Governor Bangerter

Research Guides

1985-1993, Republican

About the Bangerter Administration

Norman H. Bangerter was elected governor in 1984. He served two terms leaving office in 1993. He was the first Republican governor elected in Utah in twenty years. Norman Bangerter entered politics in 1974, running first for a seat in the Utah House of Representatives. He unseated a Democrat and went on to serve four more terms before being elected governor. During this time he was Assistant Majority Whip, Majority Leader, and Speaker of the House. As Governor he chose to face issues head on and did not shy away from difficulties.

A keystone of the Bangerter administration was to encourage business-oriented government, focusing on ways government could help economic growth. Efforts were made to bring new firms to the state, and Governor Bangerter was a proponent of the newly established Utah Technology Finance Corporation that provided start-up funding to incipient high technology businesses. Layoffs at Geneva Steel and Kennecott Copper attracted the attention of state government including the focus of several job training programs to provide laid-off workers with new skills. Bangerter focused on improving the state's educational system. He significantly increased education funds and initiated statewide uniform student testing. Governor Bangerter also believed in the efficiency of government and fought to reduce the size and cost of state government. The rising water of the Great Salt Lake and other environmental issues were also concerns for Governor Bangerter. Norman H. Bangerter announced he would not seek a third term and in 1993 retired to private life.

Powell, Allan Kent, ed. Utah History Encyclopedia. Norman H. Bangerter, by Michael Christensen. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1994.

Cone, Alice Colleen and Steven R. Wood. Guide to Governor Norman H. Bangerter's Records. Salt Lake City: Utah State Archives, 1995.

History of Bangerter Administration
Biography of Norman Howard Bangerter
Portrait by E. Keith Eddington from the Utah State Capitol

Records of Governor Bangerter

Governor Bangerter  
ALERT Foundation records, 1986-1991 Series 85249
Campaign clippings, 1988 Series 22500
Capital for a day records, 1985-1992 Series 22508
Chief of Staff correspondence, 1984-1992 Series 12412
Correspondence, 1984-1992 Series 12413
Declarations, 1985-1993 Series 8582
Economic development records, 1984-1988 Series 12429
Education records, 1987-1992 Series 12410
Executive assistant's records, 1987-1988 Series 12420
Executive secretary's records, 1962-1986 Series 11567
First lady's correspondence, 1984-1992 Series 12409
First lady's speeches, 1985-1992 Series 13372
First lady's subject files, 1984-1989 Series 22003
Legislative action binders, 1986-1991 Series 22485
Legislative case files, 1985-1992 Series 8583
News clippings, 1984-1992 Series 11903
Office correspondence, 1984-1992 Series 85075
Opinion ballots, 1989-1992 Series 12411
Press releases, 1984-1992 Series 13698
Press secretary's records, 1984-1992 Series 10180
Schedules, 1984-1993 Series 85248
Significant issues correspondence, 1985-1993 Series 12415
Speeches and official statements, 1984-1992 Series 8581
Thank you letters, 1984-1992 Series 12414
Washington office records, 1985-1992 Series 9394
Page Last Updated May 29, 2002.