Decisions & Orders
State Records Committee
Outcomes After Appeal Hearings
The State Records Committee issues the decisions and orders after appeal hearings have been held. Below you’ll find a table of all decisions, sorted in newest-first order. Click the Chronological Key header to sort by oldest-first order.
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Chronological Key | Link to Cases | Case Title/Participants | Records Sought | Ruling | Court Case | Court Links | |
1 | | 92-01 | Salt Lake Tribune vs. Utah Dept. of Transportation | Traffic accident database | Appeal partially granted | ||
2 | | 92-02 | Deseret News vs. Utah Dept. of Public Safety, Driver's License Division | Driving records [fee waiver] | Appeal denied | ||
3 | | 93-01 | Randy T. Nielsen vs. Utah Dept. of Natural Resources | Hunting and fishing licenses | Appeal granted | ||
4 | | 93-02 | John Pace vs. Dept. of Corrections | Monitoring of inmate phone calls | Appeal granted | ||
5 | | 93-03 | James N. Haywood vs. Utah Dept. of Corrections | Records relating to criminal charges | Appeal denied | ||
6 | | 93-04 | Sue Cherry vs. Utah State University | Tenure retention records | Appeal granted | ||
7 | | 93-05 | Kenneth L. Gray vs. Dept. of Human Resources | Records regarding a meeting | Appeal denied | ||
8 | | 93-06 | Equifax Services, Inc. vs. Utah Dept. of Public Safety, Driver's License Division | Drivers license database | Appeal granted | ||
9 | | 93-07 | ACLU vs. O. Lane McCotter, executive director of the Utah Dept. of Corrections | Information regarding new inmate phone system | Appeal denied | ||
10 | | 94-01 | Karl William Winsness vs. Salt Lake City Corporation | Police "no knock - no announce warrants," "high risk arrests and searches," and "major incident responses." | Appeal denied | ||
11 | | 94-02 | Julian Dean Hatch vs. Utah State Div. of Parks and Recreation | Records regarding archeological digs and research done at Coombs site, Anasazi State Park | Appeal denied | ||
12 | | 94-03 | Salt Lake City vs. Utah Dept. of Employment Security | Number of employees for each business | Appeal granted | ||
13 | | 94-04 | Deseret News vs. University of Utah | Cold fusion licensing documents | Appeal denied | ||
14 | | 94-05 | Linda A. Watson vs. Utah Dept. of Human Services, Offices of Liability Management | Resolution Assistance Committee report regarding petitioner's minor children | Appeal partially granted | ||
15 | | 94-06 | Michael R. Weibel vs. Logan City | Police report and city agreement | Appeal partially granted | ||
16 | | 94-07 | Linda A. Watson vs Utah Dept. of Human Resources, Division of Family Services | Records relating to petitioner's children | Appeal denied | ||
17 | | 94-08 | William Remine vs. Utah Dept. of Corrections | Policies, a list of inmates, and a list of staff | Appeal partially granted | ||
18 | | 94-09 | Sassy M. Fink and KSTU vs. Utah State Hospital | Medical records and investigation records of an injury-causing incident | Appeal partially granted | ||
19 | | 94-10 | William Remine vs. Utah Dept. of Corrections | Records regarding Appellant that are classified as "protected." | Appeal denied | ||
20 | | 94-11 | William Remine vs. Utah Dept. of Corrections | Records of the Board of Pardons regarding Appellant that are classified as "protected." | Appeal denied | ||
21 | | 94-12 | Abigail W. Delfausse vs. Utah State University | Appellant's personnel file classified "protected." | Appeal granted | ||
22 | | 94-13 | United Television Inc., a Delaware Corporation, aba KTVX Channel 4 vs. Board of Pardons and Parole | Video tape regarding assault of Howard W. Hunter | Appeal denied | ||
23 | | 94-14 | Thomas R. Garcia vs. Utah Dept. of Corrections | Fee waiver for medical records | Appeal granted | ||
24 | | 94-15 | Linda A. Watson vs. Utah Dept. of Human Services, Division of Family Services | Two letters from Dr. Kevin Gully (a supervising therapist for minor children of petitioner) and a complete unredacted letter of a third party. | Appeal denied | ||
25 | | 94-16 | Salt Lake City vs. Industrial Commission of Utah | Records relating to LaMar C. Macklin in the Matter of LaMar C. Macklin v. Salt Lake City Corporation before the UADD | Appeal granted | ||
26 | | 94-17 | Roger E. Penman vs. Utah Dept. of Corrections | Supplemental Reports and Investigative Reports concerning a disciplinary case | Appeal denied | ||
27 | | 95-01 | Clifton W. Panos vs. Utah State Tax Commission | Filings in the case before Appellant Commission, identified as Appeal # 94-1317, World-Wide Men's Missionary Fellowship, petitioner -- Salt Lake County Board of Equalization, respondent | Appeal granted | ||
28 | | 95-02 | L. Chris Carter vs. University of Utah | Patient schedules, patient care plans and hemo dialysis flow sheets | Appeal granted with limitations | ||
29 | | 95-03 | Walter E. Brantzeg vs. Utah Dept. of Corrections | Psychological Results from Personality Inventories, and I.Q. tests given by the Prison or Medical/Psychology department | Appeal denied | ||
30 | | 95-04 | Stephen E. Hughes vs. Utah Division of Investigation | All records relating to Appellant | Appeal denied | ||
31 | | 95-05 | Lance T. Wilkerson vs. Auditing Division, Utah State Tax Commission | Manuals, policy statements and other materials on the conduct of audits in general and not as to any specific audit | Appeal partially granted | ||
32 | | 95-06 | Herald Journal vs. Utah State University | Copies of contracts Appellee has with Larry Eustachy and John L. Smith | Appeal granted | ||
33 | | 95-07 | A-1 Disposal vs. Davis County Solid Waste Management and Energy Recovery Special Service District | Records regarding haulers of waste | Appeal granted | ||
34 | | 95-08 | Dolores Ruvalcaba vs. Utah Dept. of Corrections | Medical and prison records of Edward Lujan | Appeal granted | ||
35 | | 95-09 | Salt Lake Tribune vs. Utah Division of Risk Management | Documents pertaining to the claims reflected on [an] attached list ... including but not limited to, claim forms or any other paperwork filed pertaining to the claims, and any and all settlement documents | Appeal denied | ||
36 | | 95-10 | Kim and Nancy Julian, Philip and Ram Roundy vs. University of Utah Medical Center and Intermountain Tissue Center | Policies relating to the production of documents pursuant to GRAMA; records of treatment and care provided for Spencer Roundy and Kevin Julian; and information regarding pericardial implants and tissues | Appeal granted | ||
37 | | 96-01 | Paul Harris vs. Div. of Occupational and Professional Licensing, Utah Dept. of Commerce | Three complaints, including names signatures, addresses and phone numbers | Appeal denied | ||
38 | | 96-02 | Robert O. Strange vs. Utah Dept. of Corrections | Information related to a background investigation of Petitioner | Appeal denied | ||
39 | | 96-03 | Michael Brian Whiteman vs. Utah Dept. of Corrections | Copy of the IR1 form that is in the petitioner's file regarding a certain disciplinary matter | Appeal denied | ||
40 | | 96-04 | Walter J. Thomas vs. Utah Dept. of Corrections | Medical and psychological records pertaining to Petitioner | Appeal denied | ||
41 | | 97-01 | Gregory M. Bedard vs. Utah Dept. of Corrections | All policies in the A and F manuals of Policies and Procedures of Respondent | Appeal granted with conditions | ||
42 | | 97-02 | Society of Professional Journalists vs. Utah State Board of Regents | Records containing personally-identifiable information related to the University of Utah presidential search applicants or nominees | Appeal denied | ||
43 | | 97-03 | Joseph W. O'Keefe vs. Utah State Retirement Systems | Records related to the base number of work hours per week for firefighters for purposes of the State Retirement System and related to lobbying on behalf on the Retirement Systems | Appeal denied | ||
44 | | 98-01 | KSL vs. Juab County Sheriff's Dept. | Jail booking photograph of James Penrod | Appeal granted | ||
45 | | 98-02 | Ellis Dean Hovey vs. Utah Department of Human Services | Address and telephone number of petitioner's son | Appeal granted | ||
46 | | 98-03 | William T. Jacob vs. American Fork City | Records concerning an investigation of the American Fork Police Department | Appeal denied | ||
47 | | 98-04 | William T. Jacob vs. American Fork City | A letter from former Mayor Jess Green to American Fork Police Chief John Durrant, regarding termination of Mr. Durrant's employment as Police Chief | Appeal denied | ||
48 | | 98-05 | Michael A. Sims vs. Utah Education Network | Logs regarding utilization of the Internet by students and school personnel of the public schools in Utah | Appeal granted | ||
49 | | 98-06 | William T. Jacob vs. American Fork City | Records of the investigation of the Police Department 'started by Councilmembers Storrs and McKinney' | Appeal denied | ||
50 | | 98-07 | William T. Jacob vs. American Fork City | Records of communications between a governmental entity and an attorney; attorney work product; and records that would reveal the contents of settlement negotiations | Appeal partially granted | ||
51 | | 98-08 | George E. Brown, Jr. vs. American Fork City | Various contact reports, supplemental police reports, witness statements, prosecutor notes; and correspondence related to the petitioner | Appeal partially granted | ||
52 | | 98-09 | LINCOLN SMITH (Mustafa Abdul Aziz) vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Property confiscation forms | Appeal granted | ||
53 | | 99-01 | Paul Knoll vs. Utah Department of Corrections | List of all incoming, outgoing mail sent to or by petitioner | Appeal granted | ||
54 | | 99-02 | Charles Watkins vs. Utah Department of Corrections | All mental health records Appellee held regarding Appellant | Appeal denied | ||
55 | | 99-03 | Leo T. Dirr vs. Weber State University | Vote tallies and computer log server lists regarding a student election held at Weber State University | Appeal partially granted | ||
56 | | 99-04 | Daniel T. Moquin vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | A copy of the investigation relating to allegations of misconduct of certain other employees of Appellee | Appeal partially granted | ||
57 | | 99-05 | Ernest Chacon vs. Utah Dept. of Corrections | Portions of the investigative report of a certain 1988 incident at the Utah State Prison that reflect what the petitioner told the investigators | Appeal denied | ||
58 | | 99-06 | Blaine Jordan vs. Division of Unclaimed Property Utah State Treasurer | The dollar amount of each item of unclaimed property, described by Appellant as "the value of assets" | Appeal denied | ||
59 | | 99-07 | Julian Hatch vs. Utah School Lands and Institutional Trust Administration | All records between Chris Robinson and the Trust Lands Administration regarding Boulder property; Gibbs Smith's Application (and attachments) to Lease the subject property per a Trust Lands Administration letter to Appellant; and Smith's Request for Confidentiality of Business Records related to the Application | Appeal denied | ||
60 | | 99-08 | Gregory T. Dunn vs. Tooele City | Records of Appellee City that reflect claims against the City | Appeal granted | ||
61 | | 99-09 | Mary Jean Meats vs. Logan City Police Department | Personnel records of petitioner | Appeal partially granted | ||
62 | | 99-10 | Taj N. Becker vs. Utah Dept. of Public Safety | Education record(s)" and "employment record(s)" of a certain named employee of Appellee | Appeal denied | ||
63 | | 99-11 | David E. Schlottman vs. Dept. of Commerce | All records including secret records in petitioner's file | Appeal denied | ||
64 | | 99-12 | Suzanne Pape vs. Utah Dept. of Public Safety | All pre-internal affairs investigation documents requested by [Appellant] and all documents not created or maintained for the internal affairs investigation pertaining to Appellee's investigation of Appellant | Appeal denied | ||
65 | | 99-13 | Penny Atkinson vs. City of West Jordan | Report prepared by Appellee regarding allegations of impropriety brought against petitioner by a co-employee | Appeal denied | ||
66 | | 99-14 | Barbara Haynes vs. Logan City Police Dept. | Grievance tapes of a hearing between petitioner and her supervisor, petitioner's department file and a copy of the Noise Survey Results conducted as a result of [petitioner's] hearing loss | Appeal declared moot | ||
67 | | 99-15 | Cathy Cartwright vs. Utah Dept. of Corrections | Copies of the completed criteria forms for the two CA II positions and the one CA IV position and copies of the completed CA Interview Notes for those same positions | Appeal granted | ||
68 | | 00-01 | DataLister, Inc. vs. Utah Labor Commission | Names of employers required by law to be reported by insurers employers to the State; each such employer's address; each employer's insurer of record; and each employer's insurance policy renewal date | Appeal denied | ||
69 | | 00-02 | Roger Humphries vs. Washington County School District | Two psychological evaluations prepared by doctors who examined Appellant in connection with Appellee's notice of intent to terminate employment | Appeal denied | ||
70 | | 00-03 | Matt Barlow dba Network Electric Inc. vs. Dept. of Commerce | Investigation policy and procedure manual maintained by the Department's Division of Occupational & Professional Licensing | Appeal granted | ||
71 | | none | Mark D. Bergman vs. Labor Commission | Five documents by the Labor Commission which petitioner alleges contained his private information | Findings of fact only | ||
72 | | 00-04 | Robot Aided Manufacturing Center, Inc. dba Explore Information Services vs. Utah Dept. of Public Safety, Division of Driver License | Motor vehicle record information | Appeal granted | Utah Court of Appeals overturned Committee's ruling-May 2005 |,45 |
73 | | 00-05 | Wasatch County Courier, LLC vs. Wasatch County (Utah) | Billing records relating to payments by the County to outside counsel Joseph Dunbeck | Appeal granted | ||
74 | | 00-06 | Kristin M. Cappel vs. University of Utah | Skiing file records, including e-mails and handwritten notes; a self-report to the NCAA; and Initial Academic Eligibility Waiver Applications | Appeal denied | ||
75 | | 00-07 | William Munro vs. Utah Dept. of Corrections | Nine column employee list/roster | Appeal denied | ||
76 | | 00-08 | Deseret News vs. Utah State Tax Commission | Tax lien information on property of candidates seeking public office | Appeal denied | ||
77 | | 00-09 | Adrian Hickey vs. Board of Pardons and Parole | All public decisions and rational sheets that the Board has issued to offenders that came before them on parole hearings | Appeal denied | ||
78 | | 00-10 | People for the USA, Color Country Chapter vs. Kane County | The complete road agreement between the Bureau of Land Management in Kane County, including all supporting documents; minutes from several meetings; current plats and specific descriptions of all county roads existing in Kane County; and a second written opinion from Steve Boyden of the Utah Attorney General's Office concerning the aforementioned road agreement | Appeal granted | ||
79 | | 00-11 | Jess Green vs. American Fork City | All records faxed from American Fork City to private Attorney Kathryn Collard, and received from that attorney | Appeal denied | ||
80 | | 01-01 | Gordon Thomas vs. Utah Dept. of Corrections | List of sex offenders currently housed in the prison | Appeal dismissed | ||
81 | | 01-02 | Associated Press vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Information gathered by the Attorney General during an investigation of the bidding for the 2002 Olympic Winter Games | Appeal granted | ||
82 | | 01-03 | Adrian Hickey vs. Utah Dept. of Corrections | Petitioner's strip cell logs and recreation out-of-cell-time logs; and also copies of twenty-four (24) Utah Department of Corrections contracts | Appeal denied | ||
83 | | 01-04 | Michael John Bixby vs. Dept. of Admin. Service-Division of Risk Management | All reports, accident reports, letters, memorandum, and other documents produced or maintained by the Utah Department of Corrections regarding the automobile accident of a prisoner transport van | Appeal denied | ||
84 | | 01-05 | Barbara Schwarz vs. Dept. of Human Services-Division of Mental Health | All records pertaining to petitioner | Appeal granted | ||
85 | | 01-06 | U.S. Chamber of Commerce and U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Documents pertaining to the selection of outside counsel to represent the State of Utah in tobacco litigation | Appeal granted | ||
86 | | 01-07 | Colorado Legal Services vs. Utah Dept. of Agriculture | Fee waiver | Appeal denied | ||
87 | | 01-08 | Mary Jean Meats vs. Logan City | Copy of a dog license petitioner issued while a city employee; documentation regarding a complaint she made against Amber Anderson for allegedly accessing "a secured police building through the security rear entrance door"; copies of "all investigations rendered on me"; copies of all documents related to a sexual harassment complaint made against her supervisor, including notes of Mark Sorensen, City Attorney; a "complete copy of the Garrity rules and regulations"; and a copy of notes taken by Sgt. Eric Collins "that were made when he was a witness when [Mrs. Meats] filed with Lt. Earl a request for religious accommodation | Appeal partially granted | ||
88 | | 01-09 | William Jacob vs. American Fork City | Records pertaining to commissions paid to Tom Hunter and/or Hunter & Associates by third parties and any documentation of services rendered by Mr. Hunter and/or his firm "to every City department on every Wednesday of each week" | Appeal denied | ||
89 | | 01-10 | Packaging Corp. of America vs. Utah Labor Commission | copy of an OSHA complaint file, number 201550514 | Appeal granted | ||
90 | | 01-11 | William Jacob vs. American Fork City | Records pertaining to American Fork City's August 1997 request for proposals (RFP) for employee benefit consulting services | Appeal granted | ||
91 | | 02-01 | Brent Poll vs. South Weber City | Minutes from a closed meeting | Appeal denied | ||
92 | | 02-02 | Robert Rice vs. Utah Dept. of Corrections | Prison policies and procedures concerning inmate and visitor management and security, including searches and involuntary medical treatment | Appeal denied | ||
93 | | 02-03 | Michael T. McCoy vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Copies of the contract or contracts between the State of Utah and/or the Utah Attorney General's Office and the law firm of Ray, Quinney & Nebeker in which the law firm agrees to provide legal representation in the cases styled Utah Education Association et al, vs. Michael Leavitt, et al | Appeal granted | ||
94 | | 02-04 | Harold Sersland vs. Dept. of Natural Resources-Div. of Wildlife Resources | Data on "guzzler" locations in the Dugway and Thomas mountain ranges of Tooele and Juab counties | Appeal denied | ||
95 | | 02-05 | Disability Law Center vs. Utah Transit Authority | Records concerning wheelchairs and scooters using respondent's paratransit service | Appeal granted | ||
96 | | 02-06 | Mr. Pooper Scooper, Inc. vs. Murray and Sandy City | Home addresses of licensed dog owners | Appeal denied | ||
97 | | 02-07 | Brent Poll vs. South Weber City | Legal opinions of South Weber City's attorney concerning a proposal regarding 1375 East and the City's decision regarding that proposal | Appeal denied | ||
98 | | 02-08 | Adrian Hickey vs. Dept of Corrections | Photographs which were taken of petitioner's tattoos while housed in the prison's Uinta II facility | Appeal denied | ||
99 | | 02-09 | Albert Cramer vs. Murray City | Child witness interview transcripts, police department policies and other documents petitioner believes pertained to his criminal cases | Appeal denied | ||
100 | | 02-10 | Mark Powell vs. Lehi City | Visual and/or audio records of petitioner's visit to the Lehi library 23 Aug 02, including interactions with staff | Appeal denied | ||
101 | | 03-01 | Darren C. Bluemel vs. Dept. of Public Safety | Petitioner's DNA profile maintained by the Department of Public Safety | Appeal granted | ||
102 | | 03-02 | Douglas D. Jones vs. Dept. of Human Services, Office of Recovery Services | All communications between O.R.S. and their legal counsel; all records that show ownership of property, business, stocks, bonds or title to any thing with a monetary value; and all protected and non-protected government information in petitioner's file | Appeal denied | ||
103 | | 03-03 | Kevin Tolton vs. Town of Alta | Various records petitioner maintains are in the Town of Alta's possession | Appeal partially granted | ||
104 | | 03-04 | Inner City Press, Community on the Move & Fair Finance Watch vs. Utah Attorney General | Records related to the recent settlement with Household International, Inc. | Appeal denied | ||
105 | | 03-05 | Brent Poll vs. South Weber City | Records relating to a city council presentation from U.S. Development concerning a potential land transaction involving the city and that company | Appeal granted | ||
106 | | 03-06 | Sean Timothy Hughes vs. Utah Dept. of Corrections | Audio tapes made during nine disciplinary hearings | Appeal granted | ||
107 | | 03-07 | Kevin Tolton vs. Town of Alta | Various documents petitioner maintains are, or should be, in the Town of Alta's possession | Appeal partly granted | ||
108 | | 03-08 | Ricardo Rodriguez vs. Utah Board of Pardons and Parole | Documents used by the Board of Pardons and Parole (the "Board") in petitioner's recent re-determination hearing | Appeal denied | ||
109 | | 03-09 | Robin C. Boon vs. Utah Transit Authority | Handwritten notes of Lorin Simpson and "other documents prepared by Lorin Simpson and Nancy Malecker" concerning appellant's 2002 performance review | Appeal granted | ||
110 | | 03-10 | Frank Medel, Jr. vs. Utah Dept. of Public Safety | All written reports generated by the Utah State Crime Lab in the analysis of physical evidence of specific incidents | Appeal denied | ||
111 | | 03-11 | Jeff Iverson vs. West Bountiful City | Payroll information about the city manager. | Appeal partly granted | ||
112 | | 04-01 | Jeremy Beckham vs. University of Utah | All approved protocols for all approved research currently utilizing baboons or macaques | Appeal partly granted | ||
113 | | 04-02 | Brian K. Stack vs. Utah Dept. of Corrections | Offender Management Review Committee results regarding prisoners referred to OMR for communicating with women prisoners | Appeal denied | ||
114 | | 04-03 | William Jacob vs. American Fork City | Records of any investigation conducted by the mayor or city council concerning the qualifications of any candidate for office | Appeal denied | ||
115 | | 04-04 | Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance and the Wilderness Society vs. Utah State Attorney General | Records concerning potential applications for recordable disclaimers of interest for Utah roads, specifically R.S. 2477 rights of way | Appeal partially granted | ||
116 | | 04-05 | Paul Payne vs. Utah Dept. of Corrections | Employee list/personel roster | Appeal denied | ||
117 | | 04-06 | Victor Orvis vs. Pleasant Grove City | All lists created by [Pleasant Grove] City personnel involving all businesses or persons who were mailed or otherwise received [Carol Emery's July 19, 2001] letter regarding business license enforcement | Appeal partly granted | ||
