Capitol Commission Capitol Design Competition Renderings

Digital Archives

About the Collection

In order to select an architect to design Utah's State Capitol building, the Capitol Commission sponsored a design competition. Architects who wished to participate were required to demonstrate that they possessed the necessary expertise by submitting examples of their work.

Drawing of proposed capitol building design from early 20th century

Capitol Commission Capitol design competition renderings

Series 1134

In order to select an architect to design Utah's State Capitol building, the Capitol Commission sponsored a design competition. This series includes the rules for the design contest, photographic examples of work done by interested architects, booklets and photographs showing the proposed capitol designs submitted by various competitors, and a sampling of the Programs of Competition returned by architects who intended to enter the competition.

Page Last Updated September 28, 2016.

About this Collection
Originally published in October 2016. Digitized by Jim Kichas and Rod Swaner. Metadata by Gina Strack.