spec. Session Abandoned Bills
1983HB 1-145
1983HB 146-318
1983HB 320-453; HCR 1-17; HJR 1-35
1983HR 2-3; SB 1-195
1983SB 196-335; SCR 1-14; SJR 1-24; SR 1
1983Abandoned Bills
19831st Spec. Session HB 1-22; 1st Spec. Session HCR 1; 1st Spec. Session HJR 1-4; 1st Spec. Session SB 1-22; 1st Spec. Session SCR 1-3; 1st Spec. Session SJR 1-4; 3rd Spec. Session HB 1-7; 3rd Spec. Session HCR 1; 3rd Spec. Session SB 1-8; 3rd Spec. Session SR 1; 3rd Spec. Session Abandoned Bills
1984HB 1-89
1984HB 90-183; HCR 1-6; HJR 1-17; HR 1-3; SB 1-47
1984SB 48-115; SCR 1-7; SJR 1-11; SR 1; Unnumbered Bills; Abandoned Bills
19842nd Spec. Session HB 1-15; 2nd Spec. Session HCR 1-2; 2nd Spec. Session HJR 1-8; 2nd Spec. Session HR 1-2; 2nd Spec. Session SB 1-19; 2nd Spec. Session SJR 1-7; 2nd Spec. Session SR 1; 3rd Spec. Session HB 1-6; 3rd Spec. Session HCR 1; 3rd Spec. Session HJR 1-3; 3rd Spec. Session SB 1-8; 3rd Spec. Session SCR 1; 3rd Spec. Session SJR 1; 3rd Spec. Session SR 1; Unnumbered Bills
1985HB 1-99
1985HB 100-289
1985HB 290-414; HCR 1-26; HJR 1-32; HR 1-2; SB 1-39
1985SB 40-232
1985SB 233-292; SCR 1-7; SJR 1-18; SR 1-3; Unnumbered Bills
19851st Spec. Session Unnumbered Bills
1986HB 1-119
1986HB 120-339
1986HB 340-404; HCR 1-21; HJR 1-40; HR 1-100; SB 1-79
1986SB 80-239
1986SB 240-260; SCR 1-22; SJR 1-21; SR 1-100; Unnumbered Bills
1986Unnumbered Bills; 2nd Spec. Session HB 1B11; 2nd Spec. Session HCR 1; 2nd Spec. Session SB 1B12; 2nd Spec. Session SCR 1B2; 2nd Spec. Session SJR 1B2; 2nd Spec. Session Unnumbered Bills; 3rd Spec. Session HB 1; 3rd Spec. Session SJR 1; 3rd Spec. Session Unnumbered Bills; 4th Spec. Session HB 1-7; 4th Spec. Session SB 1-7; 4th SCR 1; 4th Spec. Session Unnumbered Bills
1987HB 1-99
1987HB 100-289
1987HB 290-330; HCR 1-19; HJR 1-29; HR 1-8; SB 1-69
1987SB 70-267
1987SCR 1-7; SJR 1-16; SR 1-18; Unnumbered Bills
19871st Spec. Session HB 1-14; 1st Spec. Session SB 1-97; 1st Spec. Session SCR 1; 1st Spec. Session Unnumbered Bills; 1st Spec. Session Abandoned Bills
1988HB 1-169
1988HB 170-359
1988HB 360-373; HCR 1-24; HJR 1-51; HR 1-4; SB 1-30
1988SB 31-199
1988SB 200B246; SCR 1B13; SJR 1B29; SR 1B9; 2nd Spec. Session HB 1-9; 2nd Spec. Session SB 1-10; 3rd Spec. Session HB 1; 4th Spec. Session HB 1-2; 4th Spec. Session HJR 1; 4th SB 1-4; 4th Spec. Session SR 1-3
1988Abandoned Bills
1988Abandoned Bills
1989HB 1-79
1989HB 80-269
1989HB 270-412; HCR 1-16; HJR 1-35
1989HR 1-9; SB 1-159
1989SB 160-267; SCR 1-16; SJR 1-22; SR 1-7; Unnumbered Bills
1989Abandoned Bills
1989Abandoned Bills; 1st Spec. Session HB 1; 1st Spec. Session SB 1; 2nd Spec. Session HB 1B27; 2nd Spec. Session HCR 1B2; 2nd Spec. Session HJR 1; 2nd Spec. Session SB 1-10; 2nd Spec. Session SCR 1-5; 2nd Spec. Session SJR 1; 2nd Spec. Session SR 1; 2nd Spec. Session Abandoned Bills
11990HR 1-9; HCR 1-33; HJR 1-41; HB 1-10
21990HB 11-55
31990HB 56-99
41990HB 100-135