118 | | 04-07 | Larry Vernon vs. Coalville City | The taped recording parts of Coalville City Council Meetings referred to in the available minutes of City Coucil Executive Session meetings. | Appeal denied | ||
119 | | 04-08 | Lisa Olsen vs. Utah Department of Human Services | Qualitative Case Review on Jesse Olsen | Appeal denied | ||
120 | | 04-09 | Jeremy Beckham vs. University of Utah | A fee waiver for the fees associated with producing all approved protocols for all research currently utilizing baboons and/or macaques. | Appeal denied | ||
121 | | 04-10 | Steven Onysko vs. University of Utah | Final Grade Report for MG EN 499, Fall Quarter 1995. | Appeal denied | ||
122 | | 04-11 | Haik vs. Town of Alta | The Town of Alta to permit inspection during normal business hours and require the Town of Alta to timely respond to pending records requests. | Appeal partly granted | ||
123 | | 04-12 | LaPlante/Canham (Salt Lake Tribune) vs. Sandy City | The names of all current Sandy City fire and police employees. | Appeal granted | ||
124 | | 04-13 | Collier Hoffman vs. Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing | Any investigations/complaint information regarding Jo-Anne Collier Hoffman. | Appeal dismissed | ||
125 | | 04-14 | Poll vs. South Weber City | Access to draft minutes of the August 26, 2004 South Weber City Planning Commission meeting. | Appeal Denied | ||
126 | | 04-15 | Haik vs. Town of Alta (noncompliance) | Sanctions for the Town's noncompliance with the Order and Decision dated September 21, 2004. | Appeal granted | ||
127 | | 04-16 | LaPlante (Salt Lake Tribune) vs. Salt Lake City Police Department | All initial reports from a 'missing person' case inolving Lori Kay Hacking, filed on or about July 19, 2004" and "all initial reports involving suspect, victim or involved person Mark Douglas Hacking. | Appeal Denied | ||
128 | | 04-17 | Steed vs. Duchesne County | Access to various documents he believes are in Duchesne County's possession. | Appeal granted | ||
129 | | 05-01 | Ostler vs. State of Utah, Departments of Public Safety, Commerce, Human Resource Management, Human Services, Attorney General's Office, Labor Commission, and Salt Lake Community College | Access to various documents referencing his name that he believes are in the custody of the various agencies of the State of Utah. | Appeal Denied | ||
130 | | 05-02 | Salt Lake City Corporation vs. Salt Lake Mayor's Records Appeals Board | Salt Lake City Corporation appeals the decision of the Salt Lake City Mayor's Records Appeals Board granting access to certain records requested by Neal K. Ostler. | Appeal partly granted | ||
131 | | 05-03 | LaPlante/Canham (Salt Lake Tribune) vs. Sandy City | Records pertaining to overtime and bonuses paid to Sandy City's police and fire department personnel. | Appeal granted | ||
132 | | 05-04 | Schwarz vs. University of Utah | Any records on Barbara Schwarz or Schwartz, Mark C. Rathbun, Mark de Rothschild, Scientology, Church of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, and Dwight David Eisenhower. | Appeal Denied | ||
133 | | 05-05 | Wells vs. Pleasant Grove City | Various records which relate to a citation received for allegedly electioneering within 150 feet of a polling place. | Appeal Denied | ||
134 | | 05-06 | Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance vs. Automated Geographic Reference Center | Records concerning [certain] roads/routes located in Emery County. | Appeal Denied | Ruling reversed by Utah Supreme Court case 2008 UT 88 | |
135 | | 05-07 | Whitney vs. Department of Corrections | Access to grievances that inmates filed against him in November 2004 and the "level 1, level 2, level 3 responses" to the grievance. | Appeal Denied | ||
136 | | 05-08 | Schwaar vs. Department of Corrections | A copy of his diagnostic report. | Appeal denied | ||
137 | | 05-09 | Payne vs. Department of Corrections | A copy of the Uinta 1 Inmate Roster for the date of 8-4-05. | Appeal denied | ||
138 | | 06-01 | Tribune vs. Governor's Office | The names of companies promised monetary incentives by the State of Utah, as well as e-mail correspondence between the GOED employees, GOED board members and company officials relating to these specific incentive awards. | Appeal partly granted | ||
139 | | 06-02 | Williams vs. Board of Pardons and Parole | Certain pages of a Board of Pardons document entitled "Hearing Worksheet" which contains various details about his personal history and sentence being served at the Utah State Prison | Appeal partly granted | ||
140 | | 06-03 | Spectrum vs. Washington City | All lawyers fees that were and are associated with the Cloud Moving and Storage vs. Washington City lawsuit. | Appeal Granted | ||
141 | | 06-04 | Treff vs. Utah Tax Commission | A copy of the 2004 and 2005 state tax returns filed by Mormons for Equality and Social Justice. | Appeal Denied | ||
142 | | 06-05 | Salt Lake Tribune vs. Salt Lake Police Dept. Civilian Review Board | Personnel performance evaluations and disciplinary actions | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
143 | | 06-06 | Monique Crowley vs. Sandy City | Records regarding personnel matters, and dismissal action against Monique Crowley | Appeal Denied | ||
144 | | 06-07 | Deborah Langdon vs. Utah Dept. of Human Services | Fatality review reports | Appeal Granted | ||
145 | | 06-08 | Joycelyn Straight vs. Lieutenant Governor's Office | Records of Utah voter registrations, and a fee waiver for those records | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
146 | | 06-09 | Bruce Funk vs. Emery County | Records of executive sessions held by the Emery County Commission | Appeal Denied | ||
147 | | 06-10 | Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance vs Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining | Fee waiver for records | Appeal Denied | ||
148 | | 06-11 | William H. Doutis, Jr. vs. Dept. of Corrections | Records associated with his correctional history held by the Dept. of Corrections, plus a waiver of fees. | Appeal Denied | ||
149 | | 06-12 | Karl Dee Kay vs. Dept. of Corrections | Polygraph, "C" notes, and treatment notes | Appeal Denied | ||
150 | | 07-01 | Elizabeth Neff, Salt Lake Tribune vs. Beaver County | Records of Beaver County Sheriff's Department, including records and reports regarding Grace S. and Robert Gerald Erno. | Appeal partly granted | ||
151 | | 07-02 | Kathy Dopp vs. Summit County | Records of Summit County election summary data | Appeal denied | ||
152 | | 07-03 | Reginald Williams vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Records of "the Martinez report U.S. District Court Case No. 201:CV 798-TC," as well as "any motions, briefs, replies, answers or defendant affidavits filed by the Attorney General regarding Greathouse v. Sibbett or Granquillhome v. the UT BD of Pardons and Paroles." | Appeal granted | ||
153 | | 07-04 | Michael McAinsh vs. Dept. of Corrections | Records containing raw data used in the 2005 sex offender treatment and recidivism report. | Appeal partly granted | ||
154 | | 07-05 | Kenneth R Ivory vs. Summit County | Records of the Summit County Attorney's Office relating to Brody Taylor, John Moon & Stacy Headrick. | Appeal partly granted | ||
155 | | 07-06 | Marvin Melville vs. Town of Alta | Records of the Town of Alta | Appeal granted | ||
156 | | 07-07 | Tom Corlew vs. Utah State Tax Commission | Records of an administrative Law Judge's notes of a Tax Commission Hearing | Appeal denied | ||
157 | | 07-08 | Mark Haik vs. Town of Alta | Records of the Town of Alta, specifically the tape of the closed meeting held on December 14, 2006 | Appeal partly granted | ||
158 | | 07-09 | Katie Patterson vs. University of Utah | Records of the University of Utah, specifically the employee roster, including names, titles and salaries of the employees of the University of Utah Animal Research Center ("ARC") | Appeal partly granted | ||
159 | | 07-10 | Reginald Williams vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | A waiver of the fees assessed by the Utah Attorney General's Office for providing certain records. | Appeal denied | ||
160 | | 07-11 | Steven Onysko vs. Dept. of Human Resource Management | Records of the Utah Department of Human Resource Management ("DHRM") specifically the raw candidate interview scores for a State Engineer 4 position. | Appeal partly granted | ||
161 | | 07-12 | Marvin Melville vs. Town of Alta | Records from the Town of Alta regarding the Alta Helena Mine | Appeal denied | ||
162 | | 07-13 | Russ Rizzo and the Salt Lake Tribune vs. City of South Salt Lake | Records from the City of South Salt Lake regarding police response times to priority one calls | Appeal partly granted | ||
163 | | 07-14 | Russ Rizzo and the Salt Lake Tribune vs. City of West Jordan | Records from the City of West Jordan regarding police response times to priority one calls | Appeal partly granted | ||
164 | | 07-15 | Scott Clark vs. Dept. of Human Services | Determining the existence of foster care and child protection service files relating to abuse or maltreatment of Chris (Zachary) prior to his placement for adoption by Mr. And Mrs. Clark, including medical records | Appeal dismissed | ||
165 | | 07-16 | Margaret Dayton vs. Utah State Office of Education | Grant application submitted by Brigham Young University in 2006 | Appeal granted | ||
166 | | 08-01 | Steven J. Onysko vs. Dept. of Environmental Quality | All documents related to petitioner's reassignment from the Division of Drinking Water Engineering Section Manager | Appeal granted | ||
167 | | 08-02 | Nate Carlisle & the Salt Lake Tribune vs. Dept. of Corrections | Copies of the reviews conducted upon county jails in 2007, and any corrective action taken | Appeal denied | ||
168 | | 08-03 | Russell Shane Johnson vs. South Jordan City | All records of discipline against South Jordan police officers over the past three years | Appeal partly granted | ||
169 | | 08-04 | Andalex Resources, Inc; Genwal Resources, Inc; and UtahAmerican Energy, Inc; vs.Intermountain Power Agency | Overturn Intermountain Power Agency's decision to release redacted records to the Salt Lake Tribune | Appeal denied | ||
170 | | 08-05 | First American Core Logic vs. Uintah County | County tax and assessment rolls, and all real property characteristics | Appeal partly granted | ||
171 | | 08-06 | Beth Campbell vs. Salt Lake City Corp | Requests a complete and accurate response to her GRAMA request, and access to records the responded claims do not exist | Appeal denied | ||
172 | | 08-07 | Thomas D. Boyle vs. Wasatch County | Unedited surveillance videotapes from video cameras located in the County Clerk's office | Appeal denied | ||
173 | | 08-08 | Tara Clanton vs. Utah Dept. of Corrections | Records or investigations of the Department of Corrections regarding Nathan Hansen and Ivan Hodges | Appeal partly granted | ||
174 | | 08-09 | Mark Haik vs. Town of Alta | Records contained in a binder issued to and used by members of the Planning and Zoning Commission in an open meeting held on February 29, 2008 | Appeal granted | ||
175 | | 08-10 | Steven Maese vs. Murray City | Records of sustained discipline of Murray City Police Officers, for which all time periods for administrative appeal have expired, for the last 5 years | Appeal partly granted | ||
176 | | 08-11 | Ken Murray vs. Dept. of Corrections | Records pertaining to Utah’s methods and procedures for capital punishment | Appeal partly granted | ||
177 | | 08-12 | Steven Oberbeck vs. Utah Public Service Commission | Names and addresses of persons who filed formal complaints with the PSC against Questar Gas in March, 2008, regarding malfunctioning transponders | Appeal granted | ||
178 | | 08-13 | Dan Fazzini vs. Utah Transit Authority | Records of the Utah Transit Authority (“UTA”) pertaining to all complaints with regard to cyclists and UTA in the year 2007 | Appeal partly granted | ||
179 | | 08-14 | Stacy Ray Peterson vs. Board of Pardons and Parole | E-mail records of the members of the Utah Board of Pardons and Parole pertaining to a Parole Board hearing held regarding Utah State Prison Inmate | Appeal denied | ||
180 | | 08-15 | Marian Olson vs. Office of the Attorney General | Records pertaining to a review by the Attorney General’s Office of decisions made by the Cache County Attorney’s Office regarding a protective order | Appeal denied | ||
181 | | 08-16 | Jim Garside vs. Salt Lake City | A joint defense agreement between Salt Lake City Corporation and Big Cottonwood Lower Canal Company | Appeal denied | ||
182 | | 08-17 | Steve Onysko vs. Dept. of Environmental Quality | Records of the Department of Environmental Quality, pertaining to petitioner's duties and performance during his employment with the Utah Division of Drinking Water. | Appeal denied | ||
183 | | 08-18 | Investigative Research vs. Utah Dept. of Transportation | Records concerning: (1) Traffic Volume Studies, Engineering Studies, Speed Studies, Accident Studies, Barricade Studies, Sign Studies, or other reengineering studies conducted for U.S. 163, mile post 28 to mile post 30; (2) the historical installation, removal and/or replacement of traffic signage on U.S. 163; and (3) changes in roadside devices, such as barricades, barrier walls, wood guide posts or roadside markers on U.S. 163. | Appead granted | ||
184 | | 08-19 | Utah Federal Defender Office vs. Mark Shurtleff, Utah Attorney General | N/A | Order of continuance | ||
185 | | 08-20 | Utah Federal Defender Office vs. Mark Shurtleff, Utah Attorney General | Records of communications between the Utah Division of Finance and Criminal Appeals Division of the Utah Attorney General’s Office | Appeal granted | ||
186 | | 09-01 | Hilarie Orman, Spanish Fork News vs. Utah County | Initial contact reports from the Utah County Sheriff's Office concerning a reported trespass on September 21, 2008 and a motorcycle accident on April 29, 2008 | Appeal granted | ||
187 | | 09-02 | Tina Wollenberger vs. Summit County | Interviews of her minor son with the Summit County Sheriff’s Office | Order of continuance and submission of costs | ||
188 | | 09-03 | Pamela Manson, Salt Lake Tribune vs. University of Utah | Records pertaining to a settlement agreement between the University and Lisa A. Speckman. | Appeal partly granted | ||
189 | | 09-04 | Marvin Melville vs. Salt Lake City Corp | Notes, drafts or similar materials prepared by Jeff Niermeyer concerning an affidavit dated and executed by Mr. Niermeyer, an employee of Salt Lake City Corporation on May 22, 2008. | Appeal denied | ||
190 | | 09-05 | Nichole Coombs vs. Monticello Charter School | Records regarding an executive/closed meeting of Respondent Monticello Charter School Board, plus invoices and check stubs for legal services. | Appeal partially granted | ||
191 | | 09-06 | Corey Vonberg vs. Dept. of Public Safety | Records pertaining to an individual from the Utah Highway Patrol Office located in Cedar City, Utah | Appeal denied | ||
192 | | 09-07 | Kevin Anderson vs. Utah Labor Commission | Records related to the 2007 Crandall Canyon coal mine accident. | Appeal denied | ||
193 | | 09-08 | Anteo T. Reese vs. Utah Board of Pardons and Parole | A written transcript of the April 7, 2009 hearing of the Utah Board of Pardons and Parole (“Board”), free of charge. | Appeal denied | ||
194 | | 09-09 | Eric Peterson (City Weekly) vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Order of continuance granted | |||
195 | | 09-10 | Eric Peterson (City Weekly) vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Second order of continuance granted | |||
196 | | 09-11 | Evan Johnson vs. Salt Lake City Dept. of Public Utilities | Un-redacted copies of general outsourced legal invoices from the Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities | Appeal granted | ||
197 | | 09-12 | William Justesen vs. Millard County | Notes, drafts or similar materials prepared by Millard County, Utah, (“County”) concerning records associated with the County’s “step and grade” policy/plan, the “Apple Program,” and the approval or denial of a pay raise/reduction for any County employee or department. | Appeal partially granted | ||
198 | | 09-13 | The Salt Lake Tribune vs. Granite School District, et al. | Records of the Respondents, Granite, Jordan and Salt Lake School Districts (“Districts”), specifically dates of birth for certain District employees who may have a criminal conviction. | Appeal partially granted | ||
199 | | 09-14 | Cathy McKitrick (Salt Lake Tribune) vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | All correspondence between Utah Attorney General, Mark Shurtleff and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder since January 1, 2009. Specifically, the Tribune is seeking access to a letter dated March 23, 2009 from Mr. Shurtleff to Mr. Holder regarding U.S. Attorney Brett Tolman | Appeal granted | ||
200 | | 09-15 | Eric Peterson (City Weekly) vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Internal documents, memos, or E-mails from Respondent, the Utah Attorney General’s Office (“AG’s Office”) that may have been sent between the AG’s Office and the Utah Division of Consumer Protection regarding “Mentoring of America” and its member companies; and any E-mails, files, or documents from within the AG’s Office regarding Mentoring of America | Appeal partially granted | ||
201 | | 09-16 | Rebecca Haynes vs. Dixie Deer Special Service District | A grant/loan application by Respondent, the Dixie Deer Special Service District (“DDSSD”) to the United States Department of Agriculture’s Rural Development office | Appeal denied | ||
202 | | 09-17 | Pamela Brady (Intermountain Claims, Inc) vs. Dept. of Public Safety, Utah Highway Patrol | An accident report for an auto accident which occurred on May 14, 2009 | Appeal denied | ||
203 | | 09-18 | Daniel Kneisley vs. Dept. of Public Safety | Records pertaining to a private investigator, Kim Thomas Collins | Appeal partly granted | ||
204 | | 10-01 | Mark Haik vs. Town of Alta | Records allegedly held by the Town of Alta. | Appeal denied | ||
205 | | 10-02 | Lori Pritchard/KSL Television vs. Division of Facilities Construction and Management | Dates and times for state employees working at the Heber Wells Building, via scans of their security access cards from September 1, 2008 through March 31, 2009. | Appeal denied | ||
206 | | 10-03 | Lawrence Jackson vs. Utah Dept. of Corrections | Waiver of fees charged by the Utah Department of Corrections to cover the actual cost of providing Mr. Jackson records he has requested. | Appeal granted | ||
207 | | 10-04 | Paul Richins vs. Davis County | Records held by Davis County relating to the assessment of property owned by Mr. Richins in Farmington, Utah. | Appeal granted | ||
208 | | 10-05 | Chris Vanocur/ABC 4 News vs. Utah Dept. of Public Safety | Arrest records and dashboard camera video relating to the arrest of Sheldon Killpack on January 15, 2010. | Appeal granted | ||
209 | | 10-06 | Steve Maxfield vs. Office of Lieutenant Governor | Waiver of fees charged by the Office of the Lieutenant Governor to cover the cost of providing Mr. Maxfield the “Statewide Voters Registration List” he requested. | Appeal denied | ||
210 | | 10-07 | Scott Eastmond/KSL TV vs. Carbon County | Police report and a surveillance video relating to an alleged assault which took place at Carbon High School. | Appeal partially granted | ||
211 | | 10-08 | Robert Resendes vs. Sevier School District | Records of a household application for free and reduced price school lunch under the federal school lunch program | Appeal denied | ||
212 | | 10-09 | Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret News vs. Utah Dept. of Public Safety | Arrest records and dashboard camera video relating to the arrest of Sheldon Killpack on January 15, 2010 | Appeal granted | ||
213 | | 10-10 | Eric Peterson, Reporter for the City Weekly, vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Regarding in-camera review of records | Order of Continuance | ||
214 | | 10-11 | Eric Peterson, Reporter for the City Weekly, vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | All documents including emails and other correspondence, regarding TMI, LLC or TMI Enterprises, Tim Lawson or Jeremy Johnson, separately and/or together, for a period extending from January 1, 2008 through November 12, 2009. | Appeal partly granted | ||
215 | | 10-12 | R. K. Shimabukuro vs. Weber County | Records including notes, drafts or similar materials prepared by Respondent, Weber County, Utah, (“Weber County”) supporting the County’s “Board of Equalization Decision” associated with the tax assessment of real property owned by Mr. Shimabukuro. | Appeal granted | ||
216 | | 10-13 | Laura Hancock, Reporter for the Deseret News vs. Utah Transit Authority | To appeal a determination by Respondent, the Utah Transit Authority (“UTA”), that fifty-cents per-page for copies of records is a “reasonable fee.” | Appeal denied | ||
217 | | 10-14 | Jeff Salt, Jordan River Restoration Network, vs. Salt Lake City Corporation | Records regarding the proposed regional sports complex to be located adjacent to the Jordan River. Respondent, Salt Lake City Corporation (“SLC”); also, a cross-appeal to the decision of the Salt Lake Appeals Board granting a “fee waiver” to JRRN associated with its records request to SLC. | Appeal partly granted | See also court case. | |
218 | | 10-15 | Nasrulla Khan vs. Utah Dept. of Public Safety | All documentation regarding petitioner's 2002 complaints to the Department of Public Safety about alleged terrorist acts being committed against him | Appeal denied | ||
219 | | 10-16 | Shawn and Barbara Lewis vs. Dept. of Human Services | All documentation pertaining to Mr. Lewis’ daughter and Ms. Lewis’ granddaughter, including her DCFS, adoption, medical, and juvenile court records | Appeal denied | ||
220 | | 10-17 | Blake A. Nakamura vs. Salt Lake City Corp. | Records of all written and electronic communication between the City, Salt Lake County, and/or the Salt Lake Valley Health Department regarding the Rail Event Center. | Appeal denied | ||
221 | | 10-18 | Tab L. Uno vs. Salt Lake City School District | List of school community chairs of the schools in the school district, including their names, addresses, and telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses, if available, and the schools they represent. | Appeal denied | ||
222 | | 10-19 | Linda Houskeeper vs. Utah County Attorney General's Office | All records, documents, physical evidence, video recordings, notes, legal brief, etc. on 4th District Court, Utah County criminal case #991405159. | Order of Continuance | ||
223 | | 10-20 | Linda Houskeeper vs. Utah County Attorney General's Office | All records, documents, physical evidence, video recordings, notes, legal brief, etc. on 4th District Court, Utah County criminal case #991405159. | Appeal partly granted | ||
224 | | 10-21 | Heirs of Renee Fleckenstein vs. Sandy City | Order of Continuance | |||
225 | | 10-22 | Salt Lake Tribune vs. Utah Board of Pardons and Parole | Copy of letter written in 1988 by Inmate, Mark Hofmann and submitted to Respondent, the Utah Board of Pardons and Parole | Appeal granted | ||
