Certification and Training

Records and Information Management

Required by law

Appointed records officers are required by law to "successfully complete online training and obtain certification from state archives” on an annual basis (Utah Code 63G-2-108).

An appointed records officer is “the individual appointed by the chief administrative officer... to work with state archives in the care, maintenance, scheduling, designation, classification, disposal, and preservation of records” (Utah Code 63G-2-103(27)).


Records officers certify by completing the interactive Records Access (GRAMA) Essentials training, or by passing the Records and Information Management Essentials assessment. Either option counts for certification.

Begin certification
online certification using a laptop

Records Access (GRAMA) Essentials training

Records officers who handle GRAMA requests should take this training.

This is an interactive training comprising sections of study followed by scenario-based learning assessments. You'll be guided through each scenario and receive feedback explaining why an answer is correct or not. Plan to spend 1-4 hours to complete this training the first time.

Records and Information Management (RIM) Essentials assessment

Records officers who manage records should take this test.

This is a traditional, open-book test about records and information management basics such as retention schedules, roles and responsibilities, and legal requirements. Plan to spend 1-2 hours. A score of 75% or higher is required to pass; you may retake the test as many times as needed.

Accessing the test

For help logging in or accessing the test, please contact [email protected] or call (801) 531-3863.

How to access the certification test


Find upcoming events on our EventBrite page. All events are free to attend, but may require registration. 

We have a large video vault of virtual trainings on our YouTube page from both live events and online training. Try these playlists:

To request in-agency training, please contact your Records and Information Management specialist.