Colorado River Records

Research Guides

About the Records

The Utah State Archives holds many records that document the state’s ongoing planning and management of the Colorado River over the course of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Map of western United States showing watershed of Upper Colorado River
Food for the Future

Colorado River Records

The following records relate directly to the various activities undertaken by state and local governmental entities in Utah with regard to developing and managing the Colorado River.

Central Utah Project Records

Water rights are foundational to the ongoing management of the Colorado River. These rights are adjudicated by federal and state courts. In Utah, records of water right decisions are most often found in civil case files of District Courts on the county level. Select a county to link to a list of district court records, including civil case files.

Water Rights Records

Water rights are foundational to the ongoing management of the Colorado River. These rights are adjudicated by federal and state courts. In Utah, records of water right decisions are most often found in civil case files of District Courts on the county level. Select a county to link to a list of district court records, including civil case files.

Page Last Updated July 16, 2024.

About this Guide
Written by James Kichas and originally published in July 2020.