226 | | 10-23 | Salt Lake Tribune vs. Utah Department of Transportation | Copies of correspondence, meeting minutes or other records since Aug 1, 2009 involving UDOT employees and the following parties: Wadsworth Bros. Construction, R.L. Wadsworth Construction, or Guy Wadsworth. | Appeal denied | ||
227 | | 11-01 | Linda Houskeeper vs. Utah County Attorney General's Office | All records, documents, physical evidence, video recordings, notes, legal brief, etc. on 4th District Court, Utah County criminal case #991405159. | Appeal denied | ||
228 | | 11-02 | Jesse Fruhwirth vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Records documenting the housing history for ten living and two deceased inmates who are or were incarcerated in the Utah prison system | Appeal partly granted | ||
229 | | 11-03 | Nate Carlisle, Salt Lake Tribune vs. Salt Lake City Police Department | All materials, including video of the confrontation and shooting, police reports, narrative reports, and photographs related to an August 27, 2010 shooting of Brandon Barrett. | Appeal granted | ||
230 | | 11-04 | Chadwick M. Smith vs. Utah State Tax Commission | Investigation files held by Respondent, the Utah State Tax Commission. | Appeal partly granted | ||
231 | | 11-05 | Bruce Fordham vs. Utah Department of Human Resources | Records associated with a case involving Petitioner and a resident in the Utah State Development Center. | Appeal denied | ||
232 | | 11-06 | Eric Peterson vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | E-mail and text messages from Respondent, the Utah Attorney General’s Office. | Order of continuance | ||
233 | | 11-07 | Salt Lake Tribune vs. Southern Utah University | Records pertaining to Roger Reid’s employment as the men’s basketball coach of SUU. | Appeal denied | ||
234 | | 11-08 | Steven Onysko vs. Utah State Tax Commission | Records pertaining to Petitioner's 2007-2009 State of Utah income tax returns. | Appeal partly granted | ||
235 | | 11-09 | Ray Wheeler vs. Salt Lake City | Request for a fee waiver for records regarding the proposed regional sports complex to be located adjacent to the Jordan River. | Appeal granted | ||
236 | | 11-10 | Eric Peterson vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | E-mail and text messages from Respondent, the Utah Attorney General’s Office. | Appeal partly granted | ||
237 | | 11-11 | Reginald Williams vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Documents regarding the inmate trust fund account from Respondent, the Utah Department of Corrections. | Appeal denied | ||
238 | | 11-12 | Dan Schroeder vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Documents regarding a criminal investigation of “Envision Ogden” by the Utah Attorney General’s Office (AG’s Office) that commenced in March 2009 and concluded in March 2011. | Appeal partly granted | See also District Court and Utah Supreme Court rulings. | and |
239 | | 11-13 | Jeffrey Gallup vs. Board of Pardons and Parole | (1) Any emails generated by and between the Utah Board of Pardons and Parole and Melanie Serassio regarding Petitioner, (2) Any emails sent or received by and between the Utah Board of Pardons and Parole and Michelle M. Young regarding Petitioner, and (3) Any and all correspondence, letters, reports, recommendations, and any and all information in the Board of Pardon’s and Parole’s possession regarding Petitioner. | Appeal denied | ||
240 | | 11-14 | Judy Fahys, Salt Lake Tribune vs. Utah Department of Community and Culture | Records pertaining to staff changes and/or restructuring in the archaeology section of DCC. | Appeal granted | ||
241 | | 11-15 | Steven Onysko | A fee waiver to receive documents requested and pursuant to the Declaration and Order 11-08 dated June 20, 2011 | Appeal partly granted | ||
242 | | 12-01 | Judy Fahys, Salt Lake Tribune vs. Utah Department of Community and Culture | Order of continuance | |||
243 | | 12-02 | William Burgess, Appignani Humanist Legal Center vs. Utah Transit Authority | Appeal dismissed | |||
244 | | 12-03 | Carl Dinger vs. Cottonwood Heights City | Records pertaining to a report from an investigation performed by the Cottonwood Heights Police Department into Mr. Dinger’s allegations against UTA’s Police Department. | Appeal partly granted | ||
245 | | 12-04 | Wesley Thompson vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Records pertaining to petitioner's Correctional Adjustment checklist and life history documents used by correctional officers to determine with which other inmates Mr. Thompson can be housed. | Appeal denied | ||
246 | | 12-05 | Judy Fahys, Salt Lake Tribune vs. Utah Department of Community and Culture | Records pertaining to staff changes and/or restructuring in the archaeology section of DCC. | Appeal partly granted | ||
247 | | 12-06 | Gordon Thomas vs. Utah Department of Public Safety | Records associated with petitioner's criminal history. | Appeal denied | ||
248 | | 12-07 | Andrew Morse of Snow Christensen & Martineau vs. Canyons School District | Records pertaining to the grievance proceedings of a former Canyons employee against Canyons School District. | Appeal denied | ||
249 | | 12-08 | Alma T. Wilson vs. Utah Department of Human Services, Office of Administrative Hearings | Records regarding the Office of Administrative Hearings. | Appeal partly granted | ||
250 | | 12-09 | Kurt Danysh vs. Unified Police Department | Records related to the police investigation of the murder of Susan Gall. | Appeal partly granted | ||
251 | | 12-10 | Alan Grant vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Security/surveillance video footage from December 26, 2009 | Appeal denied | ||
252 | | 12-11 | Ken Cromar vs. City of Cedar Hills | E-mails to and/or from certain members of the City of Cedar Hills governing body | Appeal granted | ||
253 | | 12-12 | Mark Haik vs. Salt Lake City Corporation | Compliance with the decision …of the [Salt Lake City] Mayor’s Records Appeals Board or review of the noncompliance by the State Records Committee | Appeal dismissed | ||
254 | | 12-13 | W. Andrew McCullough vs. Utah Department of Public Safety | Driver license records related to a vehicle being impounded. | Appeal partly granted | ||
255 | | 12-14 | Gordon Thomas vs. Utah Department of Public Safety | Records associated with his criminal history. | Appeal denied | ||
256 | | 12-15 | Ross George vs. Utah Department of Corrections | List of all officers, sergeants, lieutenants, captains, and case workers who were on shift in the Boulder Hickory Unit and the Dogwood Unit operated by the Department for four specific dates. | Appeal granted | ||
257 | | 12-16 | Mark Haik vs. Salt Lake City Corporation | Sanctions against Salt Lake City Corporation for what he contends was its failure to disclose certain requested records in a timely manner. | Appeal dismissed | See also court ruling |,45 |
258 | | 12-17 | Michael Gubarev vs. Utah Department of Workforce Services | Records regarding administrative adjudicative decisions from the Department of Workforce Services relating to interpreters/translators working for certain employers/businesses. | Appeal granted | ||
259 | | 12-18 | Christian Probasco, Sanpete Messenger vs. Utah Department of Public Safety | Records regarding the name of a minor involved in an auto-pedestrian accident occurring on June 5, 2012, near Fountain Green, Utah | Appeal granted | ||
260 | | 12-19 | Ken Cromar vs. City of Cedar Hills | Fee waiver request for the costs to provide access to emails to and/or from certain members of the City of Cedar Hills governing body; also the imposition of a civil penalty subsequent to Cromar v. Cedar Hills, State Records Committee Case. No. 12-11 (June 26, 2012). | Appeal denied | ||
261 | | 12-20 | Erin Alberty, reporter for the Salt Lake Tribune vs. Utah Department of Public Safety | Records regarding an officer involved shooting that occurred on March 12, 2006 | Appeal partly granted | ||
262 | | 12-21 | Bill Oram, reporter for the Salt Lake Tribune vs. Granite School District | Records regarding Granite School District’s investigation of an alleged inappropriate relationship between a teacher/coach and a female student. | Appeal partly granted | ||
263 | | 12-22 | Jeffrey B. Lawrence vs. Utah Department of Public Safety | Records regarding a Department of Public Safety investigation of his complaint filed against a Utah Highway Patrol trooper on September 17, 2011 | Appeal denied | Overturned by 3rd District Court ruling | |
264 | | 12-23 | Michael Luesse vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Appealing the denial of a fee waiver by the Utah Department of Corrections for his records requests. | Appeal denied | ||
265 | | 12-24 | Janelle Stecklein/Salt Lake Tribune vs. Utah Transit Authority | Verified crime handled by [UTA] in 2011, including incident date, offense description, time of offense and geographic coordinates. | Appeal granted | ||
266 | | 12-25 | Robert Baker vs. Utah Department of Corrections | A copy of Corrections’ TMF06, Medical Operations Manual. | Appeal granted | ||
267 | | 12-26 | Stephen Dark, reporter for City Weekly vs. Utah Department of Human Services | Records regarding an audit dated January 13, 2011, the Department of Human Services’ response to the audit, and associated e-mails | Appeal denied | ||
268 | | 13-01 | Sandra J. Senn vs. Utah Department of Public Safety | null | Order of Continuance | ||
269 | | 13-02 | Cedar Hills Citizens for Responsible Government vs. City of Cedar Hills | Copies of legal invoices for the City of Cedar Hills. | Appeal Denied | ||
270 | | 13-03 | Harshad Desai vs. Utah State Tax Commission | Personal property audits from Garfield County | Order of Dismissal | ||
271 | | 13-04 | Larry Hartlerode vs. Unified Fire Authority of Greater Salt Lake | Records pertaining to various fire complaints made against his property to the Unified Fire Authority of Greater Salt Lake between October 2011 to November 2012. | Appeal Partly Granted | ||
272 | | 13-05 | Phillip Leishman vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Records regarding security clearances granted for another prison inmate. | Appeal Denied | ||
273 | | 13-06 | Eric Peterson vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Order of Continuance | |||
274 | | 13-07 | Reginald Williams vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Peace Officer Standards and Training (“POST”) records for seven former and current Corrections employees. | Appeal Denied | ||
275 | | 13-08 | Eric Peterson vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Order of Continuance | |||
276 | | 13-09 | Clara Fernanda Ruiz vs. Department of Administrative Services | Records from the Utah Department of Administrative Services pursuant to Utah’s Government Records Access and Management Act. | Appeal Denied | ||
277 | | 13-10 | Robert Gehrke, Salt Lake Tribune vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Copies of any subpoenas for testimony or documents received by the Attorney General’s office or members of the office from federal investigative agencies since April 1, 2013. | Appeal Granted | ||
278 | | 13-11 | Corey Vonberg vs. Iron County Sherriff's Office | Policy and procedure the office is required to follow in investigating an alleged child sex offense requiring a Children’s Justice Center interview, pertaining to November 2003. | Appeal Denied | ||
279 | | 13-12 | Colleen Schulte vs. Summit County Attorney's Office | Records showing all communications between the Summit County Attorney’s Office and Dean Schulte regarding a pending criminal case. | Appeal Denied | ||
280 | | 13-13 | Eric Peterson vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | E-mails, documents, text messages, and other correspondence between employees in the AG’s Office and specified individuals related to the Whitewater VII development investigation | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
281 | | 13-14 | Morgan Fife vs. City of Orem | Documents related to a Request for Proposal prepared by the City of Orem, dated April 18, 2013 | Appeal Denied | See also Court Ruling | |
282 | | 13-15 | Roger Bryner vs. City of Cottonwood Heights | Any documents showing fees of police records, specified GRAMA request responses, and policies of redaction of police records. | Order of Continuance | ||
283 | | 13-16 | Mark Shenefelt, Managing Editor for the Standard Examiner vs. Willard City | A police report and any associated documents regarding an incident occurring at a residence in Willard on June 27, 2013 | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
284 | | 13-17 | Damon Crist vs. Utah Department of Corrections | All disciplinary records of a doctor employed by Corrections working in the Medical Unit of the Draper Prison. | Appeal Denied | ||
285 | | 13-18 | Reginald Williams vs. Utah Department of Workforce Services | First and final bank statements for the American Recovery Reinvestment Act and Development Block Grant. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
286 | | 13-19 | Roger Bryner vs. City of Cottonwood Heights | Police reports and communications regarding GRAMA requests. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
287 | | 14-01 | William Hill vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Petitioner's Pre-Sentence Investigation Report | Appeal Denied | ||
288 | | 14-02 | Lee Davidson, reporter for the Salt Lake Tribune vs. Utah State Tax Commission | Letters, emails, memos, records of phone calls or other communication from or to the commission and/or its staff from outside parties regarding development of its policy on whether same-sex couples married in other states could file joint returns in Utah. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
289 | | 14-03 | Nate Carlisle, reporter for the Salt Lake Tribune vs. Bluffdale City | Email and other correspondence regarding the National Security Agency (NSA), city agreements to allow the NSA to use water for their facility, and records of daily water usage. | Appeal Granted | ||
290 | | 14-04 | Jessica Phillips vs. West Jordan Police Department | Any video and audio recording from patrol vehicle dashboards of officers who responded to the scene of the petitioner’s DUI arrest, plus any video of the room in which the intoxilyzer was administered or other rooms in which the petitioner was held. | Appeal Granted | ||
291 | | 14-05 | Lynn Kenneth Packer vs. Utah Attorney General's Office and the Utah Department of Administrative Services | Vehicle fleet records pertaining to vehicles assigned to employees who are investigators for the Utah Attorney General Office | Appeal Denied | ||
292 | | 14-06 | Corey Vonberg vs. Iron County Attorney's Office | Records which identify Shawn R. Keith as a confidential informant. | Appeal Denied | ||
293 | | 14-07 | Sam Allen vs. Eagle Mountain City | Fee waiver for credit card statements and other records received from Eagle Mountain City | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
294 | | 14-08 | Jack Jessop vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Records of all information sheets from the prescription drug manufacturers that accompanied the prescriptions petitioner was receiving while incarcerated by Corrections. | Appeal Denied | ||
295 | | 14-09 | Justin Crosbie vs. Utah Department of Corrections | All office and field notes entered by an agent regarding Mr. Crosbie, progress reports, as well as polygraph and PPG results, a copy of a warrant request and a parole violation report to the Utah Board of Pardons and Parole, all government cell phone records, including pictures and e-mails generated by Mr. Crosbie’s parole agent, and all outgoing and incoming e-mails by Mr. Crosbie’s parole agent from 2011 to the present. | Appeal Denied | ||
296 | | 14-10 | Corey Vonberg vs. Iron County Attorney's Office | Record identifying the date Respondent disposed of its case file for State v. Keith, Case No. 025501031, Fifth District Court, Iron County, State of Utah. | Appeal Denied | ||
297 | | 14-11 | Cathy Johnson vs. Utah Lieutanant Governor's Office | Notary log. | Appeal Denied | ||
298 | | 14-12 | Raymond Payne vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Fee waiver to obtain a copy of the Corrections’ Policy FD01 Offender Discipline Procedures. | Appeal Denied | ||
299 | | 14-13 | Dennis J. Garcia vs. Utah Board of Pardons | Records that reflect the vote of the members of the Board of Pardons on a restitution order. | Appeal Denied | ||
300 | | 14-14 | Alex Campbell, reporter with Buzzfeed, Inc. vs. Utah Department of Corrections | A database of all inmates currently housed in the Utah Department of Corrections, including but not limited to: inmate name, inmate number, date of birth, conviction and/or sentence date, offense(s), and sentence length.” Petitioner also requested a fee waiver. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
301 | | 14-15 | Harshad Desai vs. Garfield County School District | Fee waiver or a reduction of fees. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
302 | | 14-16 | Julie Holbrook vs. South Jordan City Council | A copy of a letter engaging auditors to review Mulligans Golf and Games, and the draft audit report discussed at the July 1, 2014 Council meeting. | Appeal Denied | ||
303 | | 14-17 | Scott Gollaher vs. Morgan County | Any subpoenas served on a police detective in two criminal cases where Mr. Gollaher is the Defendant. | Appeal Granted | ||
304 | | 14-18 | Truth in Advertising, Inc. vs. Department of Commerce. Division of Consumer Protection | Records regarding any investigations and consumer complaints relating to a Utah Company, "Wake Up Now." | Appeal Denied | ||
305 | | 14-19 | Daniel Rivera, Jr. vs. Department of Human Services, Division of Child and Family Services | Copies of police reports and records related to a police raid at petitioner's residence on October 28, 2011. | Appeal Denied | ||
306 | | 14-20 | Truth in Advertising Inc. vs. Utah Department of Commerce, Division of Consumer Protection | Copies of consumer complaints filed concerning certain named companies. | Appeal Granted | ||
307 | | 14-21 | Jordanelle Special Services District vs. Office of the Utah State Auditor | Documents and other records, including all communication between the Office if the Utah State Auditor and any other person, that relate to the “Standstill Agreement”. | Appeal Denied | ||
308 | | 15-01 | Harshad P. Desai vs. Garfield County | Records relating to the appraisals, the individual appraisers and their credentials to appraise properties. | Appeal Denied | ||
309 | | 15-02 | Harshad P. Desai vs. Utah State Tax Commission | Records relating to individual property appraisers, licensing and the appraisers' credentials to appraise specific properties. | Appeal Denied | ||
310 | | 15-03 | Paul G. Amann vs. Department of Human Resource Management | A copy of a complaint filed against the Petitioner by an employee of the Utah Department of Commerce alleging “workplace harassment.” Also, all records used to support the complaint, and all communications: (1) To and from the Utah Division of Securities (“Securities”) employees regarding the complaint; (2) Between Securities and the Utah Attorney General’s Office regarding the complaint; and (3) Between the complainant and DHRM. | Appeal Granted | ||
311 | | 15-04 | Maximino Arriaga vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Itemized copies of medical bills for medical services provided to another inmate whom Mr. Arriaga had been found guilty of assaulting the previous year. | Appeal Denied | ||
312 | | 15-05 | Scott Gollaher vs. Department of Public Safety, Division of Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST) | Information pertaining to the possible disciplinary action(s) taken against former Detective William Z. Wetland, Badge No.: 20911, with relation to a conference held in Mesquite, Nevada during the week of September 24, 2012. | Appeal Denied | ||
313 | | 15-06 | Scott Gollaher vs. Utah Attorney General's Office Criminal Division | Records received from the Salt Lake Police Department, police, staff or agency relating to petitioner, with specific focus on "all video, photos, records and recordings taken by Detective Suzanne Williams" executed on or about July 13, 2012. | Appeal Denied | ||
314 | | 15-07 | Scott Gollaher vs. Weber County Sheriff's Office | Records regarding a search warrant relating to petitioner and executed on or about July 13, 2012. | Appeal Granted | ||
315 | | 15-08 | Scott Gollaher vs. Morgan County Attorney's Office | All photos, video, records created by Weber County Sheriff’s Office in relationship to the search warrant executed at a specific address on or about July 13, 2012. | Appeal Denied | ||
316 | | 15-09 | Paul Amann vs. Utah Department of Human Resource Management | Order of Continuance | |||
317 | | 15-10 | Harshad P. Desai vs. Panguitch City | List of vendors in relation to the Panguitch City Balloon Festival as well as minutes from a June 24, 2014, meeting with Cheryl Church, manager of an organization known as Panguitch Main Street Committee. | Appeal Denied | ||
318 | | 15-11 | Thomas Dudley Beck vs. Bluff Water Works Special Service District | Water usage data from 2007 through 2014. | Appeal Granted | ||
319 | | 15-12 | Heather Gardner vs. Utah State Office of Education | Appeal Dismissed | |||
320 | | 15-13 | Richard J. Garcia vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Transportation records from 7-8-14 to present containing all transportation departures, returns, dates, time, and policy regarding restraints. | Appeal Denied | ||
321 | | 15-14 | Daniel Rivera Jr. vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Search warrant, Police Reports, Probable Cause Affidavit, CI Statements, Witness Reports from neighbors etc., Statements of Children if any, any and all DCFS statements, petitions, [and] motions filed related to a police raid at petitioner's residence and related to DCFS case #030116813. | Appeal Denied | ||
322 | | 15-15 | Swen Heimberg vs. Peace Officer Standards and Training | All investigative files since 2010 that included an allegation under Utah Code § 53-6-211(1)(d), which is conduct that is a state or federal criminal offence, excluding minor traffic offenses. | Appeal Denied | ||
323 | | 15-16 | Paul Amann vs. Department of Human Resource Management | Complaint filed against petitioner by an employee of the Utah Department of Commerce alleging workplace harassment. | Appeal Denied | Overturned by 3rd District Court Ruling | |
324 | | 15-17 | Nate Carlisle, Salt Lake Tribune vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | All incoming and outgoing correspondence concerning Cameron Noel originating in 2014 or 2015 including, but not limited to, letters, emails, text messages and instant messaging programs, and the letter deputizing Troy Rawlings to consider criminal charges against Cameron Noel and any related instructions to Mr. Rawlings. | Appeal Partly Granted | ||
325 | | 15-18 | Karl Losee vs. Utah Department of Corrections | All e-mail messages between March 6, 2014, and January 9, 2015, generated by specified Corrections’ employees regarding petitioner. | Appeal Denied | ||
326 | | 15-19 | Patrick Sullivan vs. Utah Department of Corrections, Clinical Services | Records allegedly held by respondent. | Appeal Denied | ||
