Appeal and Mediation Rights

Transparency Services

Rights When Appealing

Under Utah Code §63G-2-402, you have the right to appeal this decision to the State Records Committee under Utah Code §63G-2-403 or to the district court under Utah Code §63G-2-404. An appeal must be filed within 30 days from the date of the denial.

Under Utah Code § 63A-12-111, you also have the right to request the Government Records Ombudsman mediate any dispute concerning access denial. If you seek mediation, the time to file a notice of appeal as described above will be suspended from the date of your request for mediation until the date the Government Records Ombudsman certifies in writing that mediation is concluded or did not occur due to lack of consent.

A request for mediation should be directed to:

Monica Minaya
Government Records Ombudsman
346 S. Rio Grande Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84101-1106
Phone: (385) 227-1226
Email: [email protected]

An appeal to the State Records Committee should be sent to the mailing or email address below (email is preferred), and a copy must be sent to [your entity’s name] at the same time:

Rebekkah Shaw
Executive Secretary of the State Records Committee
346 S. Rio Grande Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84101-1106
Phone: 385-386-1955
E-mail: [email protected]