
Division of Archives and Records Service

Spotlight On: Logan City's Records Management Committee

Joseph Sharp
June 9, 2015





Logan City’s Records Management Committee

The Records Management Committee of Logan City is enthusiastic about records management!

The 17 member committee met in April at the prompting of Teresa Harris, City Recorder, to discuss the city’s records management program. Thirteen departments are represented on the city’s Records Management Committee, and all are committed to the efficiency and success of managing the city’s record information.

Together this team of records managers challenged each other to increase the efficiency of their work by compiling a complete records inventory for their department by June 30th. At least 2 departments have completed this challenge well in advance of the deadline.

After completing the city-wide inventory the Records Management Committee will work together to identify duplication in record keeping, updating retention schedules, and identifying record custodians. All of which will help them increase efficiency in operations and transparency to the public that they serve.

We at the Archives are impressed with Logan City and congratulate them on their forward-looking and energy!


Front row
Meredith Newsome—police, Kirsti Kjome—police, Kimberly Miller—police, Kim Nate—public works

Middle row
Dixie Swenson—light and power, Becky Youngberg—fire, Debbie Zilles—community development, Heather Knowles—human resources

Back row
Brooke Christiansen—public works, Maria Tena—community development, Jalayne Hatch—parks and recreation, Toni Barson—finance, Christine Willie—environmental, Stacy Christoffersen—community development, Sylvia Tibbitts—legal, Teresa Harris—administration