327 | | 15-20 | Kevin Opsahl, The Herald Journal vs. Utah State University | All contracts between Maverik and Utah State University related to the corporate sponsorship and renaming of Romney Stadium. | Appeal Granted | ||
328 | | 15-21 | Jason Behar vs. Department of Human Resource Management | All records the State of Utah has with petitioner's name on it. | Appeal Partly Granted | ||
329 | | 15-22 | Gray Smith vs. Cottonwood Heights City | Audio of April 9 Board of Adjustment meeting and copies and records of detailed inquiries and investigations of the City’s determination of alleged improper communications of Giverny appeal. | Appeal Denied | ||
330 | | 15-23 | Jamis Johnson vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Detailed field notes and emails sent and received by Adult Probation and Parole officers wherein petitioner was the subject matter of the records. | Appeal Denied | ||
331 | | 15-24 | Michael Clára vs. Salt Lake City School District | Information in reference to the deployment of Salt Lake City Police Department personnel at the Salt Lake City Board of Education meetings. | Appeal Dismissed | ||
332 | | 15-25 | Tracy Taylor vs. Wasatch County School District | Emails between the board, superintendent, and the business administrator in the last year; improvements to the pool at TIS in the last 7 years, and how much; and total cost of curriculum books, broken down by grades and years, for the entire district from 2000-2007. | Appeal Denied | ||
333 | | 15-26 | Richard Parks vs. Utah Division of Consumer Protection | A copy of the investigative report on Case #83905, and all notes and recorded phone calls concerning a complaint petitioner had filed with Consumer Protection on November 10, 2014. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
334 | | 15-27 | Roger Bryner vs. Clearfield City | Copies of radio logs, video and audio from patrol vehicle dashboard cameras, evidence logs, manuals, inventory logs, and database entries from 12:00 AM to 4:00 AM on June 3, 2015. | Appeal Denied | ||
335 | (Remand) | 15-27 (Remand) | Roger Bryner vs. Clearfield City | Copies of radio logs, video and audio from patrol vehicle dashboard cameras, evidence logs, manuals, inventory logs, and database entries from 12:00 AM to 4:00 AM on June 3, 2015. | Appeal Denied | Court upheld ruling | |
336 | | 15-28 | Paul Amann vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Employee records, including any and all communications regarding the hiring of the attorney who replaced Mr. Amann at the AG’s Office as assigned legal counsel to the Utah Division of Securities. | Appeal Denied | Overturned by 3rd District Court Ruling | |
337 | | 15-29 | Scott Gollaher vs. Morgan County Attorney's Office | The record or receipt by the Morgan County Attorney's Office of the 5 colored photos emailed that were sent to Mr. Gollaher on March 29, 2015, in relationship to the search warrant executed at a specific address on or about July 13, 2012. In addition, Mr. Gollaher requested receipt and/or record of the October 11, 2013, Children's Justice Center interview on DVD that was sent to Mr. Gollaher on May 6, 2015, via postal mail by Morgan County Attorney's Office. | Appeal Denied | ||
338 | | 15-30 | Nestor Gallo vs. Provo City Housing Authority | 1) A staff report or documentation related to the increase of the Executive Director Compensation reviewed and approved by the Provo City Housing Authority Boardmeeting dated Wednesday December 17 2014, plus the audio files.2) Saint Francis Apartment project: Copies of the bid schedule including unit prices, quantity take offs and general contractor's contact information and copies of all the change orders including unit prices3) Ekin Project: a) Copy of the project bid schedule with unit quantity take offs from all the contractors b) Contractors' name and contact information.4) A copy of the section of the PCHA code stating that the location of a net play pen is a violation to some form of code, and copy of the audio files from February 25, 2015 PCHA Board public meeting. | Appeal Granted | ||
339 | | 15-31 | Kurt Bailey vs. Perry City Police Department | All written reports, notes and video for a specific citation that occurred on July 18, 2015 | Appeal Granted | ||
340 | | 15-32 | John Rice vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Records obtained during petitioner's background investigation, and all records relating to discussions regarding previous employment, including what statements were made, and by whom. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
341 | | 15-33 | Patrick Sullivan vs. Utah Department of Insurance, Fraud Division | Email messages or text messages, sent or received by certain individuals where petitioner was the subject, or relating to certain cases. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
342 | | 15-34 | Robert Gehrke, Salt Lake Tribune vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Copies of the file of any closed investigation conducted into San Juan County Commissioner Phil Lyman within the last five years. | Appeal Granted | ||
343 | | 16-01 | Patrick Sullivan vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Records from the Attorney General's Office. Appeal was in regard to the delay in delivery. | Appeal Denied | ||
344 | | 16-02 | Jordanelle Special Services District vs. Office of the Utah State Auditor | All documents and other records, including all communications between the Office … and any other person, that relate to the ‘Standstill Agreement.’Additionally, all documents and other records, including all communications, received from any person as part of the Utah State Auditor’s Audit of JSSD. | Appeal Denied | See also court case ruling | https://archives.utah.gov |
345 | | 16-03 | Chad Lambourne vs. Provo City Police Department | Records in regards to a Driving Under the Influence (“DUI”) charge and arrest that occurred on July 6, 2015 for petitioner's client. | Appeal Denied | See also court case ruling and summons | https://archives.utah.gov and https://archives.utah.gov |
346 | | 16-04 | Axlen Marchet vs. Utah Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Forensic Services | DNA test results from a Sexual Assault Evidence Kit (“SEAK”) that was collected in 2003. | Appeal Denied | ||
347 | | 16-05 | Annie Knox, Reporter for the Salt Lake Tribune vs. University of Utah | Student disciplinary cases of violent or sexual crime from 2005 to 2015 that reached a final disposition wherein the student was found guilty. | Appeal Denied | ||
348 | | 16-06 | Michael Clára vs. Salt Lake City School District | Records regarding repairs made to buses that were the subject of a recall, documents relating to the District’s relationship with Columbus Community Center, records pertaining to the District’s communications with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, records relating to certain statements made by the District Superintendent in a video interview with the Salt Lake Tribune, and records relating to the District’s RFP JB1541-LS for Professional Legal Services. | Appeal Denied | ||
349 | | 16-07 | Reginald Williams vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Employee Service History for eleven individuals. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
350 | | 16-08 | Helen Redd, for and in behalf of Marc Jensen vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Any and all documents that would support representations of the Office of the Attorney General at the August 23rd 2011 hearing, Jan 30, 2012 letter to the Board of Pardons and Parole and on any other occasion where the AG office made statements that Marc Jensen paid no restitution in Case no. 051905391, (filed 3d Dist Utah). | Appeal Granted | ||
351 | | 16-09 | Edgar Frye vs. Utah Department of Human Services, Division of Aging and Adult Services | All records of interviews, phone calls, etc, in the abuse case of petitioner's sister, of St. George, Utah. | Appeal Denied | ||
352 | | 16-10 | Patrick Sullivan vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Any, and all, emailed sent and received by a specific individual that mentioned Mr. Sullivan’s name, or specific case numbers within the subject and/or body of the messages between Jan. 1, 2012 to present. | Order of Continuance | ||
353 | | 16-11 | Roger Bryner vs. Clearfield City | Meeting minutes or any other documents whatsoever showing the Mayor and/or City Counsel, either individually, separately, or through delegation, appointing either permanent or temporary Justice court Judges. | Appeal Partly Granted | ||
354 | | 16-12 | Utah Rivers Council vs. Washington County Water Conservancy District | Records regarding the repayment plan presented by Applied Analysis on November 21, 2013, for the Lake Powell Pipeline Project. | Order of Continuance | ||
355 | | 16-13 | Bryan Thatcher vs. Utah Department of Public Safety | All written reports, notes, recordings and/or videos of interviews and/or statements, and any other records held by DHRM regarding petitioner. This includes records, documents, notes, and statements from all parties with regard to any and all investigations conducted by internal affairs or professional standards of, or related to petitioner. | Order of Continuance | ||
356 | | 16-14 | Nate Carlisle, Salt Lake Tribune vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | All documents related to any criminal investigations of Beaver County Sheriff Cameron Noel conducted in 2014 or 2015, including, but not necessarily limited to, police reports, witness statements, forensic reports, search warrant applications and returns, subpoenas and similar documents you may have received from other law enforcement agencies. | Order of Continuance | ||
357 | | 16-15 | Cody Black vs. Lehi City Police Department | Hiring/promoting methods and results/score for each applicant for each hiring/promotion event in the date range 1/01/15-11/30/15 for the Lehi Police Department Positions: deputy chief, lieutenants, sergeants, corporals, patrol officers. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
358 | | 16-16 | Roger Bryner vs. Utah Department of Health | Petitioner's medical records from the Utah Department of Health, specifically un-redacted electronic copies, not printouts, and raw files including any file structure for the files, in a .zip file or on a DVD or CD or flash file system. | Appeal Denied | ||
359 | | 16-17 | Edgardo Mata vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Petitioner's entire STG [security threat group] file, including the validation matrix and all information listed in FD 29-03.02. | Appeal Denied | See also court case ruling | |
360 | | 16-18 | Bryan Thatcher vs. Utah Department of Public Safety | All written reports, notes, recordings and/or videos of interviews and/or statements, and any other records held by DHRM regarding petitioner. This includes records, documents, notes, and statements from all parties with regard to any and all investigations conducted by internal affairs or professional standards of, or related to petitioner. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
361 | | 16-19 | Utah Rivers Council vs. Washington County Water Conservancy District | Records regarding the repayment plan presented by Applied Analysis on November 21, 2013, for the Lake Powell Pipeline Project. | Appeal Granted | ||
362 | | 16-20 | Utah Legal Clinic vs. Salt Lake City Corporation | Any and all emails sent or received by certain individuals since July 1, 2013, referencing Trenton Mellen and/or specific court case numbers. | Order of Continuance | ||
363 | | 16-21 | Nate Carlisle, Salt Lake Tribune vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | All documents related to any criminal investigations of Beaver County Sheriff Cameron Noel conducted in 2014 or 2015, including, but not necessarily limited to, police reports, witness statements, forensic reports, search warrant applications and returns, subpoenas and similar documents you may have received from other law enforcement agencies. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
364 | | 16-22 | Patrick Sullivan vs. University of Utah, Medical Center | Order of Continuance | |||
365 | | 16-23 | Utah Legal Clinic vs. Salt Lake City Corporation | Any and all emails sent or received by certain individuals since July 1, 2013, referencing Trenton Mellen and/or specific court case numbers. | Appeal Denied | See also court case ruling | |
366 | | 16-24 | Mark Allen vs. Utah County Commission | Information concerning an end-of-year employee party held December 2015, including names of invitees, attendees, and emails that were sent. | Appeal Granted | ||
367 | | 16-25 | Daniel Ortiz vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Incident Reports, including contacts, Narratives and Supplemental on petitioner's Record File, and on O-Track. | Appeal Denied | ||
368 | | 16-26 | Roger Bryner vs. Utah Department of Health | Copies of the results of all blood alcohol tests performed in 2015 from the Utah Department of Health. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
369 | | 16-27 | Roger Bryner vs. Utah Department of Technology Services | 1. All design or specification documents for the Department of Health relational databases which store blood alcohol levels obtained from GC testing, any billing documents between departments, and any other records which would tend to specify the type of database used to query capabilities on that database.2. The electronic records, including SQL query and SQL text used to conduct the query, from the relational database of the results of all blood alcohol tests performed in 2015, not including names of persons. 3. The electronic records, including SQL query, from the relational database of the results of all blood alcohol tests performed in 2016 for petitioner. | Appeal Denied | ||
370 | | 16-28 | Patrick Sullivan vs. University of Utah Medical Center | Emails sent and received by various health providers where Mr. Sullivan was the subject; and various medical records (consultation reports, x-ray reports, office visit reports, and EMG/nerve conduction study reports) | Appeal Denied | ||
371 | | 16-29 | Kevin Berry vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Psychological evaluation, all medication prescribed, housing units staff comments, clinical evaluations, therapist notes [and] comments and communicational comments from the Attorney General's Office. | Appeal Denied | ||
372 | | 16-30 | Reginald Williams vs. Utah Department of Corrections | All emails to or from UDC to or from the U.S. Attorney or any other person regarding Mr. William's 2-25-16 and 2-26-16 attorney visits. | Appeal Denied | ||
373 | | 16-31 | Michael Clara vs. Utah Transit Authority | Order of Continuance | |||
374 | | 16-32 | Harshad P. Desai vs. Panguitch City | Education, experience, and résumés for the Mayor and Council Members, as well as for members of the Planning and Zoning Committee and the Panguitch City office staff. Also, a record detailing the total population within a thirty mile radius of Panguitch City. | Appeal Denied | ||
375 | | 16-33 | Michael Clara vs. Utah Transit Authority | Correspondence between specified UTA employees pertaining to petitioner, his job title, and/or associated responsibilities. Additionally, records concerning bus stop improvements and references to a bond election. | Appeal Partly Granted | ||
376 | | 16-34 | Patrick Sullivan vs. Utah Department of Corrections | All emails sent and received by various Corrections employees where petitioner is the subject, and to provide those records on a CD. | Appeal Denied | ||
377 | | 16-35 | Marian Seamons vs. Ticaboo Utility Improvement District | Itemized billing statements and other records relating to the billing that occurred on lots in Ticaboo, Utah, that petitioner owns. | Appeal Denied | ||
378 | | 16-36 | Jessica Miller on behalf of the Salt Lake Tribune vs. Provo City Police Department and Orem City Police Department | Copies of Spillman Case Access Logs for any sexual-related criminal investigation that was accessed by an employee of Brigham Young University, including its police department, from January 2010 to present. | Appeal Partly Granted | ||
379 | | 16-37 | Helen H. Redd, on behalf of Marc Jensen vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Dispute about claim of extraordinary circumstances related to previous records requests. | Appeal Denied | ||
380 | | 16-38 | Roger Bryner vs. Clearfield City | Order of Continuance | |||
381 | | 16-39 | Roger Bryner vs. Clearfield City | Order of Continuance | |||
382 | | 16-40 | James Duran vs. Utah Department of Human Services | Order of Continuance | |||
383 | | 16-41 | Alex Stuckey, Salt Lake Tribune, vs. Cedar City Police Department | Any police reports or investigation records that mentioned a specified individual from 2010 to present. | Appeal Granted | ||
384 | | 16-42 | Alex Stuckey, Salt Lake Tribune, vs. Utah State University | Any and all correspondence mentioning Torrey Green from 2009 to present between specifically named individuals. | Appeal Denied | ||
385 | | 16-43 | Tracy Taylor vs. Wasatch County School District | All applications filed with the district for the superintendent’s position awarded June-July 2016: the top four candidates of those applicants, all names of people assigned to the citizen’s committee to review applications for the supervisor’s position, school board’s evaluation process and documents, the process followed for selection- job description of selection committee, who was interviewed, second interview, and who visited the school district. | Appeal Partly Granted | ||
386 | | 16-44 | Roger Bryner vs. Clearfield City | Records from and about a certain specific facsimile/printer machine used by the Clearfield City Police Department, including purchase receipts, the user manual and service records for the machine; all emails from anyone or to anyone or between people at Clearfield City involving Petitioner covering the time period from 7-10-15 to June 9, 2016; configuration settings of a webpage mentioned in the user manual of a certain printer of the Respondent; and activity log related to a specific printer/facsimile machine. | Appeal Denied | ||
387 | | 16-45 | James Duran vs. Utah Department of Human Services | Records of the Millcreek Youth Center in Ogden, Utah. | Appeal Denied | ||
388 | | 16-46 | Paul Wach vs. Utah Department of Corrections | A copy of “Cautions” within Corrections’ offender database, where Corrections personnel can enter specific “cautions” about inmates housed by Corrections, assisting Corrections Officers in their day-to-day housing, and management of inmates. | Appeal Denied | ||
389 | | 16-47 | Siprut PC vs. Utah State Tax Commission | Documents involving Intuit, Inc. (“Intuit”), Intuit’s TurboTax Tax Preparation Software (“TurboTax”), and Santa Barbara Tax Products Group, LLC (“SBTPG”) “related to cybersecurity, fraudulent or suspicious tax returns filed” with the Commission. | Appeal Denied | ||
390 | | 16-48 | Lori Williams vs. Pleasant Grove City | Records related to the annual Strawberry Days festival held annually in Pleasant Grove City. | Appeal Granted | ||
391 | | 16-49 | Nate Carlisle on behalf of the Salt Lake Tribune vs. Utah County Sheriff's Office | Any records of discipline of a police officer that would disclose information relating to a formal charge or disciplinary action against the employee that were sustained; and all records relating to an internal or administrative investigation of the police officer related to allegations of witness tampering, retaliation against a witness, or obstruction of justice. | Appeal Granted | ||
392 | | 16-50 | Eric Peterson vs. Utah Department of Health | All records that “may contain information relating to deaths caused in whole or in part by prescription overdoses of any kind…” for research purposes. | Appeal Denied | ||
393 | | 16-51 | David Larsen vs. Heber City Police Department | Department personnel records concerning a named police officer. | Appeal Partly Granted | ||
394 | | 17-01 | Alex Stuckey, Salt Lake Tribune vs. Utah State University | Any written findings or reports from an inquiry made by USU President Stan Albrecht regarding recent allegations of sexual assaults in the campus community. | Order of Continuance | ||
395 | | 17-02 | American Civil Liberties Union vs. Salt Lake County District Attorney and the Salt Lake City Police Department | Copies of body camera footage and other video footage of a shooting incident which occurred February 27, 2016 involving Abdi Mohamed and police officers with the Salt Lake City Police Department, including but not limited to dash-cam and/or surveillance video. | Appeal Granted | ||
396 | | 17-03 | Earl Al Kalashnikov vs. Salt Lake City Corporation | Police records related to the shooting incident which occurred February 27, 2016 involving Abdi Mohamed and police officers with the Salt Lake City Police Department. | Appeal Granted | ||
397 | | 17-04 | Alex Stuckey, Salt Lake Tribune vs. Utah State University | All records used to aid in any oral presentation of the inquiry into sexual assaults on campus, its findings and recommendations; all records that resulted in the recommendation and inquiry summary released by USU on August 24, 2016; and any and all video or audio recordings of the oral presentation of the inquiry, its findings and recommendations. | Appeal Partly Granted | ||
398 | | 17-05 | Karl Davis, Shore Lodge Estates HOA vs. Garden City | Records showing: (1) The amount spent on litigation against Shore Lodge Estates; (2) The source of the funding for the litigation; (3) The projected cost of an eminent domain action against Shore Lodge Estates, and (4) The source of funds for the cost of an eminent domain action. | Appeal Partly Granted | ||
399 | | 17-06 | Paul Amann vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | A variety of specific records, including a complaint filed by AG’s Office employee against Mr. Amann and other named individuals, card key access logs, and a list of every person who had access to a specified Utah AG’s Office employee and/or had knowledge about the employee’s attendance at a “Forensics in Court” program. | Appeal Partly Granted | ||
400 | | 17-07 | Mark Shenefelt, Standard Examiner vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Copies of audio and video surveillance records for alleged offenses occurring in October and November 2016 involving three named individuals. | Appeal Denied | ||
401 | | 17-08 | Terry Mitchell vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Any and all communications related to petitioner's report of a “child sexual abuse…regarding Chief Justice Judge Richard Roberts.” Ms. Mitchell also requested “all documentation, communication, emails, minutes, phone calls, meetings, correspondence of any kind, on and off record” regarding herself and Judge Roberts. | Appeal Denied | ||
402 | | 17-09 | Jennifer Baptista vs. Pleasant Grove City | All drafts/notes of City Council Meeting Minutes taken by City Recorder during the meetings for the 2016 year. | Appeal Denied | ||
403 | | 17-10 | Reginald Williams vs. Utah Department of Corrections | List or page one of all audits performed by Corrections’ internal audit bureau from 2007 to present. | Appeal Denied | ||
