Governor Woods

Research Guides


About the Woods Administration

George Lemuel Woods served as governor of Utah Territory after serving one term as governor of Oregon. President Ulysess S. Grant appointed him in 1871. As with the previous two governors, Woods had issues with the Nauvoo Legion. He felt they were a threat to the federal government. He was leery of the broad power of the probate courts and pushed for the abolition of polygamy. He called for further development of the territory including free public schools, improvement in irrigation, and further railroad development. He was not reappointed and returned to Oregon.

Powell, Allan Kent, ed. Utah History Encyclopedia. Territorial Governors, by Miriam B. Murphy. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1994.

History of Woods Administration
Biography of George Lemuel Woods
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Records of Governor Woods

There are no records at the Utah State Archives. You may search for related records and papers held by other repositories in Social Networks and Archival Context. Territorial records may be available in the National Archives.

Page Last Updated May 29, 2002.