51990HB 136-200
61990HB 201-280
71990HB 281-328
81990HB 328-380
91990HB 381-456
101990HB 457-476; SR 1-7; SJR 1-34; SCR 1-14; SB 1-6
111990SB 7-57
121990SB 57-120
131990SB 121-179
141990SB 180-201
151990SB 202-248
161990SB 249-279; Abandoned Bills
171990Abandoned Bills
181990Abandoned Bills
191990Abandoned Bills
191991HCR 1-32
201991HCR 33-40; HJR 1-36; HR 1-5; HB 1-26
211991HB 27-65
221991HB 66-99
231991HB 100-145
241991HB 146-184
251991HB 185-227
261991HB 228-246
271991HB 246-275
281991HB 276-319
291991HB 320-374
301991HB 375-427
311991HB 428-453; SCR 1-13; SJR 1-7
321991SJR 8-19; SR 1-4; SB 1-33
331991SB 34-58
341991SB 58-100
351991SB 101-128
361991SB 128-153
371991SB 154-191
381991SB 192-238; Abandoned Bills
391991Abandoned Bills
401991Abandoned Bills
411991Abandoned Bills
421991Abandoned Bills; 1st Spec. Session HB 1-6; 1st Spec. Session SJR 1; 1st Spec. Session SCR 1-2; 1st Spec. Session SB 1-5; 2nd Spec. Session HB 1
4319911st Spec. Session Unnumbered Bills; 2nd Spec. Session Unnumbered Bills
4419912nd Spec. Session HB 25; 2nd Spec. Session SB 1-7
441992SCR 1-18; SJR 1-21; SR 1-10; Senate Resolution 1; SB 1-2
451992SB 3-25
461992SB 26-53
471992SB 54-92
481992SB 93-127
491992SB 127-141
501992SB 141-178
511992SB 179-200
521992SB 200-232; HCR 1-23; HJR 1-26
531992HJR 27-33; HR 1-2; HB 1-49
541992HB 50-51
551992HB 52-86
561992HB 87-151
571992HB 152-220
581992HB 221-282
591992HB 283-334
601992HB 335-389
611992HB 390-424
621992HB 425-485
6319923rd Spec. Session SB 1; 3rd Spec. Session SJR 1; 3rd Spec. Session HB 1-5; 3rd Spec. Session HCR 1-2; 3rd Spec. Session Unnumbered Bills; Abandoned Bills
641992Abandoned Bills
651992Abandoned Bills
651993HCR 1-16; HJR 1-38; HR 1-5; HB 1-3
661993HB 4-38
671993HB 39-54
681993HB 55-87
691993HB 88-130
701993HB 131-187
711993HB 188-228
721993HB 229-266
731993HB 267-279
741993HB 279-340
751993HB 341-417
761993HB 418-465; SCR 1-14; SJR 1-20; SR 1-4; SB 1-4; SB 1-4
771993SB 5-20
781993SB 20-66
791993SB 67-84
801993SB 85-127
811993SB 128-179
821993SB 180-233
831993SB 234-277
841993SB 278-289; Abandoned Bills
851993Abandoned Bills
861993Abandoned Bills
871993Abandoned Bills; 1st Spec. Session SB 1-17; 2nd HCR 1; 2nd Spec. Session HB 1-3
8819932nd Spec. Session 4-13
881994HCR 1-15; HJR 1-28; HR 1-5; HB 1-10
891994HB 11-50
901994HB 51-83
911994HB 84-100
921994HB 101-140
931994HB 141-190
941994HB 191-230
951994HB 231-254
961994HB 255-264
971994HB 265-300
981994HB 301-325
991994HB 326-380
1001994HB 381-435
1011994HB 436-480
1021994HB 481-500; SCR 1-12; SJR 1-17; SR 1-3; SB 1-7
1031994SB 8-40
1041994SB 41-54
1051994SB 54-65
1061994SB 66-95
1071994SB 96-120
1081994SB 121-145
1091994SB 146-171
1101994SB 171-180
1111994SB 181-213
1121994SB 214-240
1131994SB 241-280
1141994SB 281-312; Abandoned Bills
1151994Abandoned Bills
1161994Abandoned Bills
1171994Abandoned Bills
1181994Abandoned Bills
1191994Utah Code Conflicts