404 | | 17-11 | Britt Miller vs. Utah Transit Authority | All materials and information provided by the Labor Relations Institute (LRI). | Appeal Granted | ||
405 | | 17-12 | Libertas Institute vs. Utah State Tax Commission | An agreement between the Commission and the online retailer Amazon regarding Amazon’s collection and remittance of sales tax for Utah consumers. | Appeal Granted | ||
406 | | 17-13 | Utah Rivers Council vs. Utah Division of Water Resources | All 2015 water use data submitted to the Division by public water suppliers in Utah. | Appeal Granted | ||
407 | | 17-14 | Robert Baker vs. Board of Pardons and Parole | Copies of 200+ case files supplied by PEW Research Foundation, and copies of Correlation Analysis. | Appeal Denied | ||
408 | | 17-15 | Andrew Becker vs. Washington County Sheriff's Office | Police reports associated with an incident involving Mr. Becker and the Office occurring on December 30, 2016, and any audio and video recordings from any officer involved in the incident. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
409 | | 17-16 | Edward Berkovich vs. Millard County Attorney's Office | Notes or minutes taken at a meeting held on October 21, 2015 by the Utah Prosecution Council (“UPC”). | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
410 | | 17-17 | Paul Amann vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | A voluminous quantity of records held by the Attorney General's Office. | Appeal Denied | ||
411 | | 17-18 | George Chapman vs. Salt Lake City Corporation | Closed Executive Session Meeting Minutes of the Salt Lake City Council & RDA meetings that discussed homeless sites. | Appeal Denied | ||
412 | | 17-19 | Steven J. Onysko vs. Jordanelle Special Service District | Documentation, including but not limited to Phone Company billing records, of JSSD outgoing and incoming telephone calls for all telephones and extensions at any JSSD offices, treatment facilities, or other JSSD-associated property from August 1, 2015 to October 16, 2016. | Appeal Granted | ||
413 | | 17-20 | Patrick Sullivan vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Petitioner requested a fee waiver for the records claiming that release of the records primarily benefits the public rather than a person. Also requested the names of individuals involved in a decision made by Corrections regarding himself. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
414 | | 17-21 | Paul Amann vs. Utah Department of Human Resource Management | Records allegedly held by Respondent. | Order of Continuance | ||
415 | | 17-22 | Edgardo Mata vs. Utah Department of Corrections | A copy of Corrections’ “O-Track entry” that provides a description of tattoos related to Mr. Mata. | Appeal Granted | ||
416 | | 17-23 | Patrick Sullivan vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Detailed receipts, invoices, purchase orders, and work orders for new security cameras installed at the Utah State Prison located in Draper, Utah. | Appeal Denied | ||
417 | | 17-24 | Randy M. Andrus vs. Unified Police Department | Records held by Respondent. | Order of Continuance | ||
418 | | 17-25 | Lance Rolph vs. Utah Department of Human Services, Office of Recovery Services | Any records used by the Office of Recovery Services against petitioner in prior court proceedings. | Appeal Denied | ||
419 | | 17-26 | Anna Burleson, Standard-Examiner vs. Box Elder School District | All applications and accompanying documents for the position of District superintendent in 2017, including letters of reference, qualifications, resumes, cover letters and letters of intent. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
420 | | 17-27 | Paul G. Amann vs. Department of Human Resource Management | Records allegedly held by Respondent. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
422 | | 17-29 | Richard Norman Stein vs. Ogden City Police Department | All records pertaining to a case with the Ogden City Police Department. | Appeal Dismissed | ||
423 | | 17-30 | David Larsen vs. Heber City Police Department | All Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) road and field training documents and policies, including any policy changes and who made those changes, for the Heber City Police Department, from 2015 to present. | Appeal Denied | ||
424 | | 17-31 | Kelly James on behalf of Proletariat-Watch vs. Kane County Hospital Special Service District | The Kane County Hospital Chief Executive Officer’s (CEO) salary from 2014 to 2016. | Appeal Granted | ||
425 | | 17-32 | Harshad P. Desai vs. Garfield County | Fee waiver for records requests totalling $15.00. | Appeal Denied | ||
426 | | 17-33 | Patrick Sullivan vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Invoice showing all calls made, cost of each call, and all deposits made to petitioner's CenturyLink/IC Solutions phone account. | Appeal Denied | ||
427 | | 17-34 | Lee Davidson, Salt Lake Tribune, vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | A copy of the legal opinion requested by legislative leaders about the special election process” to fill the congressional seat held by Representative Jason Chaffetz | Appeal Granted | ||
428 | | 17-35 | Luke Ramseth, Salt Lake Tribune, vs. Murray City Police Department | Police reports and any related investigative documents involving Adam Lim. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
429 | | 17-36 | Steven Onysko vs. Utah Department of Human Resource Management | Metadata from certain employees regarding a document purportedly authored by a specific person. | Appeal Denied | ||
430 | | 17-37 | Molly Marcello, The Times-Independent vs. Moab City Police Department | Any formal complaints filed with the Moab City Police Department or Moab City regarding a former Moab police officer during his tenure with the department. | Appeal Granted | ||
431 | | 17-38 | Lance Rolph vs. Department of Human Services, Office of Recovery Services | Office of Recovery Services Information System’s Guide, and a copy of any and all of ORS’s policies having to do with case records & release of case records, what type of records ORS keeps in case files, evidence, etc. | Appeal Denied | ||
432 | | 17-39 | Wanda Amann vs. Utah Executive Branch Ethics Commission | Information relating to the hiring of a specific person within the Utah Executive Branch Ethics Commission. | Order of Continuance | ||
433 | | 17-40 | Steven Onysko vs. Utah Department of Human Resource Management | All documents related to the abusive conduct investigation conducted by the Utah Department of Human Resource Management into alleged behavior by Mr. Onysko. | Order of Continuance | ||
434 | | 17-41 | Steven Onysko vs. Utah Department of Human Resource Management | Appeal Denied | |||
435 | | 17-42 | David Larsen vs. Heber City Police Department | Multi-media copy of videotaped footage from the Police Department’s lobby area. | Appeal Denied | ||
436 | | 17-43 | Steven Maese, Wasatch Constable's Office, vs. Weber State University | Copies of all records detailing FERPA directory information for all students enrolled in the POST academy for the last two years. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
437 | | 17-44 | Robert Gehrke, Salt Lake Tribune, vs. Kane County | Any maps prepared by Kane County as well as any correspondence regarding the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument sent or received since Jan. 1, 2017, between government officials. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
438 | | 17-45 | Wanda G. Amann vs. Utah Independent Executive Branch Ethics Commission | Records related to the related to the hiring, retaining, employing, or contracting of Chuck Conrad as legal counsel for the Commission. | Appeal Denied | ||
439 | | 17-46 | Aaron David Trent Needham vs. Utah Department of Commerce, Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing | Records held by the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing. | Appeal Dismissed | ||
440 | | 17-47 | Mike Anderson, KSL-TV vs. Kaysville City Police Department | Police body camera footage from February 12, 2017, where an individual may have been involved in an altercation (“suspect”) with police officers inside that person’s home. | Appeal Granted | ||
441 | | 17-48 | Edward A. Berkovich vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | A copy of an October 19, 2015, Memorandum from the Directory of the Utah Prosecution Council (“UPC”), to UPC members regarding Petitioner’s employment status. | Appeal Dismissed | ||
442 | | 17-49 | Steven Onysko vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Records related to a memorandum prepared by an employee of the Utah Division of Environmental Quality regarding an incident that occurred on November 9, 2016. | Appeal Denied | ||
443 | | 17-50 | Albert Cramer vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | (1) The documents created to report Petitioner's concerns to Sean Reyes…; (2) Mail log for this letter; (3) Sean Reyes response or instructions to his attorney about Petitioner's concerns; (4) Any other records created as a result of Petitioner's concerns about AG Attorneys. | Appeal Denied | ||
444 | | 18-01 | Steven Onysko vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Records related to the Respondent’s handling of a whistle-blower lawsuit styled USA ex. rel. Mark Christopher Tracy v. Emigration Improvement District et al., No. 2:14-cv-00701 (D. Utah); plus an additional request for Multi-Agency State Office Building (MASOB) visitor log records. | Appeal Denied | ||
445 | | 18-02 | Steven Onysko vs. Utah Department of Environmental Quality | All computer metadata pertaining to an electronic document created and disseminated from DEQ-controlled computer facilities, purportedly by [a] DEQ employee. | Appeal Denied | ||
446 | | 18-03 | Eric Peterson, Utah Investigative Journalism Project vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | The final and completed Utah Attorney General’s Office 2012 UTA Investigation Report regarding allegations of impropriety and insider dealings involving former UTA board members including Terry Diehl and Greg Hughes. | Appeal Denied | ||
447 | | 18-04 | Brady Eames vs. Logan City | Any and all FCC Forms 394 associated with any transfer of cable television franchise since December 30, 1984. | Appeal Denied | ||
448 | | 18-05 | Evan Johnson vs. Sandy City | Legal and PR invoices for the time period of Jan 1, 2016 to present. Appeal was in relation to fees. | Appeal Denied | ||
449 | | 18-06 | Mine Shaft Brewing PC vs. Summit County | Records and information relating to the Blue Ribbon Commission. | Appeal Denied | ||
450 | | 18-07 | Eric Peterson, Utah Investigative Journalism Project, vs. Salt Lake City Police Department | Unredacted copies of reports previously provided to Petitioner regarding a cold case investigation of a specific person and case number. | Appeal Denied | ||
451 | | 18-08 | Jon Hagen, H-Wire Technology Solutions, vs. Capstone Classical Academy, Ogden, Utah | Records related to a Request for Proposal (“RFP”) for IT Services posted by Respondent on October 25, 2017. | Appeal Denied | ||
452 | | 18-09 | John Tilleman vs. Ogden City | Records including witness statements. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
453 | | 18-10 | Ben Empey, Independent Journalist, vs. Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control | Records relating to landfill information in the State of Utah. | Appeal Denied | ||
454 | | 18-11 | Patrick Sullivan vs. Utah Division of Public Utilities | A number of documents and communications, as well as a search of the Google Vault for said documents and communications. Petitioner also requested a waiver of fees. | Appeal Denied | ||
455 | | 18-12 | Scott Gollaher vs. Morgan County Attorney's Office | Copies, bills or payments made to petitioner's appellant council, Ron Fujino or Bryan Baron. | Appeal Denied | ||
456 | | 18-13 | McKhelyn Jones, The UVU Review vs. Utah Valley University | Records regarding a specific person’s employment status, complaints/audits made against said person or the Title IX office, and the redaction of a document showing said person’s annualized base pay. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
457 | | 18-14 | Gizmodo Media Group vs. Department of Commerce, Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing | Records related to complaints, investigations and citations regarding a specific individual. | Appeal Denied | ||
458 | | 18-15 | ACLU of Utah and the Disability Law Center vs. Davis County | All written standards used or relied upon by Davis County in its administration and operation of the Davis County Jail at any time during the past five (5) years, including but not limited to the Utah Jail Standards; plus related emails, reports, and audits. | Appeal Partially Granted | See also court case ruling. | |
459 | | 18-16 | Scott Gollaher vs. Morgan County Attorney's Office | All communications, billing records received and payments made to, from or concerning [a specific individual] and [an Appellate and District Case No.] from March 1, 2016 to the date of reply to this request, including but not limited to email, invoices, payment records, transmittals, etc. | Order of Continuance | ||
460 | | 18-17 | Tax Analysts vs. Utah State Tax Commission | All field audit manuals and audit training manuals that were used from January 1, 2011 to the present in the formats (electronic or otherwise) in which they are maintained. | Appeal Denied | ||
461 | | 18-18 | Leonard Platt vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Any and all records pertaining to the investigation of all allegations of criminal conduct committed by Chad Lester Platt from January 1, 2012 to May 9, 2016. | Order of Continuance | ||
462 | | 18-19 | Ken Cromar vs. Cedar Hills | All public records regarding all individuals or groups who have golfed for FREE at the Cedar Hills owned golf course over the past three years. | Appeal Denied | ||
463 | | 18-20 | Ben Empey vs. Box Elder County | All documents related to the Promontory Landfill since January 1, 2013 including all written communications between specific individuals using specified key words. The request also included communications “between any Box Elder employee.” | Appeal Denied | ||
464 | | 18-21 | Michael Clara vs. Utah State Board of Education | A copy of the School Resource Officer and School Administrators Training Curriculum; as well as records relating to the purchasing of training curriculum from vendors or consultants. Additionally, copied of documentation demonstrating an alleged conflice of interest that Dr. Prospero has in the development of that curriculum. | Appeal Granted | ||
465 | | 18-22 | Jeremy Flygare vs. Utah Department of Corrections | All records referencing petitioner's involvement in SOTP and Resolve including reports, summaries, test results, interview notes, meeting minutes, e-mails, and [sic] statements concerning him. | Appeal Denied | ||
466 | | 18-23 | Kimball Bennion, KUTV News vs. Brigham Young University Police Department | A copy of a 2017 interview by Respondent with Joseph L. Bishop. | Appeal Granted | ||
467 | | 18-24 | Ethan Dodge, Truth and Transparency Foundation vs. Brigham Young University Police Department | All files, videos, audio recordings, or any other kind of documentation related to allegations against Joseph L. Bishop. | Appeal Granted | ||
468 | | 18-25 | Corbin T. Voluz vs. Brigham Young University Police Department | All records relating to a specific incident report relating to the investigation of a specific person in November and December of 2017. | Appeal Granted | ||
469 | | 18-26 | Nelson Brown vs. Weber Area Dispatch 911 and Emergency Services | Record of a phone call made by an individual requesting sheriffs deputies to respond to the petitioner's house located at a specific location, Monday evening, 26 February 2018. | Appeal Denied | ||
470 | | 18-27 | Scott Gollaher vs. Morgan County Attorney's Office | Order of Continuance | |||
471 | | 18-28 | Leonard Platt vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Any and all records pertaining to the investigation of all allegations of criminal conduct committed by Chad Lester Platt from January 1, 2012 to May 9, 2016. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
472 | | 18-29 | Scott Gollaher vs. Morgan County Attorney's Office | All communications, billing records received and payments made to, from or concerning [a specific individual] and [an Appellate and District Case No.] from March 1, 2016 to the date of reply to this request, including but not limited to email, invoices, payment records, transmittals, etc. by and employee/official of Morgan County. | Appeal Denied | ||
473 | | 18-30 | Nick Schou, Utah Rivers Council vs. Kane County Water Conservancy District | Eleven years’ worth of correspondence between Executive Director, Mr. Mike Noel, alongside other staff and board members, and other specified persons. | Appeal Granted | ||
474 | | 18-31 | Chad Bennion vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Records regarding 2014 Senate Bill 54. | Order of Continuance | ||
475 | | 18-32 | Chad Bennion vs. Governor's Office | Records regarding 2014 Senate Bill 54. | Order of Continuance | ||
476 | | 18-33 | Chad Bennion vs. Lt. Governor's Office | Records regarding 2014 Senate Bill 54. | Order of Continuance | ||
477 | | 18-34 | Randy Andrus, Leon Brown's Estate vs. Unified Police Department | All communications, records, and documents related to an incident occurring on September 22, 2016. | Order of Continuance | ||
478 | | 18-35 | Chad Bennion vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Records indicating the balance, revenues and expenditures of the Attorney General Litigation Fund for the purpose of providing funds to pay for any costs and expenses incurred by the state attorney general in relation to actions under state or federal antitrust, criminal laws, or civil proceedings, for the 2014, 2015 and 2016, including the current balance of the fund. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
479 | | 18-36 | Raphael Cordray vs. Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration | Records pertaining to a retreat held by SITLA Board of Trustees in January 2018. | Appeal Denied | ||
480 | | 18-37 | Scott Gollaher vs. Morgan County | Records and information, in any form, that refer to or implicate [Mr. Gollaher] as a subject in a record of Morgan County. | Appeal Denied | ||
481 | | 18-38 | Raymond Clinton vs. Tooele School District | All records and correspondence the Stansbury High School Principal had relating to the Stansbury High Baseball program and Mr. Clinton as the former coach. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
482 | | 18-39 | Elias Faraclas vs. Lehi City | All electronic communications, including cell phone text messages, sent and received by Paul Hancock during the city council meeting on 1/16/18. | Appeal Granted | ||
483 | | 18-40 | People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and Students for Animal Welfare vs. University of Utah | Records relating to the “University of Utah’s use of animals in experimentation.” Petitioners provided a detailed description of the specific records that were being requested. | Appeal Granted | ||
484 | | 18-41 | Simonsen Law, on behalf of Lynn David vs. Wasatch County | Records relating to funds received by Wasatch County from the State of Utah Transient Room Tax including details of how the funds were spent by Wasatch County | Appeal Denied | ||
485 | | 18-42 | Brady Eames vs. Nibley City | Records relating to any and all documentation of the penal bonds which have been issued, any and all documentation of the oaths of office, and any and all respective agreements relating to the Utah Local Governments’ Trust (“ULGT”) | Appeal Granted | ||
486 | | 18-43 | Brady Eames vs. Providence City | Records relating to any and all documentation of the penal bonds which have been issued, any and all documentation of the oaths of office, and any and all respective agreements relating to the Utah Local Governments’ Trust (“ULGT”) | Appeal Granted | ||
487 | | 18-44 | Brady Eames vs. Wellsville City | Records relating to any and all documentation of the penal bonds which have been issued, any and all documentation of the oaths of office, and any and all respective agreements relating to the Utah Local Governments’ Trust (“ULGT”) | Appeal Withdrawn | ||
488 | | 18-45 | Brady Eames vs. Hyde Park City | Records relating to any and all documentation of the penal bonds which have been issued, any and all documentation of the oaths of office, and any and all respective agreements relating to the Utah Local Governments’ Trust (“ULGT”) | Appeal Granted | ||
489 | | 18-46 | Brady Eames vs. Millville City | Records relating to any and all documentation of the penal bonds which have been issued, any and all documentation of the oaths of office, and any and all respective agreements relating to the Utah Local Governments’ Trust (“ULGT”) | Appeal Granted | ||
490 | | 18-47 | Brady Eames vs. North Logan City | Records relating to any and all documentation of the penal bonds which have been issued, any and all documentation of the oaths of office, and any and all respective agreements relating to the Utah Local Governments’ Trust (“ULGT”) | Appeal Granted | ||
491 | | 18-48 | Brady Eames vs. Richmond City | Records relating to any and all documentation of the penal bonds which have been issued, any and all documentation of the oaths of office, and any and all respective agreements relating to the Utah Local Governments’ Trust (“ULGT”) | Appeal Granted | ||
492 | | 18-49 | Brady Eames vs. River Heights City | Records relating to any and all documentation of the penal bonds which have been issued, any and all documentation of the oaths of office, and any and all respective agreements relating to the Utah Local Governments’ Trust (“ULGT”) | Appeal Denied | ||
493 | | 18-50 | Brady Eames vs. Tremonton City | Records relating to any and all documentation of the penal bonds which have been issued, any and all documentation of the oaths of office, and any and all respective agreements relating to the Utah Local Governments’ Trust (“ULGT”) | Appeal Granted | ||
494 | | 18-51 | Wayne Crawford vs. Salt Lake County | Unredacted copies of photographs related to a specific Salt Lake County Code Enforcement case. | Appeal Denied | ||
495 | | 18-52 | Kit Kosakowski vs. Wasatch County | Records relating to questions raised and/or comments made during a September 11, 2017 meeting and a September 20, 2017 public hearing. | Appeal Denied | ||
496 | | 18-53 | Michael Clara vs. Salt Lake City Mayor's Office | Copies of the data and information used to reach the conclusion that a road diet be implemented for 900 West in Salt Lake City. Mr. Clara also requested a fee waiver. | Appeal Granted | ||
497 | | 18-54 | Brady Eames vs. Millville City | To access and inspect certain opinions, interpretations and correspondences regarding penal bonds executed and filed by certain persons elected or appointed as certain officers. | Appeal Granted | ||
498 | | 18-55 | Brady Eames vs. Richmond City | To access and inspect certain opinions, interpretations and correspondences regarding penal bonds executed and filed by certain persons elected or appointed as certain officers. | Appeal Granted | ||
