Agency-Specific Retention Schedules
Retention Schedules
How to find your agency's schedules?
Different types of government agencies have different requirements for retaining records and maintaining retention schedules. Some agencies' retention schedules are documented within State Archives' system, while other agencies maintain their retention schedules independently.
This page links to most types of retention schedules utilized by Utah government agencies, though local agencies may maintain their schedules internally.
Look up your agency's retention schedules
Search or browse for your agency by name to see all retention schedules set up with State Archives.
When searching, if your agency doesn't appear, try using fewer words or a different combination of words.
The browse list is updated each year in May. If you don't see your entity on this list, please contact your Records and Information Management specialist.

Look up a retention schedule by series number
Enter a series number here to view the retention schedule. If you don't have the series number and would like help finding it, please contact your Records and Information Management specialist.
Education retention schedules
View the Utah Board of Education's retention schedules, also known as the Utah Records Appraisal and Management Program (RAMP).
Court retention schedules
View the Utah State Court Records Retention Schedule.
Legislature retention schedules
View the Legislative Records Retention Schedule.
Governor's Office & Lt. Governor's retention schedules
View the retention schedules for the Office of the Governor (see Appendix A) and the Lieutenant Governor's Office.
Agency general retention schedules
Some state agencies have general retention schedules specially approved for use by their own department or division.