Governor Rampton

Research Guides

1965-1977, Democrat

About the Rampton Administration

Calvin L. Rampton was Utah's eleventh governor, serving three terms from 1965 to 1977. During the campaign, Rampton had outlined two important issues that would become keystones of his legacy - industrial development in Utah and the promotion of tourism in the state. Rampton also saw the desperate need to devote more resources to Utah public schools, and to initiate an expanded state building program that anticipated the demands placed upon higher education institutions by a rapidly maturing boomer population. He established the Industrial Promotion Council and the Travel Council in order to promote industrial and recreational opportunities in Utah. Rampton also initiated civil rights legislation with state bills that complied with the federal Public Accommodations Act and the Fair Employment Practice Act. In addition, Rampton developed the Commission on the Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government (Little Hoover Commission) to consolidate and stream-line Utah state government operations.

In his final months in office, Rampton also dealt with the controversial issue of capital punishment. Gary Gilmore, a convicted murderer, had been sentenced to be executed. Although Gilmore himself expressed his wish to die, Rampton, due to intense controversy surrounding the issue, stayed Gilmore's execution until the board of pardons had time to review Gilmore's case. The case was reviewed, the use of capital punishment accepted, and Gilmore was executed on January 17, 1977, two weeks after Rampton left office.

Rampton, Calvin L. As I Recall. eds. Floyd A. O'Neil and Gregory C. Thompson. Salt Lake City, Utah: University of Utah Press, 1989.

History of Rampton Administration
Biography of Calvin Lewellyn Rampton
Portrait by Alvin L. Gittins from the Utah State Capitol

Records of Governor Rampton

Governor Rampton  
Appointment books and schedules, 1965-1976 Series 20734
Board and commission appointment files, 1952-1973 Series 20840
Board and commission appointment log, 1961-1969 Series 20839
Board of Examiners records, 1965-1976 Series 503
Budget records, 1965-1973 Series 17589
Constituent correspondence, 1970-1976 Series 20905
Correspondence, 1964-1976 Series 13856
County trip records, 1965-1971 Series 20902
Democratic party records, 1940-1942, 1962-1977 Series 1260
Energy task force records, 1975-1976 Series 23553
Executive orders, 1965-1976 Series 20733
Executive secretary's records, 1962-1968 Series 11567
Extradition case files, 1963-1976 Series 1599
Federal correspondence, 1964-1976 Series 20913
Federal program records, 1971-1976 Series 23521
Governor's prayer breakfast records, 1962-1976 Series 20916
Governor-elect records, 1960-1964 Series 225
Great Salt Lake development hearing records, 1962-1965 Series 20918
Interstate conference and commission records, 1963-1977 Series 5638
Issues correspondence, 1967-1976 Series 20904
Judicial appointment files, 1957-1976 Series 20841
Legislative bill records, 1963-1976 Series 17586
Lucybeth Rampton's portrait, no date Series 11977
Medical malpractice insurance evaluation committee records, 1975 Series 20917
Outgoing correspondence, 1965-1977 Series 17581
Patriot's Day celebration scrapbook, 1967 Series11931
Photographs, 1965-1973 Series 20906
Proclamations and declarations, 1964-1976 Series 17582
Publicity files and official memoranda, 1964-1976 Series 20907
Speeches, 1964-1976 Series 17587
State agency correspondence, 1960-1976 Series 14250

Page Last Updated November 27, 2002.