Department of Community and Culture. Economic Development. Women's Bureau

Entity: 1636
Entity Type: State Government


The creation of the Utah Economic Development Women's Bureau was announced on 28 July 1989 by Governor Norman H. Bangerter. The mission of the bureau is to help women get into higher paying jobs, increase the number of women employers, and enhance the position of women employees, thus spurring an overall increase in wages throughout Utah.

Biography/History Notes

The purpose of the bureau is to study the implications of women's employment on the economic development of the state. The bureau's research will focus on improving women's skills and training and in developing successful small businesses. The goal of this research is to establish legislative and policy directives to help close the wage, training, and skills gaps between men and women. These resources will also be utilized by the Governor's Commission for Women and Families (#1760). The bureau will also implement the Woman-to-Woman network, which is intended to assist women who move to Utah to do business or because their husbands have relocated.

The bureau operates within the Department of Community and Economic Development (UTSVH00181-A). A director appointed by the Governor supervises bureau activity, assisted by a volunteer ad hoc committee of businesswomen.