499 | | 18-56 | Brady Eames vs. Hyde Park City | To access and inspect certain opinions, interpretations and correspondences regarding penal bonds executed and filed by certain persons elected or appointed as certain officers. | Appeal Granted | ||
500 | | 18-57 | Patrick Sullivan vs. Utah Department of Corrections | All incident reports, initial contact reports, IR-1, IR-2, etc. from 6-1-18 to present, up to $8.00 worth. | Appeal Denied | ||
501 | | 18-58 | Brady Eames vs. Tremonton City | To access and inspect certain opinions, interpretations and correspondences regarding penal bonds executed and filed by certain persons elected or appointed as certain officers. | Appeal Granted | ||
502 | | 18-59 | Brady Eames vs. Utah Local Governments Trust | Any and all faithful performance bonds and/or indemnification bonds and/or other bonds required by any Utah law which have been acquired and filed by any elected and public officers. | Appeal Denied | ||
503 | | 18-60 | Brady Eames vs. Smithfield City | To access and inspect certain opinions, interpretations and correspondences regarding penal bonds executed and filed by certain persons elected or appointed as certain officers. | Appeal Granted | ||
504 | | 18-61 | Brady Eames vs. Utah Local Governments Trust | Electronic access to public records related to public officials’ bonds, oaths, and interlocal ULGT records. | Appeal Denied | ||
505 | | 18-62 | Lyle Fletcher vs. Utah County | Records relating to a specific criminal case. | Appeal Denied | ||
506 | | 18-63 | Brady Eames vs. Salt Lake City Corporation | Copies of all executed and filed public official penal bonds and all subscribed and filed constitutional oaths of office of certain elected and appointed City officers. | Appeal Denied | ||
507 | | 19-01 | Scott Gollaher vs. Morgan County | Records relating to Certificates of Insurance, payments and/or invoices and/or any accounting records relating to specific persons doing business with Respondent, Morgan County. | Order of Continuance | ||
508 | | 19-02 | Janae Wahnschaffe vs. Highland City | Correspondences to and from specific individuals including the mayor of Highland City, copies of investigative written reports, signed affidavits, a presentation given during a board meeting, and copies of outgoing text messages from a specific person. | Appeal Granted | ||
509 | | 19-03 | Scott Gollaher vs. Morgan County | Records relating to Certificates of Insurance, payments and/or invoices and/or any accounting records relating to specific persons doing business with Respondent, Morgan County. | Appeal Denied | ||
510 | | 19-04 | Brady Eames vs. West Valley City | Any and all executed and filed public official penal bonds and any and all subscribed and filed constitutional oaths of office of certain elected and appointed officers. | Appeal Denied | ||
511 | | 19-05 | Brady Eames vs. Ogden City | Any and all executed and filed public official penal bonds and any and all subscribed and filed constitutional oaths of office of certain elected and appointed officers. | Appeal Denied | ||
512 | | 19-06 | Edward A. Berkovich vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | The “” recording of a Utah Prosecution Council (UPC) Board meeting held on October 21, 2015 to discuss the “character, professional competence, or physical or mental health” of the petitioner and his continued employment with UPC. | Appeal Denied | ||
513 | | 19-07 | Brady Eames vs. Utah Local Government Trust | Numerous emails to/from specific individuals relating to Respondent. | Appeal Denied | ||
514 | | 19-08 | Taylor Stevens, Salt Lake Tribune vs. Grantsville City | Any and all documents and final reports pertaining to the outside investigation into Mayor Brent Marshall’s behavior. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
515 | | 19-09 | Anthony Fierro vs. Salt Lake School District | Records allegedly held by respondent. | Order of Continuance | ||
516 | | 19-10 | Chad Benion vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | All records demonstrating costs, fees, charges or payment, incurred by the Attorney General's Office in any litigation regarding Senate Bill 54 (2014). | Appeal Denied | ||
517 | | 19-11 | Janalee Raelynn Roberts vs. Utah Department of Human Services. Division of Child and Family Services | Final reports for DCFS Case numbers 2446067 or 244758, and for records related to an interview conducted by the Children’s Justice Center on July 12, 2018 including the final report findings. | Appeal Denied | ||
518 | | 19-12 | Douglas Sagers vs. Tooele County | County audited and unaudited financial records, budges, contracts, management agreements, leases, purchase orders, invoices for equipment, O&M, vehicles, marketing, operating supplies, restaurant furnishings and equipment, ATVS, computers, contracts and agreements entered into between Tooele County and lessees, managers, contractors, consultants, professional service providers, appraisers, and or other parties involved or retained by Tooele County to manage, assist, consult, or advise Tooele County in the operation and or sale of the Tooele County Owned Utah Motorsports Park. | Appeal Granted | ||
519 | | 19-13 | Eric Peterson vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Records allegedly held by Respondent, the Utah Attorney General’s Office. | Order of Continuance | ||
520 | | 19-14 | Judith Zimmerman vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Any and all documentation of disciplinary action taken against four individuals who were current or former employees of the AG’s Office. | Appeal Denied | ||
521 | | 19-15 | Bill Keshlear vs. San Juan County | Records related to a meeting of the San Juan County Commission on February 5, 2019. | Appeal Granted | ||
522 | | 19-16 | Joshua Althoff vs. Moab City | An Internal Affairs Investigation Report in its entirety, including polygraph reports and recordings. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
523 | | 19-17 | Tony Alexander Hamilton vs. Utah Department of Corrections | The contract between the UDC and the contract attorneys, Wayne Freestone and David Angerhofer. | Appeal Denied | ||
524 | | 19-18 | Seven Wilson vs. Tooele City | All supplements [sic], investigative reports, narrative statements, opening statements, D.N.A results, and discoveries for a specific case. | Appeal Denied | ||
525 | | 19-19 | Michael Bacon vs. Utah Deparment of Corrections | Policy that governs that allows inmates to send out urine analysis to an outside independent lab to be re-tested. | Appeal Denied | ||
526 | | 19-20 | Elias Faraclas vs. Lehi City | The TMTH Development Agreement and all records relating to the Agreement between January 16, 2018 and the signing of the Agreement. | Appeal Granted | ||
527 | | 19-21 | Eric Peterson vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Order of Continuance | |||
528 | | 19-22 | Eric Peterson vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Order of Continuance | |||
529 | | 19-23 | Rolf Kaestel vs. Utah Department of Corrections | All diabetes-related diagnostics in petitioner's file between 1999 and December 31, 2007. Also, a fee waiver for the records. | Appeal Denied | ||
530 | | 19-24 | Oswald Balfour vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Records relating to petitioner including notes, assessments, reports, case action plans, post-conviction reports, and communications. | Appeal Denied | ||
531 | | 19-25 | Gordon Thomas vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Mental health records relating to petitioner. | Order of Continuance | ||
532 | | 19-26 | Leroy Wirz vs. Utah State Tax Commission | Records relating to an investigator’s closing report and findings for a specific case number. | Appeal Granted | ||
533 | | 19-27 | Utah News Now vs. Governor's Office of Economic Development | Documents related to Josh Romney in electronic form via email attachment. | Appeal Denied | ||
534 | | 19-28 | Judith Zimmerman vs. Utah Department of Health | Records relating to original, signed copies of an e-mail chain that involved previous Department employees. | Appeal Granted | ||
535 | | 19-29 | Gordon Thomas vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Medical records of petitioner. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
536 | | 19-30 | Daniel McMann vs. Utah Department of Corrections | A police report and assault charges on a specific person along with a specific person’s plea agreement. | Order of Continuation | ||
537 | | 19-31 | Patrick Sullivan vs. Utah Department of Corrections | 1. List (index, glossary, table of contents) for all files, documents, reports, etc. stored in LEB track for two specific case numbers. 2. Investigative Report, Addendum and Attachments for a specific case number. | Appeal Denied | ||
538 | | 19-32 | Andrew Gulliford vs. San Juan County | Records related to the Bears Ears National Monument from 2016 – 2018 for:1. All work products, opinions, and documents sent to the county by Davillier Law Group; 2. Billing and hourly rates of the attorneys not on the county payroll; 3. Copies of all written correspondence including emails between the Davillier Group and San Juan County; and 4. Copies of Contracts with the attorneys involved. | Order of Continuance | ||
539 | | 19-33 | Kim Henderson vs. San Juan County | All communication between Kenneth Maryboy, Steve Boos and R. Atene during SJC Commission Meeting on April 2, 2019 from 9am to 1:30 pm, text and email. | Appeal Granted | ||
540 | | 19-34 | Jessica Miller, Salt Lake Tribune vs. Brigham Young University Police Department | Records related to emails between BYU PD and a list of eight specific persons. | Order of Continuance | ||
541 | | 19-35 | Karra Porter, Utah Cold Case Coalition vs. Beaver County Sheriff's Office | Records relating to the murder of Karen Lee Jarvis, which occurred on or about February 8, 1998. | Order of Continuance | ||
542 | | 19-36 | Daniel McMann vs. Utah Department of Corrections | A police report and assault charges on a specific person, along with that specific person’s plea agreement. | Appeal Denied | ||
543 | | 19-37 | McKhelyn Jones, UVU Review vs. Utah Valley University | Eight initial contact reports from the UVU Police Department regarding specific incidents involving the UVU Police Department, plus a fee waiver as a member of the media. | Appeal Granted | ||
544 | | 19-38 | Michael Robinson vs. Sandy City | All records regarding the investigation, charging, and the dismissal of a criminal case in which he was one of the victims. | Appeal Denied | ||
545 | | 19-39 | Brent Cobb vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Records related to investigation reports, and a fee waiver. | Appeal Denied | ||
546 | | 19-40 | Kelly Pehrson vs. San Juan County | Records relating to quotes provided by San Juan County Commissioner Kenneth Maryboy, attorney Steven Boos, and James Adakai, in a Salt Lake Tribune article and a press release purporting to be from Mr. Adakai. | Appeal Granted | ||
547 | | 19-41 | Paul Amann vs. Unified Police Department of Greater Salt Lake City | Records relating to an investigation performed by Detective Dan Child “as referenced in an email dated June 12, 2017 at 8:15 a.m. from AG ICAC agent Alan White.” | Order of Continuance | ||
548 | | 19-42 | Yassine Ibrahim vs. Unified Police Department of Greater Salt Lake City | Salt Lake County Jail medical records, jail records, and booking records concerning an individual. | Order of Continuance | ||
549 | | 19-43 | Patrick Sullivan vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Pictures of Talon Hamann (an inmate) from 2012 to present; Initial contact reports, incident reports, IR-1, IR-2, and Narratives for Mr. Hamann; All “c-notes” for Mr. Hamann; and All Offender History Reports for Mr. Hamann from 2012 to present. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
550 | | 19-44 | Steven Onysko vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Call records from April 1, 2018 through June 30, 2018 for a cellphone assigned to the former Civil Chief Deputy of the AG’s Office. | Appeal Denied | ||
551 | | 19-45 | Courtney Tanner vs. West Valley City | Order of Continuance | |||
552 | | 19-46 | Riley Booker vs. Davis County | Video and audio recordings from the booking room of the Davis County Jail Buildingon July 16, 2019. | Appeal Granted | ||
553 | | 20-01 | Tiffany Gilman vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Any records that could be released for research regarding Theodore “Ted” Bundy regarding his time as an inmate at the Utah State Prison. | Appeal Granted | ||
554 | | 20-02 | Patrick Sullivan vs. Utah Department of Corrections | A new policy FD20 for the privilege level system (privilege level matrix) … a copy of the policy itself … along with new matrix guideline. … [and] emails, correspondence, memorandums and letters regarding this new policy, specifically explaining or dealing with why the new policy has yet to take effect. | Order of Continuance | ||
555 | | 20-03 | Andrew Gulliford vs. San Juan County Commissioners | Order of Continuance | |||
556 | | 20-04 | Garfield County's Taxpayer Association vs. Utah Tax Commission | Copies of the records which were used to calculate Garfield County’s statistics as presented in the 2019 Assessment/Sales Ratio Study. Such records would include the 33 residential and 46 vacant land surveys which were returned to, collected by and used by the Property Tax Division in the calculations… Pins of the 79 properties and copies of all correspondence between the Property Tax Division and the Garfield County Tax Assessor’s office relating to the 2019 Assessment/Sales Ratio Study, including email, spreadsheets, forms, or written requests. | Appeal Granted | ||
557 | | 20-05 | Cathryn Raphael Cordray vs. Seven County Infrastructure Coalition | Records relating to the Uinta Basin Railroad Project. | Request Denied | ||
558 | | 20-06 | Center for Biological Diversity vs. Seven County Infrastructure Coalition | Communications between Respondent and the Utah Department of Transportation and/or TYR Energy containing specific phrases of the Uinta Basin Railway Project, as well as a fee waiver. | Appeal Granted | ||
559 | | 20-07 | Mike Favero vs. Logan City School District | Any and all legal expenses” the District had paid, which legal firms had been paid, how many hours were billed, and “any other information you have in regards to any legal expenses. | Appeal Granted | ||
560 | | 20-08 | Paul Amann vs. Unified Police Department of Greater Salt Lake | A computer hard drive in the possession of Respondent. | Order of Continuance | ||
561 | | 20-09 | Paul Amann vs. Unified Police Department of Greater Salt Lake | Records of communications regarding a specified report of Respondent and all records or communications to and from the Utah Attorney General’s Office (“AG’s Office”) regarding the report. | Appeal Granted | ||
562 | | 20-10 | Paul Amann vs. Unified Police Department of Greater Salt Lake | A computer hard drive in the possession of Respondent. | Order of Continuance | ||
563 | | 20-11 | Patrick Sullivan vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Records allegedly held by Respondent, the Utah Department of Corrections. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
564 | | 20-12 | Ai-Ning Hsu vs. Utah Division of Child and Family Services | Records related to specific cases regarding Protective Supervision Services and Foster Care, and a fee waiver. | Appeal Granted | ||
565 | | 20-13 | Raymond Fitzgerald vs. Utah Division of Consumer Protection | Records relating to a Complaint that was filed against Day Pacer, LLC including an unredacted copy of the Complaint. | Appeal Denied | ||
566 | | 20-14 | John G. Bloom vs. Utah Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining | Two reports: (1) The May 2008 “Western Energy Hub Project Area, Structural Interpretation” prepared by Serra GeoConsulting LLC for Magnum Energy LLC; and (2) The August 2016 “Location and Character of Faults in the Vicinity of the Magnum Energy Facility” by author Steven Schamel. | Appeal Denied | ||
567 | | 20-15 | Kent Singleton vs. Riverdale City | Copies of the policies and procedures for operating a business in the Riverdale Senior Center (“Center”) and the contract between the Center and the Newsletter Advertisement Agency from 2016 to 2019. | Appeal Denied | ||
568 | | 20-16 | Eric Peterson vs. Utah Department of Natural Resources | Expenditure reports from Big Game Forever from 2015 to the present and any conflict of interest statements filed by Big Game Forever since the organization began receiving Utah state funds. | Appeal Granted | ||
569 | | 20-17 | Patrick Sullivan vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Records relating to emails sent and received by certain Correctional Facility employees during a specified time frame. | Appeal Granted | ||
570 | | 20-18 | Cody Young vs. Juab County | Records relating to petitioner's arrest and/or incarceration. | Appeal Denied | ||
571 | | 20-19 | Chad Bennion vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Records regarding “costs, fees, charges, payments, etc.,” “time, costs, or billable hours,” “litigation costs, expenditures, payments” and “request[s] to confer or for consultation” related to Senate Bill 54 Elections Amendments (2014 Sessions) (“SB54”). | Appeal Denied | ||
572 | | 20-20 | Corbin Volluz vs. Brigham Young University | Order of Continuance | |||
573 | | 20-21 | Scott Gollaher vs. Morgan County | Any and all records/documents from January 1, 2008 through the date of response to this request for claims or lawsuits which resulted in a payout of $1,000 or more against the Morgan County Sheriff’s Office. | Appeal Granted | ||
574 | | 20-22 | Corbin Volluz vs. Brigham Young University | Records related to a specific police investigation undertaken by Respondent. | Appeal Denied | ||
575 | | 20-23 | Jill McKlusky vs. University of Utah | All student counseling records regarding Lauren McCluskey, including but not limited to records from the University Counseling Center and the Psychology and Wellness service. Also, any other records that might indicate who had accessed Lauren McCluskey’s counselling records. | Appeal Granted | ||
576 | | 20-24 | Mark Gajkowski vs. Utah State Tax Commission | All investigation documents, officer notes, and reports regarding a specific investigation case. | Appeal Denied | ||
577 | | 20-25 | Sheila Canavan vs. San Juan County | Local referendum petition signature packets with redactions made for birth dates of signatories. | Appeal Granted | ||
578 | | 20-26 | Daniel Movahhed vs. Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office | Order of Continuance | |||
579 | | 20-27 | Kent Singleton vs. Weber Human Services | Personal and business cell phone texts, emails, conversations, trainings/meetings/minutes, notes and data of any communications concerning accusations made that the petitioner and Jeff Glum inappropriately used Riverdale Senior Center computers in 2019. | Appeal Denied | ||
580 | | 20-28 | Charles Bascomb vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Documents related to Mr. Bascomb’s incarceration in the Draper and Gunnison corrections facilities. | Appeal Denied | ||
581 | | 20-29 | Patrick Sullivan vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Order of Continuance | |||
582 | | 20-30 | Danial Movahhed vs. Salt Lake County | Documentation regarding the justification to continue petitioner's housing assignment in administrative segregation and the associated reviews. | Appeal Denied | ||
583 | | 20-31 | Trevor Lee vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Various records and communications, most of which related to Patrick Sullivan. Mr. Lee also requested a fee waiver because Mr. Sullivan is the subject of the records and is impecunious. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
584 | | 20-32 | Blake Johnson vs. Judicial Conduct Commission | All documents, decisions, findings, conclusions, etc. related to the investigation into Honorable Thomas L. Kay and his conduct regarding Roush vs. Greene’s Inc., Case No. 160700091. Trial took place September 25-26, 2017. The conduct investigated occurred at the Post Trial Hearing that took place on January 19, 2018. | Appeal Dismissed | ||
585 | | 20-33 | Wasatch Taxpayer Association vs. Wasatch County School District | Records related to the “Bio-West Wetlands Delineation Report” prepared for Respondent related to a proposed new high school in Wasatch County. | Appeal Granted | ||
586 | | 20-34 | Patrick Sullivan vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Order of Continuance | |||
587 | | 20-35 | Brady Eames vs. Utah Local Government's Trust | Accounting records and records regarding a specific individual’s employment with ULGT over a period of 17.5 years. | Appeal Denied | ||
588 | | 20-36 | Brady Eames vs. Logan City | Written reports documenting any and all deposits and investments made by the Public Treasurer of Respondent with the State Money Management Council from 2010 through 2020. Mr. Eames also requested a fee waiver for inspection of the written reports. | Appeal Granted | ||
589 | | 20-37 | Sue Steel and Roni Wilcox vs. Utah Department of Corrections | All e-mail sent or received by Corrections’ employees regarding Petitioners from September 1, 2019 to the present. | Appeal Denied | ||
590 | | 20-38 | Center for Biological Diversity vs. Department of Workforce Services | Records related to the Uinta Basin Railway including its funding and communications by the Community Impact Fund Board. Petitioner also requested a fee waiver | Appeal Granted | ||
591 | | 20-39 | Salt Lake Legal Defenders Association vs. Utah Department of Public Safety | Records relating to the Intoxilyzer 8000 used by the Utah Highway Patrol. | Appeal Denied | ||
592 | | 20-40 | Center for Biological Diversity vs. Department of Workforce Services | Order of Continuance | |||
593 | | 20-41 | Paul Richins vs. Davis County | All “tangible” and “intangible” records related to Respondent’s valuation of his real property. | Appeal Denied | ||
594 | | 20-42 | Larry Agee vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Employee misconduct record concerning a specific employee for Corrections from 2012 to 2019. | Appeal Denied | ||
595 | | 20-43 | KSL-TV vs. Utah Department of Health | All complaints regarding nursing homes from Feb. 1, 2020 to current date for the purpose of obtaining information on how nursing homes are handling COVID and notifying residents’ families. | Appeal Granted | ||
596 | | 20-44 | Steven Onysko vs. Emigration Improvement District | All records and documents relating to lead in, including but not limited to, lead contamination of, public drinking water in Emigration Improvement District. | Appeal Denied | ||
597 | | 20-45 | Mike Favero vs. Logan City School District | All emails and text messages exchanged to and or from Superintendent Frank Schofield, Principal Ken Auld and Board member Ann Geary on Logan City Schools Districts computers or cell phones. | Appeal Partially Granter | ||
598 | | 20-46 | Raphael Cordray vs. Utah Inland Port Authority | Emails, correspondence, other paper or electronic records, maps, memos, reports, photographs, depictions, and graphs containing referencing or referring to any electronic meeting, policy, plan or discussion that was had…zoom room, virtual meetings, and online meetings” during a specific time frame. Also requested records created or distributed for the purpose of facilitating an electronic meeting. | Appeal Granted | ||
