Series 28753

Lynndyl (Utah) Resolutions, 1979-2007.

0.20 cubic foot

These records are housed in the Utah State Archives' permanent storage room.

Historical Note

See history of the records' creator.

Summary of Records

This series contains resolutions passed by the Town Council. Resolutions are typically used to make formal statements of a decision, to express an opinion, or to set policy for the town. Resolutions document such decisions as adopting a municipal budget, establishing fees charged for municipal services, establishing policies and guidelines, formalizing agreements, and regulating the use and operation of municipal property (UCA 10-3-717 (1997)).

Scope and Content

This series contains resolutions passed by the Town Council. Resolutions are typically used to make formal statements of a decision, to express an opinion, or to set policy for the town. Resolutions document such decisions as adopting a municipal budget, establishing fees charged for municipal services, establishing policies and guidelines, formalizing agreements, and regulating the use and operation of municipal property (UCA 10-3-717 (1997)).

Research Note

When records in this series were microfilmed in 2015, no records could be found that dated before 1979.  Since the town incorporated in 1945 it is likely that resolutions from earlier years are missing.  It is also likely that some resolutions may be missing from later years as well.


Chronological by adoption date.

Access Restrictions

This series is classified as Public.

Use Restrictions

These records are available for reproduction and use.

Preferred Citation

Cite the Utah State Archives and Records Service, the creating agency name, the series title, and the series number.

Custody History

Lynndyl Town transferred records in this series dating from 1979-2007 to the State Archives in November 2016.

Acquisition Information

These records were acquired from the creating agency through established retention schedules.

Processing Information

Records in this series dating from 1979 - 2007 were processed and microfilmed in 2015 and the originals were returned to the Town. Digital copies of the microfilm were processed by Alan Barnett in October 2015.

Related Material

Council minutes from Lynndyl (Utah), Series 28704, contain minute of the meetings in which the resolutions in this series were adopted.
Ordinances from Lynndyl (Utah), Series 28719, contain various ordinances documenting laws adopted by the town council.

Indexing Terms

Container List
