Constitutional Convention (1895) State Constitution
Digital Archives
About the Collection
This series is the official or "engrossed" copy of the Utah State Constitution adopted by the Constitutional Convention in 1895.

Constitutional Convention (1895) State Constitution
This series is the official or "engrossed" copy of the Utah State Constitution adopted by the Constitutional Convention in 1895. The Convention met to draft a constitution from 4 March to 8 May 1895. As the convention was considering final changes to the proposed constitution it was decided to have an official copy made "without blot, erasure or interlineation, on parchment sheets, 11 x 17" to be signed by members of the convention. Engrossing clerk Joseph A. Smith completed the engrossed copy by 8 May, when it was submitted to the convention.
1896 Constitution Text
Our exhibit "Utah's Road to Statehood" is no longer online. The text of the original constitution was a popular resource and may now be downloaded in two convenient formats.

J. Willard Marriott Library Partnership
Images or other content in this collection created in partnership with J. Willard Marriott Library from the enduring historical records of the Utah State Archives.

Page Last Updated January 4, 2011.
About this Collection
Originally published in January 2011. Digitized by Marriott Library. Metadata by Gina Strack.