Department of Natural Resources
Biography/History Notes
The mission of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is: "To sustain and enhance the quality of life for people today and tomorrow, through the coordinated and balanced stewardship of our natural resources."
Purpose: "To preserve, protect, and develop the natural resources of the state of Utah." (From "Capitol Connections" newsletter, volume 1, issue 6, October 1993, page 4.)
"The department is headed by an executive director who is appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. This executive director may be removed at the will of the governor. He or she is responsible for administering the department and effecting coordination and cooperation among the various boards and divisions included in the department. He also appoints the directors of the various divisions with the concurrence of the board having policy authority for the division and administers federal aid programs with natural resources." (From "State and Local Government in Utah," 1992 ed., page 177.)
"The Department of Natural Resources includes a number of policy boards, an advisory council and the following operating divisions: (1) water rights, (2) water resources, (3) state lands and forestry, (4) oil, gas, and mining, (5) parks and recreation, (6) wildlife resources, and (7) geological survey." (From "State and Local Government in Utah," 1992 ed., p. 177.)?Functions of the Division of Energy were divided in 1993. The Office of Energy and Resource Planning, which remains in the Department of Natural Resources, retained programs related to utility policy, economic and policy analysis, energy system engineering in state facilities, and renewable energy development. Federal conservation and state alternative fuel programs were placed within the Division of Community Development of the Department of Community and Economic Development.