1201995HCR 1-12; HJR 1-21; HR 1-5; HB 1-9
1211995HB 10-58
1221995HB 59-97
1231995HB 98-147
1241995HB 148-174
1251995HB 175-241
1261995HB 242-281
1271995HB 282-307
1281995HB 308-334
1291995HB 335-383
1301995HB 384-430
1311995HB 431-459
1321995HB 460-470; SCR 1-87; SJR 1-13; SR 1-2; SB 1-33
1331995SB 34-69
1341995SB 70-100
1351995SB 101-135
1361995SB 136-172
1371995SB 173-215
1381995SB 216-252
1391995SB 253-290; 1st Spec. Session SB 1-4
14019951st Spec. Session HB 1-9; Abandoned Bills
1411995Abandoned Bills
1421995Abandoned Bills
1431995Abandoned Bills
1441995Abandoned Bills
1441996HCR 1-9; HJR 1-16
1451996HJR 17-25; HR 1-3; HB 1-56
1461996HB 57-93
1471996HB 94-132
1481996HB 133-176
1491996HB 177-227
1501996HB 228-278
1511996HB 279-315
1521996HB 316-343
1531996HB 343-375
1541996HB 375
1551996HB 376-387
1561996HB 388-406
1571996HB 406-418
1581996HB 419-484
1591996HB 485-501; 2nd Spec. Session HB 1001-1008; 2nd Spec. Session SB 1001-1005; 3rd Spec. Session HB 3001; 3rd Spec. Session SB 1-4
1601996SCR 1-8; SJR 1-20; SR 1-4 SB 1-30
1611996SB 31-50
1621996SB 51-79
1631996SB 79-112
1641996SB 113-156
1651996SB 156-177
1661996SB 178-215
1671996SB 216-253
1681996SB 254-296; Abandoned Bills
1691996Abandoned Bills
1701996Abandoned Bills
1711996Abandoned Bills
1711997HCR 1-10; HJR 1-23; HR 1-9
1721997HB 1-30
1731997HB 31-78
1741997HB 78-89
1751997HB 90-112
1761997HB 113-139
1771997HB 140-180
1781997HB 181-228
1791997HB 228-274
1801997HB 275-312
1811997HB 313-323
1821997HB 324-363
1831997HB 363-414
1841997SCR 1-4; SJR 1-14; SR 1-3; SB 1-26
1851997SB 27-53
1861997SB 54-64
1871997SB 64-66
1881997SB 67-86
1891997SB 87-119
1901997SB 120-161
1911997SB 162-166
1921997SB 166-173
1931997SB 174-234
1941997SB 235-269; Abandoned Bills
1951997Abandoned Bills
1961997Abandoned Bills; 1st Spec. Session HB 1001; 1st Spec. Session SB 1001-1002; 1st Spec. Session SCR 101; 2nd Spec. Session HB 2001; 2nd Spec. Session 2001-2002
1971998HCR 1-13; HJR 1-20; HR 1-2; HB 1-15
1981998HB 16-60
1991998HB 61-100
2001998HB 101-120
2011998HB 121-150
2021998HB 151-185
2031998HB 186-202
2041998HB 203-220
2051998HB 221-255
2061998HB 256-290
2071998HB 291-320
2081998HB 321-351
2091998HB 352-380
2101998HB 381-455
2111998HB 456-465; SCR 1-6; SJR 1-17; SR 1-5; SB 1-10
2121998SB 11-40
2131998SB 41-54
2141998SB 55-75
2151998SB 76-100
2161998SB 101-130
2171998SB 131-160
2181998SB 161-185
2191998SB 186-226
2201998Abandoned Bills
2211998Abandoned Bills
2221998Abandoned Bills
2231999HB 1-36
2241999HB 37-63
2251999HB 64-88
2261999HB 89-108
2271999HB 109-125
2281999HB 126-138
2291999HB 139-176
2301999HB 177-201
2311999HB 202-232
2321999HB 233-268
2331999HB 269-277
2341999HB 278-329
2351999HB 330-380
2361999HB 381-399; HCR 1-8; HJR 1-12; HJR 1-6; SB 1-7
2371999SB 8-39
2381999SB 40-56
2391999SB 57-97
2401999SB 98-151
2411999SB 152-192
2421999SB 193-241
2431999SCR 1-2; SJR 1-13; SR 1-3; Abandoned Bills
2441999Abandoned Bills
