
Division of Archives and Records Service

2024 Year in Review

Lauren Katz
January 14, 2025

As we turn the page to a new year at the Utah State Archives, we’re taking a moment to celebrate the remarkable strides we made in 2024. From expanding access to Utah’s public records to supporting agencies statewide, our efforts are rooted in a shared commitment to preserving and managing the state’s history for the benefit of all Utahns. Let’s dive into some highlights from the past twelve months.

  • Processed over 184 cubic feet of historical records for enhanced public access.
  • Added over 64,000 new images to the Digital Archives, bringing the overall total number of items available online for 24/7 access to 1.8 million records!
  • Reformatted over 1.6 million images of permanent records.
  • Identified and transferred 405 gigabytes of digital information from government agencies for permanent preservation and access.
  • Conducted 121 site visits to governmental agencies around the state to share and grow knowledge and skills around the management and preservation of records.
  • Created 21 new finding aids and updated an additional 247. 
  • Answered over 2,500 public reference requests through our Reference Room.
  • Mediated 65 record disputes with the help of the Government Records Ombudsman.
  • Certified 1,250 records officers across the state who manage and provide access to their agency’s records.
  • Received over 8,100 boxes of inactive records from Utah’s governmental agencies for storage in our State Records Center.
  • Mentored 8 interns through our competitive, paid internship program.

As we look ahead to 2025, we’re energized by the possibilities on the horizon. Every box we process, every record we preserve, and every question we answer builds on the foundation we’ve carefully laid over the years. We remain dedicated to ensuring Utah’s public records continue to serve the needs of its citizens—today and for generations to come. Here’s to another year of collaboration, innovation, and preservation!