599 | | 20-47 | Brady Eames vs. Utah Local Governments Trust | Records related to ULGT Board meetings held on August 25, 2017 and October 27, 2017. | Appeal Denied | ||
600 | | 20-48 | KSL-5 News vs. Layton City Police Department | A copy of the 911 phone call from Ethan Hunsaker made on May 26, 2020. The record is related to the death of Ashlyn Black. | Appeal Denied | ||
601 | | 20-49 | Nicole Noren, ESPN vs. University of Utah | Copies of records held by Respondent relating to the murder of University of Utah student Lauren McCluskey. | Appeal Granted | ||
602 | | 20-50 | Leo Holtz vs. Utah State Treasurer's Office | Public records of the Surplus / Excess Funds list (7 years of data) from tax foreclosure sale auctions conducted by counties, whose unclaimed surplus funds have been transferred to and held by the Utah State Treasury. | Appeal Denied | ||
603 | | 20-51 | Alexander Cramer vs. Summit County | Order of Continuance | |||
604 | | 20-52 | Ozwald Balfour vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Entries in Correction's Offender History Report made after 04/21/2016 to present. | Order of Continuance | ||
605 | | 20-53 | Brady Eames vs. Utah League of Cities and Towns | Any and all documentation of any rules of order and procedure with respect to the open and public meetings convened by the Respondent’s Board of Directors or any other public body of Respondent. | Appeal Denied | ||
606 | | 20-54 | Steven Onysko vs. Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Drinking Water | All records and documents related to lead contamination in public drinking water from the Emigration Improvement District. | Appeal Denied | ||
607 | | 20-55 | Center for Biological Diversity vs. Seven County Infrastructure Coalition | Records related to the Uinta Basin Railway Project including memoranda, studies, findings, and minutes. | Appeal Denied | ||
608 | | 20-56 | Brady Eames vs. Utah State Treasurer | Written reports documenting any and all deposits and investments made by the State Treasurer as filed with the State Money Management Council on or before January 31st and July 31st of 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. Also, written reports filed by the State Treasurer with the State Money Management Council which include: (1) The amount of public funds in the possession or control of the State Treasurer; (2) The details of the nature and extent of the deposit and investment of such public funds; and (3) The details of the rate of return on each deposit or investment of such public funds. | Appeal Denied | ||
609 | | 20-57 | Brady Eames vs. Utah State Treasurer | Financial institution records pertaining to the transfer of citizens tax money to the Public Treasurer’s Investment Fund from the following institutes of higher education: Utah State University, the University of Utah, Weber State University, Southern Utah University, Snow College, Dixie State University, Utah Valley University, and Salt Lake Community College. Also all FINET records and investment income pertaining to the transfer of citizens tax money to the PTIF from the above named institutes of higher education. | Appeal Denied | ||
610 | | 20-58 | J. Robert Latham vs. Utah Department of Human Services | The Office of Quality and design’s source material for specific statements contained in its 2018 and 2019 Southwest Qualitative Case Review (“QCR”) reports. | Appeal Denied | ||
611 | | 20-59 | Steven Onysko vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | All records and documentation relating to alteration, changes, reprogramming, deactivation, or other conduct with respect to a former Civil Deputy’s building access cards. | Appeal Denied | ||
612 | | 20-60 | Steven Onysko vs. Attorney General's Office | All records and documentation relating to State agents’, including but not limited to Office of Attorney General’s agents’, unsuccessful and successful contact of the former Civil Deputy, any time commenting April 6, 2018 (her purported separation date from State service) for purpose of the State, including any of its OAG or other agents, making injury or other communication vis-à-vis the State building access card, cellphone and computer laptop still in the former Civil Chief Deputy’s possession or control through the purported May 22, 2018, theft of this property, reported in Unified Police Greater Salt Lake report. | Appeal Granted | ||
613 | | 20-61 | Sam Stecklow vs. Utah Division of Purchasing and General Services | Copies of the applications, all documents, all addendums, and any amendments made to the applications for all medical cannabis cultivators and pharmacies that have been granted a license from the State to operate and the criteria by which the applications were scored, and the scoring documentation for each application that was awarded a license. | Order of Continuance | ||
614 | | 20-62 | Alexander Cramer vs. Summit County | Petitioner, on behalf of The Park Record, requested correspondence between April 13, 2020 and May 1, 2020 regarding Respondent’s Joint Public Health Order 2020-05 issued on April 30, 2020, and a fee waiver for said records. | Appeal Granted | ||
615 | | 20-63 | Taylor Hartman, Utah Investigative Journalism Project vs. Beaver Valley Hospital | Financial records of Beaver Valley Hospital including payees who received funding from the hospital, administrative fees and other charges including management charges by the hospital, and salary information for administrators. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
616 | | 20-64 | Brady Eames vs. Utah Local Government Trust | Plans, policies, reports, statements, and resolutions of the Utah Legal Government Trust Board regarding the use of tax money of Logan City’s and Cache County’s citizens. | Appeal Denied | ||
617 | | 20-65 | Jessica Miller, Salt Lake Tribune vs. West Valley City Police Department | All body camera footage from Aug 23, 2019 police shootings of a specific individual. | Order of Continuance | ||
618 | | 20-66 | Utah Animal Rights Coalition vs. Utah Department of Agriculture & Food | Order of Continuance | |||
619 | | 21-01 | Luis Sanchez vs. West Valley Police Department | Records regarding a specific incident involving the West Jordan Police Department, and a fee waiver for the records. | Appeal Denied | ||
620 | | 21-02 | Darren Rosenstein vs. Utah Department of Transportation | Order of Continuance | |||
621 | | 21-03 | Jessica Miller, Salt Lake Tribune vs. West Valley City Police Department | Six videos related to the shooting of Michael Chad Breinholt while he was in police custody, resulting in his death on August 23, 2019. | Appeal Granted | ||
622 | | 21-04 | Brady Eames vs. Millard County | Records regarding the 1988 murder of Gordon Ray Church and the subsequent trials and convictions of Michael Anthony Archuleta and Lance Conway Wood. Mr. Eames requested that he be given access for inspection of the trial exhibits, stored at the county. | Appeal Denied | ||
623 | | 21-05 | Steven Onysko vs. Attorney General's Office | Order of Continuance | |||
624 | | 21-06 | Utah Animal Rights Coalition vs. Department of Agriculture & Food | Records regarding Utah mink farms including records detailing issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
625 | | 21-07 | J. Robert Latham vs. Washington County | Order of Continuance | |||
626 | | 21-08 | Darren Rosenstein vs. Utah Department of Transportation | Order of Continuance | |||
627 | | 21-09 | Mark Tracy vs. Emigration Improvement District and Simplifi Company | E-mail correspondence regarding lead contamination of water system 18143 and the use of public funds for private legal costs. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
628 | | 21-10 | Steven Onysko vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Records regarding legal services procured by the AG’s Office from a specified law firm regarding legal matters related to Paul G. Amann. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
629 | | 21-11 | Caralee Woods vs. Utah Department of Agriculture and Food | Any records regarding amendments to the Boulder Creek Canyon Ranch Conservation Easement (“BCCR Easement”). | Appeal Granted | ||
630 | | 21-12 | Darren Rosenstein vs. Utah Department of Transportation | Order of Continuance | |||
631 | | 21-13 | Sandra Guzman-Ochoa vs. Utah Division of Child and Family Services | Order of Continuance | |||
632 | | 21-14 | Tiffany Gilman vs. Unified Police Department | Order of Continuance | |||
633 | | 21-15 | Center for Biological Diversity vs. Department of Workforce Services | Order of Continuance | |||
634 | | 21-16 | J. Robert Latham vs. Washington County | Records that referenced or were about the petitioner from two named individuals on or after June 20, 2018 | Appeal Denied | ||
635 | | 21-17 | Steven Onysko vs. State Records Committee | All records related to the State Records Committee action combining two appeals Mr. Onysko had before the Committee in Onysko v. Attorney Gen.’s Office, State Records Committee Case No. 21-10 (Feb. 22, 2021). | Appeal Denied | ||
636 | | 21-18 | Devon Cantwell vs. University of Utah | Email correspondence between Respondent’s Office of Equal Opportunity and Nicole Bedera, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Michigan | Appeal Denied | ||
421 | | 17-28 | Matthew Winters vs. West Jordan City Police Department | All video and audio – car camera, body camera and middle school DVD surveillance. | Appeal Partially Granted | See also summons | |
637 | | 21-19 | Save Our Canyons vs. Utah Department of Transportation | Records related to the State Route 210 project in Little Cottonwood Canyon located in Salt Lake County. | Order of Continuance | ||
638 | | 21-20 | Sandra Guzman-Ochoa vs. Utah Division of Child and Family Services | A copy of a 2020 case report and an earlier 2014 case report from Respondent. Both of the case reports involved Ms. Guzman-Ochoa or a member of her family. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
639 | | 21-21 | Raphael Cordray vs. Duchesne County | Records from Respondent's Planning and Zoning Department about the Uinta Basin Railway Project, as well as a fee waiver. | Appeal Denied | ||
640 | | 21-22 | Tiffany Gilman vs. Unified Police Department | Copies of any records related to the missing person case of Nancy Wilcox. | Appeal Granted | ||
641 | | 21-23 | Sam Stecklow vs. Salt Lake City Police Department | Digitally maintained records regarding closed SLCPD officer incidents involving the use of force, firearm discharges, traffic collisions, and police-involved shootings including those resulting in death. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
642 | | 21-24 | Sam Stecklow vs. Salt Lake City Police Department Civilian Review Board | Decisions and other final disposition documentation for cases reviewed by Respondent but not published on Salt Lake City’s website. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
643 | | 21-25 | Sam Stecklow, Salt Lake Tribune vs. Clinton City | Records regarding two current or former employees of the Clinton Police Department | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
644 | | 21-26 | Sam Stecklow, Salt Lake Tribune vs. Washington County Sheriff's Office | Records regarding four specified officer critical incidents involving Washington County Sheriff Deputies during the past thirteen years. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
645 | | 21-27 | Sam Stecklow vs. City of Cottonwood Heights | Internal investigatory records regarding three shootings involving officers of its police department. | Appeal Granted | ||
646 | | 21-28 | Sam Stecklow vs. West Jordan Police Department | Internal affairs or use of force reports and the final disposition from any such internal review. | Appeal Granted | ||
647 | | 21-29 | Darren Rosenstein vs. Utah Department of Transportation | Order of Continuance | |||
648 | | 21-30 | Save Our Canyons vs. Utah Department of Transportation | Records related to the State Route 210 project in Little Cottonwood Canyon located in Salt Lake County. | Order of Continuance | ||
649 | | 21-31 | Donald Anderson vs. Department of Workforce Services | Records submitted to the Department of Workforce Services on November 20, 2020 by the Center for Family Evaluation and Treatment. | Appeal Denied | ||
650 | | 21-32 | Stephen Pace vs. Salt Lake City | Meeting minutes and the revisions to those minutes for the Salt Lake City Historic Landmark Commission’s July 16, 2020 public meeting. | Appeal Denied | ||
651 | | 21-33 | Stephen Pace vs. Salt Lake City Corporation | Records related to the former Salt Lake City Commission’s actions in the late 1970s to modify certain land use regulations. | Appeal Denied | ||
652 | | 21-34 | Robert Sloman vs. University of Utah | Order of Continuance | |||
653 | | 21-35 | Darren Rosenstein vs. Utah Department of Transportation | Order of Continuance | |||
654 | | 21-36 | Mark Allen vs. Utah County | Copies of all cell phone texts between Utah County Commissioner Bill Lee and two specified individuals from January 1, 2020 to the date of the request. Petitioner also requested copies of all incoming and outgoing messages related to Bridal Veil Falls and public comments regarding Bridal Veil Falls between November 1, 2020 and December 14, 2020. | Appeal Denied | ||
655 | | 21-37 | Gary Eatchel vs. Utah Department of Corrections | A copy of the Initial Contact Report (ICR), Incident Reports, Narratives, Attachments, and Supplements for incident/case #338525. | Appeal Granted | ||
656 | | 21-38 | Nimo Leauanae vs. Alpine School District | A copy of an investigative report conducted by Principal Erickson regarding the October 27, 2020 volleyball game incident. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
657 | | 21-39 | O'Niell Chambers vs. City of Orem | Order of Continuance | |||
658 | | 21-40 | Nate Carlise, KSTU-FOX 13 Utah vs. Beaver County | A copy of what’s commonly known as the ‘Brady List’ maintained by Beaver County’s prosecutors. | Appeal Denied | ||
659 | | 21-41 | Florene Holdaway vs. Utah Department of Human Services | A specified report filed with DCFS in July 2020. | Appeal Denied | ||
660 | | 21-42 | Jessica Miller, Salt Lake Tribune vs. Salt Lake City Corporation | Body camera footage of a K-9 dog bite incident occurring on November 14, 2019. | Appeal Denied | ||
661 | | 21-43 | Center for Biological Diversity vs. Seven County Intrastructure Coalition | Records related to the Uinta Basin Railway Project including specifically a draft financial analysis for the Uinta Basin Railway dated May 13, 2019. | Appeal Denied | ||
662 | | 21-44 | Brady Eames vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Records from the Utah Prosecution Council which is administered by the AG’s Office, and a fee waiver | Appeal Denied | ||
663 | | 21-45 | Mark Tracy vs. Emigration Improvement District | All fire flow test results of water system 18143 owned by the District and operated by Simplifi Company since August 1, 1998. | Appeal Granted | ||
664 | | 21-46 | Patrick Sullivan vs. Sanpete County | Order of Continuance | |||
665 | | 21-47 | O'Neill Chambers vs. City of Orem | A copy of a police report related to an incident where Mr. Chambers was the victim of an alleged assault. | Appeal Denied | ||
666 | | 21-48 | Lionel Trepanier vs. Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration | Fee waiver for access to records. | Appeal Denied | ||
667 | | 21-49 | Robert Sloman vs. University of Utah | Appeal Denied | |||
668 | | 21-50 | Justin Sutherland vs. Utah Department of Natural Resources | Order of Continuance | |||
669 | | 21-51 | Eric Peterson vs. Utah Department of Workforce Services | The names of recipients for funds spent under the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (“ERA”) for Housing Stability Services up to June 1, 2021. | Appeal Denied | ||
670 | | 21-52 | Adam Herbets vs. University of Utah | E-mails regarding named individuals and involving specified subjects including “Fox 13” from May 15, 2021 to the present. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
671 | | 21-53 | Darren Rosenstein vs. Utah Department of Transportation | Order of Continuance | |||
672 | | 21-54 | Eric Peterson vs. Utah Department of Public Safety | Records related to a protest/demonstration that took place on January 6, 2021 at the Utah State Capitol. | Appeal Denied | ||
673 | | 21-55 | Save Our Canyons vs. Utah Department of Transportation | Records related to the State Route 210 project in Little Cottonwood Canyon located in Salt Lake County. | Appeal Granted | ||
674 | | 21-56 | Brady Eames vs. Utah State Treasurer | Fees related to viewing records. | Appeal Denied | ||
675 | | 21-57 | Nicole K. Noren (ESPN) vs. University of Utah | Copies of all audio and video interviews from Respondent associated with the Lauren McCluskey case. | Appeal Denied | ||
676 | | 21-58 | Darren Rosenstein vs. Utah Department of Transportation | Appeal Denied | |||
677 | | 21-59 | Jeffrey Bennion vs. Utah Housing Corporation | All materials in Respondent’s files and archives in relation to a specified individual. | Appeal Denied | ||
678 | | 21-60 | Scott Gollaher vs. Morgan County | A copy of all billings received from, and payments made to, Peter Daines regarding his appellate representation of Mr. Gollaher. | Order of Continuance | ||
679 | | 21-61 | Nickolas Parker vs. Price City Police Department | Order of Continuance | |||
680 | | 21-62 | Mark Putnam vs. Washington County Attorney's Office | E-mail, telephone recordings, texts, and video communications between specified individuals and the attorney prosecuting Mr. Putnam’s criminal case. | Appeal Denied | ||
681 | | 22-01 | Patrick Sullivan vs. Sanpete County | Records regarding discovery for a district court case; a request for e-mail messages, chats, or hangout messages involving specified employees of the Utah Department of Corrections; information referred to Sanpete County by the Utah Department of Corrections, Gunnison Prison. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
682 | | 22-02 | Patrick Sullivan vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Records about or in behalf of an inmate. | Appeal Denied | ||
683 | | 22-03 | Nickolas Parker vs. Price City Police Department | A copy of all annual performance evaluations, job description, classification, pay range, promotions, educational accomplishments, rewards/recognitions, department development opportunities, emails or another article that has his name on or in it and a copy of any disciplinary action including all internal affairs investigations. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
684 | | 22-04 | Brian Donegan vs. Grand County Sheriff's Department | Any and all information relating to the murder of Kylen Schulte and Crystal Turner including type/caliber of the weapon, type of wounds, and the exact location of where the bodies had been found. I | Appeal Denied | ||
685 | | 22-05 | Courtney Tanner, Salt Lake Tribune vs. University of Utah & Utah System of Higher Education | All comments submitted via the email created and operated by the Utah System of Higher Education and the public to give thoughts on the three finalists during the most recent University of Utah presidential search. | Appeal Denied | ||
686 | | 22-06 | Patrick Sullivan vs. Utah Department of Corrections | A fee waiver and expedited access to initial contact reports, media statements, statistics, correspondence, and surveillance footage related to the elimination of the A/B schedule. | Appeal Denied | ||
687 | | 22-07 | Jonathan Bejarano vs. Utah Board of Education | Order of Continuance | |||
688 | | 22-08 | Jennifer Orton vs. Salt Lake County | Order of Continuance | |||
689 | | 22-09 | Paul Amann vs. Utah Department of Public Safety | Any and all records regarding a specified individual, including records of applications, communications, and correspondence involving that individual. | Appeal Denied | ||
690 | | 22-10 | Aaron Pacini vs. Jordan School District | (1) Election results for all South Jordan Elementary Community Council ("SCC") 2021-2022 elections; (2) The SCC election rules and procedures governing all SCC 2021-2022 elections; (3) The names of each SCC member including parents and teachers, the beginning dates of their service and the ending date of their current term; (4) All emails, texts, and other communications (regardless of official or personal communications) to or from South Jordan Elementary's principal, vice-principal, other administrators and office staff regarding SCC in the calendar year 2021, SCC election(s) for the year 2021-2022 and Pacini by name or reference including Aaron, Shalene, Christopher, Jacob, Timothy or Nathan; (5) All emails, texts or other communications (personal or official) from or to two specified individuals regarding the SCC 2021-2022 election including references to "Pacini," any candidate, the election process, results, etc.; and (6) The number of students in each SJE class from each Dibels category. | Appeal Denied | ||
691 | | 22-11 | Jonathan Bejarano vs. Utah State Board of Education | All e-mails on Board Member Cline's Gmail from August 26, 2021 to September 29, 2021 that include one or more of the keywords "uea, critical race theory, crt, Johnson, Senator, Representative, Christiansen or UPU." | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
692 | | 22-12 | Jennifer Orten vs. Salt Lake County | Communications received by or sent by Salt Lake County Clerk Sherrie Swensen and Mark Pemberton, communications by Ms. Swensen using the words “voter roll(s)” or “canvas(ing)(ers), and a fee waiver. | Appeal Partially Granted | Third District Court, Case No. 220902520 | |
693 | | 22-13 | Thomas Swell vs. University of Utah | Records from the Health Gastroenterology Endoscopy Center and Liver Clinic) between September 1, 2021 through September 30, 2021: (1) The full name, first and last, of each employee who worked a shift on each day; (2) The start time and end time of the shift for each fully named employee on each day; and (3) The team, position, assignment, role, and/or area of responsibility of each fully named employee who worked a shift on each day. | Appeal Denied | ||
694 | | 22-14 | Steven Onysko vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Unredacted records. | Appeal Denied | ||
695 | | 22-15 | Chad Lambourne vs. Utah Highway Patrol | Order of Continuance | |||
696 | | 22-16 | Ian Cooperstein vs. University of Utah | Correspondence between human resources for the University and two people regarding a complaint petitioner had previously filed. | Appeal Denied | ||
697 | | 22-17 | Adam Herbets vs. Unified Police | Order of Continuance | |||
698 | | 22-18 | Adam Herbets vs. Heber City Police | Copies of all settlement agreements, dispositions of claim, and/or nondisclosure agreements involving Heber City from January 1, 2021, through present day. | Appeal Partially Approved | ||
699 | | 22-19 | Adam Herbets vs. Heber City Police | Records of communications with a specified individual. | Order of Continuance | ||