2451999Abandoned Bills
2462000HRC 1-10; HJR 1-17; HR 1-5; HB 1-20
2472000HB 21-65
2482000HB 66-89
2492000HB 90-105
2502000HB 106-114
2512000HB 115-129
2522000HB 130-139
2532000HB 140-176
2542000HB 177-219
2552000HB 220-255
2562000HB 256-285
2572000HB 286-316
2582000HB 317-348
2592000HB 349-427
2602000SCR 1-3; SJR 1-14; SR 1-5; SB 1-17
2612000SB 18-46
2622000SB 47-60
2632000SB 61-71
2642000SB 72-124
2652000SB 125-167
2662000SB 168
2672000SB 169-172
2682000SB 173-182
2692000SB 183-206
2702000SB 207-242
2712000SB 243-273
2742001HB 1-6
2752001HB 7-11
2762001HB 12-27
2772001HB 28-57
2782001HB 58-94
2792001HB 95-114
2802001HB 115-139
2812001HB 140-156
2822001HB 157-184
2832001HB 185-258
2842001HB 259-300
2852001HB 301-351
2862001HB 352-388
2872001SB 1-22
2882001SB 23-39
2892001SB 40-62
2902001SB 63-80
2912001SB 81-99
2922001SB 100
2932001SB 100
2942001SB 101-157
2952001SB 158-173
2962001SB 174-208
2972001SB 209-236
2982001SB 237-277
3022002HCR 1-10; HJR 1-31; HR 1-4; HB 1-4
3032002HB 5-40
3042002HB 41-68
3052002HB 69-112
3062002HB 113-136
3072002HB 137-155
3082002HB 156-179
3092002HB 180-205
3102002HB 206-249
3112002HB 250
3122002HB 250
3132002HB 251-283
3142002HB 284-306
3152002HB 307-314
3162002HB 315-356
3172002SCR 1-3; SJR 1-16; SR 1-4; SB 1-12
3182002SB 13-19
3192002SB 20-37
3202002SB 38-59
3212002SB 60-94
3222002SB 95-117
3232002SB 118-122
3242002SB 122
3252002SB 123-152
3262002SB 153-175
3272002SB 176-201
3282002Abandoned Files; FL0008-FL0119
3292002Abandoned Files; FL0200-FL0582
3302002Abandoned Files; FL 0583-FL0927
33120021st Special Session: HCR 101; HB 1001-1009; SJR 101-102; SB 1001-1006
33220022nd, 3rd, and 4th Special Sessions: HCR 201-203; HB 2001-2007; SJR 101-102; SCR 201; SB 2001-2009; HB 3001; SB 3001; HB 4001, SB 4001-4002
33320025th Special Session: HJR 501-502; HB 2001-2015; SB 2001-5013
33420026th Special Session: HCR 601; HB 6001-6007; SB 6001-6005
3352002Special Sessions 1-6: Abandoned Files
3362003HCR 1-15; HJR 1-28; HR 1-10; HB 1
3372003HB 3-22
3382003HB 23-58
3392003HB 59-96
3402003HB 97-128
3412003HB 129-161
3422003HB 162
3432003HB 162
3442003HB 163-189
3452003HB 190-236
3462003HB 237-250
3472003HB 251-290
3482003HB 291-346
3492003HB 347-374
3502003SCR 1-7; SJR 1-12; SR 1-7; SB 1-19
3512003SB 20-24
3522003SB 25-52
3532003SB 53-64
3542003SB 65-91
3552003SB 92-131
3562003SB 132-147
3572003SB 147-150
3582003SB 151-156
3592003SB 153
3602003SB 153
3612003SB 153
3622003SB 157-176
3632003SB 177-212
3642003SB 213-254
3652003Abandoned Files: FL0001-0288
3662003Abandoned Files: FL0290-0975
3672004Special Sessions 1-4
3682004Special Sessions 1-4
3692004HCR 1-16; HJR 1-26; HR 1-11; HB 1-16
3702004HB 17-31
3712004HB 32-51
3722004HB 52-88
3732004HB 88-110
3742004HB 111-127
3752004HB 133
3762004HB 140-158
3772004HB 159-194
3782004HB 195-225
3792004HB 226-244
3802004HB 245-263
3812004HB 264-272
3822004HB 273
3832004HB 274-301
