Secretary of State Trademark Records
Digital Archives
About the Collection
This series is a chronological list of the trademarks filed with the Secretary of State. Each registration consists of the mark number assigned, the date of filing, the name or device being registered, the registering body, and the product upon which the mark is to be used. Collection also includes one book of samples that were intended to act as a pictorial index to non-textual or graphic marks not easily described for the alphabetically arranged indexes.
The last register was technically kept by the Lieutenant Governor, which took over the responsibilities of the Secretary of State in 1976, but the volumes still include "Secretary of State" at the top of each page. In 1985, the Division of Corporations took over trademark registration and continue to do so today.
We have indexed the company names and products trademarked for searching.
Lieutenant Governor Trademarks registers
This series is a chronological list of the trademarks filed with the Secretary of State. Each registration consists of the mark number assigned, the date of filing, the name or device being registered, the registering body, and the product upon which the mark is to be used.
Secretary of State Trademark samples
These samples were intended to act as a pictorial index to non-textual or graphic marks not easily described for the alphabetically arranged indexes.