Series 24205

Governor (2021- : Cox)

Proclamations, 1884.

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Schedule Description

This printed proclamation was issued by Governor Eli H. Murray 18 November 1884 in response to custom and in obedience to the proclamation of the President of the United States setting aside Thursday November 27 as a day of public thanksgiving and prayer. The proclamations were apparently stamped with the state seal and distributed widely by Arthur L. Thomas, Territorial Secretary. This example was transferred back to Utah from South Dakota.

Scope and Content

This printed proclamation was issued by Governor Eli H. Murray 18 November 1884 in response to custom and in obedience to the proclamation of the President of the United States setting aside Thursday November 27 as a day of public thanksgiving and prayer. The proclamations were apparently stamped with the state seal and distributed widely by Arthur L. Thomas, Territorial Secretary. This example was transferred back to Utah from South Dakota.


Received 22 April 2002. Gayla Marie Koerting, Archivist, I.D. Weeks Library, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD posted to the Archives and Archivists Listserv an offer of Thanksgiving proclamations from 35 states including Utah. Arlene Schmuland, patron services archivist, Utah State Archives, asked for Utah's.

Archivally processed by A.C. Cone 24 April 2002. It was decided not to microfilm the series unless unanticipated reference demand indicated the necessity.

Additional proclamations were added to a broadened series scope by Alan Barnett in June 2017.