3842004HB 302-323
3852004HB 324-370
3862004SCR 1-6; SJR 1-11; SR 1-3; SB 1-18
3872004SB 19-31
3882004SB 32-49
3892004SB 50-57
3902004SB 58
3912004SB 59-89
3922004SB 90-108
3932004SB 109-131
3942004SB 132-155
3952004SB 156-168
3962004SB 169-177
3972004SB 178-194
3982004SB 195-221
3992004SB 222-251
4002004Abandoned Files
4012004Abandoned Files
4022004Abandoned Files
4032005HCR 1-13; HJR 1-12; HR 1-12; HB 1-9
4042005HB 10-17
4052005HB 18-28
4062005HB 29-56
4072005HB 57-88
4082005HB 89-108
4092005HB 109-121
4102005HB 122-152
4112005HB 153-179
4122005HB 180-201
4132005HB 202-219
4142005HB 220-249
4152005HB 250-263
4162005HB 264-283
4172005HB 284-317
4182005HB 302
4192005HB 318
4202005HB 319-348
4212005HB 349-382
4222005SCR 1-11; SJR 1-20; SR 1; SB 1-5
4232005SB 5
4242005SB 6-22
4252005SB 23-25
4262005SB 26-36
4272005SB 37-51
4282005SB 52-64
4292005SB 60
4302005SB 60
4312005SB 65-100
4322005SB 101-118
4332005SB 119-152
4342005SB 153-171
4352005SB 172-179
4362005SB 180-193
4372005SB 194-224
4382005SB 225-239
4422005HJR 101; HB 1001-1011; SB 1001-1004; HCR201; HR 2001; SB 2001; Special Session 1 and 2
4432005S10007; S10013; Abandoned Files
4442006HCR 1-6
4452006HB 1-16
4462006HB 17-38
4472006HB 39-53
4482006HB 54-74
4492006HB 75-99
4502006HB 100-108
4512006HB 109-128
4522006HB 129-145
4532006HB 146-158
4542006HB 159-173
4552006HB 174-192
4562006HB 193-233
4572006HB 234-268
4582006HB 269-295
4592006HB 296-331
4602006HB 332-352
4612006HB 353
4622006HB 354
4632006HB 354
4642006HB 355-395
4652006HB 396-456
4662006HB 457-463
4672006SCR 1-5; SJR 1-11; SR 1-3
4682006SB 1-15
4692006SB 16-29
4702006SB 30-35
4712006SB 36-42
4722006SB 43-58
4732006SB 59-76
4742006SB 77-98
4752006SB 99-123
4762006SB 124-144
4772006SB 145-169
4782006SB 170-182
4792006SB 183-205
4802006SB 196
4812006SB 206-241
4822006SB 233
4832006SB 234-242
4842006SB 243-270
4852006HJR 301; HB 3001-3005; SCR 301-302; SB 3001-3008
4862006SB 4001-4002
4872006SB 5001-5002; HJR 501; HB 5001
4912006S30002-S30015; S50002; S40001-S40015; 3rd, 4th, and 5th Special Sessions; Abandoned Files
4922007HCR 1-2
4932007HB 1-25
4942007HB 26-35
4952007HB 36-47
4962007HB 48-64
4972007HB 65
4982007HB 65
4992007HB 65
5002007HB 65
5012007HB 65
5022007HB 66-95
5032007HB 96-115
5042007HB 116-132
5052007HB 133-151
5062007HB 152-158
5072007HB 159-166
5082007HB 167-207
5092007HB 208-236
5102007HB 237-254
5112007HB 255-275
5122007HB 276-291
5132007HB 292-313
5142007HB 314-332
5152007HB 333-365
5162007HB 340
5172007HB 340
5182007HB 366-386
5192007HB 378
5202007HB 387-413
5212007HB 141-443
5222007HB 444-473
5232007SCR 1-3
5242007SB 1-18
5252007SB 19-37
5262007SB 38-56
5272007SB 57-74
5282007SB 75-90
5292007SB 91-103
5302007SB 104-132
5312007SB 133-161
5322007SB 162-177
5332007SB 178-198
5342007SB 199-204
5352007SB 205
5362007SB 206-232
5372007SB 223
5382007SB 233-250
5392007SB 251-277
5402007SB 1001; SJR 101
5442007FL0462; S10007