700 | | 22-20 | Brady Eames vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Records related to the trial and conviction of Michael Anthony Archuleta for the murder of Gordon Church in 1988. Specifically, “unique information in rough notes or drafts assembled or created and used to prepare other documents [that] adds proper understanding to the formulation and execution of policies, decisions, actions, or responsibilities” of the appellate division and the Solicitor General of the AG’s Office for the Archuleta case. | Appeal Denied | ||
701 | | 22-21 | Mark Tracy vs. Emigration Improvement District | Legal invoices and evidence of payment submitted to the “EMIGRATION IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT" from the law firm of Cohne Kinghorn P.C., Parson Kinghorn and Harris P.C., and Gerald R. Kinghorn P.C. since August 1, 1998. | Appeal Denied | ||
702 | | 22-22 | Reginald Williams vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Results of all covid test; cost and maker of covid test; person(s) that authorized/performed petitioner's covid test, and the reason for performing the covid test. | Appeal Denied | ||
703 | | 22-23 | Nate Carlisle vs. Utah Department of Transportation | A copy of the report(s) Deer Valley Resort filed concerning the mechanical failure on the Carpenter Express chairlift on or about December 24, 2021. | Appeal Granted | ||
704 | | 22-24 | Adam Herbets vs. Unified Police | Copies of all body camera footage of three police officers involved in two incidents. The records included body camera footage taken inside a medical facility. | Appeal Denied | ||
705 | | 22-25 | Adam Herbets vs. Utah County Attorney's Office | Copies of all letters or e-mails received by the Utah County Sheriff’s Office explaining decisions by prosecutors with Respondent relating to the charging of a specified individual who was arrested in January 2022. | Appeal Denied | ||
706 | | 22-26 | Adam Herbets vs. Heber City Police | Order of Continuance | |||
707 | | 22-27 | Courtney Tanner vs. University of Utah | Any police reports regarding two University of Utah students, Haoyu Wang and Zhifan Dong. | Appeal Granted | ||
708 | | 22-28 | George Staheli vs. Utah Tech University | All data the Cicero Group gathered for the Dixie State University name change process. | Appeal Denied | ||
709 | | 22-29 | Brady Eames vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Records documenting the mental health status of an inmate and accounting records documenting tax funds used to provide mental health services to him. | Appeal Denied | ||
710 | | 22-30 | Parents Defending Education vs. Salt Lake City School District | Order of Continuance | |||
711 | | 22-31 | Adam Herbets vs. Farmington City | Records regarding a Farmington City employee: (1) Copies of all complaints filed against the employee in 2021 and 2022; (2) Copies of all attached records submitted alongside the complaints; (3) Copies of all files generated from a completed investigation; (4) Copies of all reports documenting the use of force; and (5) Copies of all electronic communication, including but not limited to emails and text messages sent by the employee and Farmington City Manager in 2022 and any responses to those sent messages. | Appeal Denied | ||
712 | | 22-32 | Eric Peterson vs. Department of Natural Resources | A DNR investigative report from a 2018 hunt. | Appeal Denied | ||
713 | | 22-33 | Mike Brown vs. Davis School District | A fee waiver for records held by Respondent, the Davis School District. | Appeal Denied | ||
714 | | 22-34 | Eric Peterson vs. Utah Inland Port Authority | Drafts known as "Working Papers 2". | Appeal Denied | ||
715 | | 22-35 | Patrick Sullivan vs. Sanpete County | Request limits within a calendar year. | Appeal Denied | ||
716 | | 22-36 | Parents Defending Education vs. Salt Lake School District | Order of Continuance | |||
717 | | 22-37 | Aaron Davidson vs. Alpine School District | A fee waiver for records held by Respondent, the Alpine School District. | Appeal Denied | ||
718 | | 22-38 | Eric Peterson vs. Attorney General's Office | Attorney General Office’s review of a Department of Natural Resources investigative report from a 2018 hunt. | Appeal Denied | ||
719 | | 22-39 | Nickolas Parker vs. Carbon County | Internal affairs investigation records - specifically, two email correspondence, dated May 8, 2020, and May 12, 2020, between the city attorney and employees of Respondent or the Price City Police Department. | Appeal Denied | ||
720 | | 22-40 | Steve Regruto vs. Carbon County | Internal affairs investigation records - specifically, two email correspondence, dated May 8, 2020, and May 12, 2020, between the city attorney and employees of Respondent or the Price City Police Department. | Appeal Denied | ||
721 | | 22-41 | Michael Clara vs. Utah State Board of Education | Copies of all records that the Utah UPPAC [Utah Professional Practices Advisory Commission] members and staff created, obtained and reviewed. In addition, a fee waiver was requested. | Appeal Denied | ||
722 | | 22-42 | Brady Eames vs. Logan City | Fee waiver | Appeal Denied | ||
723 | | 22-43 | Ian Cooperstein vs. Attorney General's Office | All of the communications that the office of the Attorney General had with employees at attorneys of the law firm of McConkie-Collinwood-Adams from December 2019 through December 2021 related to petitioner's case before the Utah Labor Commission. | Appeal Denied | ||
724 | | 22-44 | Patrick Sullivan vs. Sanpete County | All emails from a list of individuals that mentioned the petitioner, along with any attachments to those emails, that were sent from January 1, 2019, to the date of his request. Petitioner also requested a “certified copy of summons” for a specific district court case along with a signature showing the date Respondent received the document and a copy of the envelope. | Order of Continuance | ||
725 | | 22-45 | Raphael Cordray vs. Carbon County | All emails and their attachments created, received, or retained by Respondent from July 1, 2020, to the date of Respondent’s response that regarded, contained, or referenced any of the following terms pertaining to Carbon County: “Satellite Port,” “Inland Port,” “Ridge Road site,” “Price river terminal,” or “Inland Port development.” | Appeal Granted, and Order of Continuance | ||
726 | | 22-46 | Ian Cooperstein vs. University of Utah | Records relating to a former employee of Respondent’s (referred to hereafter as “J.G.”) in three areas: Documentation about [J.G.’s] early 2020 termination, [m]aterials related to his 2018 promotion, and information about the tuition assistance amounts and dates that he received. | Appeal Denied | ||
727 | | 22-47 | Nate Carlisle vs. Salt Lake County District Attorney's Office | Any statement, and recorded interviews given and had by Mamie Reeder in conjunction with two cases prosecuted by the Salt Lake County District Attorney’s Office (“DA”): State v. Wellen, case no. 181905553, and State v. Malachowski, case no. 181903984. | Appeal Denied | ||
728 | | 22-48 | Azlen Marchet vs. Utah Department of Public Safety | The results of a rape kit. | Appeal Denied | ||
729 | | 22-49 | Patrick Sullivan vs. Sanpete County | All emails from a list of individuals that mentioned him, along with any attachments to those emails, that were sent from January 1, 2019, to the date of his request. Petitioner also requested a “certified copy of summons” for a specific district court case along with a signature showing the date Respondent received the document and a copy of the envelope. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
730 | | 22-50 | Wendy Halloran vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Records relating to a tragic accident that occurred on May 2, 2022. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
731 | | 22-51 | Lynn David vs. Wasatch County | Records pertaining to names and addresses of all individuals who applied for primary residence exemptions for their property taxes in Wasatch County and were asked to provide evidence that they were county residents from the time period of January 1, 2016, through June 1, 2022. | Appeal Denied | ||
732 | | 22-52 | Raphael Cordray vs. Carbon County | All emails and their attachments created, received, or retained by Respondent from July 1, 2020, to the date of Respondent’s response that regarded, contained, or referenced any of the following terms pertaining to Carbon County: “Satellite Port,” “Inland Port,” “Ridge Road site,” “Price river terminal,” or “Inland Port development.” | Appeal Dismissed | ||
733 | | 22-53 | Lynn David vs. Wasatch County | All records related to a rock mining operation on lots 195 and 221 in Brighton Estates, Wasatch County, Utah, including information related to a complaint Petitioner lodged with Respondent in 2021 concerning the operation (“Complaint”), all documentation concerning the business license application and approval for the individual conducting the rock mining operation (“Business License”), and Petitioner’s own communications in with Wasatch County on the matter throughout 2022. | Appeal Denied | ||
734 | | 22-54 | Lynn David vs. Wasatch County | Documentation related to the property located at 2399 W. Boulder Dr, and lots 195, 207, 208, and 221. And all communications received between July 20, 2022, and August 24, 2022, concerning the boulder extraction operation in Brighton Estates. | Appeal Denied | ||
735 | | 22-55 | Lynn David vs. Wasatch County | Records pertaining to law enforcement’s interaction with him and others on July 22, 2022, when a resident in Brighton Estates (Wasatch County, Utah) complained to law enforcement that Petitioner had been photographing and following his employees. | Appeal Denied | ||
736 | | 22-56 | Paul Amann vs. Utah Attorney General | Records pertaining to the investigation of a firearm left at the Hale Center Theater after the Attorney General’s Office held an office-wide meeting there in 2014. | Appeal Denied | ||
737 | | 22-57 | Paul Amann vs. Utah Attorney General | Records pertaining to legal representation of the Respondent, any elected official of the Respondent, or any employee, agent, or appointee employed by the Respondent since December 24, 2013. | Appeal Denied | ||
738 | | 22-58 | Paul Amann vs. Utah Attorney General | Records connected to the Respondent’s “compliance with Utah Procurement Code,” and the Respondent’s own policy regarding procurements in relation to it retaining the Ray Quinney Nebeker law firm (“RQN”) to represent it in any matter involving Petitioner. | Appeal Denied | ||
739 | | 22-59 | Shawn Herring vs. Vineyard City | Records, public meeting notices, agendas, minutes, emails, documents, texts, responses and submissions, official letters and any communications regarding any proposals, requests, authorizations, letters of intent, contracts, planning, or future plans between certain named individuals from August 2017 to present. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
740 | | 22-60 | Jeffrey Wetsel vs. Price City Policy Department | Records surrounding a police call regarding a child custody dispute. | Appeal Dismissed | ||
741 | | 22-61 | Judith Zimmerman vs. Department of Health and Human Services | A list of third-party entities and individuals to whom Respondent shared Petitioner’s personal information with during a specified date range. | Appeal Denied | ||
742 | | 23-01 | Jaime Wiley (for Jacob Allen) vs. Division of Child and Family Services | All reports, notes, findings, conclusions, summaries, and investigation-related records related to Jacob Allen [date of birth], , including but not limited to Case Number 2899047. | Appeal Denied | ||
743 | | 23-02 | Mark Tracy vs. Emigration Improvement District | All legal invoices and evidence of payment submitted to Emigration Improvement District from the Salt Lake City law firm Chone Kinghorn P.C., Parson Kinghorn and Harris P.C., and Gerald R. Kinghorn P.C. since August 1, 1998. Appeal is about the fees for providing these records. | Appeal Denied | ||
744 | | 23-03 | Jared Pela vs. Salt Lake City School District | All records of access for petitioner'ss specific parent portal, all information pertaining to any modifications of his parent portal, including additions, deletions, and changes to his individual portal, and all attendance records for his son. | Appeal Denied | ||
745 | | 23-04 | Daniel Herrera vs. Department of Corrections | All lab tests results for certain medical tests petitioner had performed on May 8, 2018, and various other medical records. Also includes communications regarding illegal activity. | Order of Continuance | ||
746 | | 23-05 | Anna and Bryan Baggaley vs. Granite School District | Records pertaining to Granger High School’s decision to remove Petitioner, Anna Baggaley, from her 2nd period US Government Class. These records were to include “emails, meeting notes, files, complaints, written decisions, etc. | Order of Continuance | ||
747 | | 23-06 | Corey Coleman vs. Vernal City | Timecards of Matt Tate, a current employee of Respondent and former associate of Petitioner, for the date range of November 1, 2021 through February 1, 2022. | Appeal Denied | ||
748 | | 23-07 | Brady Eames vs. State Treasurer | Appeal withdrawn | |||
749 | | 23-08 | Courtney Tanner, Salt Lake Tribune vs. Utah State University, Noelle Crockett, Intervenor | Any emails sent by President Noelle Crockett from Nov. 10 [2022], to Nov. 15 [2022], about her possible departure or the football/athletic program at USU. | Appeal Denied | ||
750 | | 23-09 | Anna and Bryan Baggaly vs. Granite School District | Records pertaining to Granger High School’s decision to remove Petitioner, Anna Baggaley, from her 2nd period US Government Class. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
751 | | 23-10 | Judith Zimmerman vs. Utah Department of Health and Human Services | Any records surrounding the petitioner's complaints about department staff, including any subsequent investigation, findings, and disciplinary action. | Order of Continuation | ||
752 | | 23-11 | Tim McConnehey vs. Jordan School District | All emails about West Jordan Elementary from a school board member's personal email account. | Appeal Granted | ||
753 | | 23-12 | Brady Eames vs. Logan City | Records in connection to the construction of the Logan City Plaza & Event Stage, including the general contract awarded to the construction company, proof of liability and workers compensation insurance provided by the construction company, receipt of donated private funds for the project, and documentation of the use of public funds to compensate the construction company. | Appeal Denied | ||
754 | | 23-13 | Ian Cooperstein vs. University of Utah | Job posting materials for a job posting that Petitioner claims was labeled “Personal Training Supervisor” and was posted from August 2015 until July 2019. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
755 | | 23-14 | Paul Amann vs. Office of the Utah Attorney General | All records concerning the Respondent’s disciplinary action taken against its employees from January 2014 through the date of the records request. | Appeal Denied | ||
756 | | 23-15 | Courtney Tanner (Salt Lake Tribune) vs. Utah System of Higher Education | Any communication between and among members of the Utah Board of Higher Education, the USHE commissioner and/or his executive team and/or Utah State University President Noelle Crockett about Crockett’s tenure, concerns about her administration and/or her departure as president and any agreements about what that would look like. | Order of Continuation | ||
757 | | 23-16 | Marlon Smith vs. Utah Department of Public Safety | Incident reports, videos from dash and body cameras, dispatch records, and policies and procedures regarding an incident. | Appeal Denied | ||
758 | | 23-17 | Jennifer Lewis vs. Austin Community Special Service District | A copy of the digital recording (as well as resolutions adopted) of the regular meeting of the Administrative Control Board of the Austin Community Special Service District held on Tuesday, October 18, 2022, at 35 West Main, Elsinore, UT, at the hour of 6:30 pm; a copy of the budget hearing minutes from June 29, 2022, as approved by the board and referenced as “agenda item (1)” of the regular meeting of the Administrative Control Board of the Austin Community Special Service District on October 18, 2022; and records relating to water services. Also requesting a fee waiver. | Appeal Granted | ||
759 | | 23-18 | Cindy O'Neil vs. East Carbon City | A copy of all applications for service that have been submitted to the city for the connection at 178 West Geneva pertaining to certain named tenants; minutes of the Board of Equalization; and all records concerning rebates, refunds, or charges that were forgiven or dropped by the city for the last 3 years pursuant to city code. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
760 | | 23-19 | Judith Zimmerman vs. Utah Department of Health and Human Services | Any records surrounding the petitioner's complaints about department staff, including any subsequent investigation, findings, and disciplinary action. | Appeal Denied | ||
761 | | 23-20 | Nicholas Bender (on behalf of the Johnson family) vs. Uintah School District | All (electronic and hard copy) documents, materials, records, photos, videos, recordings, communications, notes, incident reports, evaluations, and like records and information related to the playground incident involving a student at Discovery Elementary on April 7, 2022. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
762 | | 23-21 | Gregory Ferbrache vs. Utah State Tax Commission | Any and all records relating to the investigation of Bonneville Equipment, and/or Steve Dabb, Scott Pruyt and/or Monika Griff to include but limited to audio recordings, video recordings, photographs, reports, documents, emails, text messages, notes, subpoenas, affidavits, memorandums, charts and/or power points. | Appeal Denied | ||
763 | | 23-22 | Annie Knox vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | AG Reyes’ weekly schedule/calendar for August 2022 to date. | Appeal Granted | ||
764 | | 23-23 | C. Peter Sorensen vs. Salt Lake City Police Department | Order of Continuance | |||
765 | | 23-24 | Daniel Herrera vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Appeal Dismissed | |||
766 | | 23-25 | Courtney Johns vs. Utah County Sheriff's Office | Utah County Jail’s visitor log for Jonathan Soberanis. | Appeal Granted | ||
767 | | 23-26 | Diane Allen vs. Davis County | All records of communications by and between employees of Davis County, Davis County Justice Court, Davis County Prosecutor's office including phone calls, recordings, text messages, emails, written documents involving or mentioning Diane Allan, Diane Killian Allan or Diane Killian Allen. | Appeal Denied | ||
768 | | 23-27 | Adam Herbets (Fox 13) vs. Utah Department of Corrections | All electronic communication, including, but not limited to, emails and text messages between Wasatch County Sheriff, Jared Rigby, and Brian Nielson from June 30, 2022, through present day. | Appeal Granted | ||
769 | | 23-28 | Courtney Tanner (Salt Lake Tribune) vs. Utah System of Higher Education | Any communication between and among members of the Utah Board of Higher Education, the USHE commissioner and/or his executive team and/or Utah State University President Noelle Crockett about Crockett’s tenure, concerns about her administration and/or her departure as president and any agreements about what that would look like. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
770 | | 23-29 | Ken Walker vs. Utah County | Anonymized electronic copy of each individual cast ballot and/or cast vote record(s) or equivalent information maintained by Utah County for the City of Moab general election held on Nov. 2, 2021. | Order of Continuation | ||
771 | | 23-30 | Carl Fleming vs. Utah Department of Corrections | The “inmate log for SMU suicide watch cells,” including “how many inmates were placed in cell #3” from August 27, 2022 through September 14, 2022. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
772 | | 23-31 | Taylor Barnes (Inkstick Media) vs. Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity Northrup Grumman Systems Corporation, interested party | The Economic Development Agreement for the tax credits offered to Northrop Grumman for the Ground-Based Deterrent. | Appeal Denied | ||
773 | | 23-32 | Eric Peterson (Utah Investigative Journalism Project) vs. Salt Lake City Police Department | Full unredacted report into the homicide investigation of Joseph Salas found in the Jordan River near North Temple on June 9, 2021. | Appeal Denied | ||
774 | | 23-33 | Jack Widdison vs. Mount Pleasant City | A copy of the recording of the Mt. Pleasant City closed meeting that was held on July 12, 2022, in which Petitioner was a topic of discussion. | Appeal Denied | ||
775 | | 23-34 | Adam Herbets vs. Utah Governor's Office | Copies of all electronic communication, including but not limited to emails and text messages sent or received by Utah Governor’s Office employees (including the governor) related to Jared Rigby between January 1, 2022, and present day, plus any responses to those messages. Also messages referencing "Herbets, Herberts, Fox13, or Fox 13" since December 19, 2022. | Appeal Denied | ||
776 | | 23-35 | Ian Cooperstein vs. University of Utah | All communication between Mary Bohlig, director of Campus Recreation Services, and Diane Dahlman that relate to me that were communicated through University accounts from 2008-2019. | Appeal Granted | ||
777 | | 23-36 | Shana Kummer vs. Sevier County School District | Video of a physical education class held at South Sevier Middle School. | Appeal Granted | ||
778 | | 23-37 | Brady Eames vs. Utah State Treasurer | Certain transactional reports and pro-rata shares from the Public Treasurers’ Investment Fund in connection with a number of public entities for certain months throughout 2022. Petitioner also asked for a fee waiver. | Appeal Denied | ||
779 | | 23-38 | Jonathan Bejarano vs. Utah State Treasurer | Digital copy of all the e-mails sent or received by Marlo Oaks from August 1, 2022, to September 1, 2022, that contained the keyword ‘Blackrock.’ Additionally, Petitioner requested a fee waiver for any applicable fees. | Appeal Denied | ||
780 | | 23-39 | Paul Amann vs. Division of Risk Management | Records of any payments (including invoices) to certain individuals, and/or the law firm of Ray Quinney and Nebeker; records about a $250,000 payment from the Utah Attorney General's Office; and correspondence between the Utah Attorney General's Office and the Division of Risk Management regarding petitioner. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
781 | | 23-40 | Steven Boos vs. San Juan County | Order of Continuance | |||
782 | | 23-41 | Paul Amann vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Hiring records related to the section chief positions, incuding interview notes. | Appeal Denied | ||
783 | | 23-42 | Brady Eames vs. Utah Department of Financial Institutions | “Public Funds Monthly Reports” submitted to the Respondent by Zions Bank, Wells Fargo Bank, and Cache Valley Bank with respect to the public funds deposited by the State Treasurer and various local governments in Cache County. | Appeal Denied | ||
784 | | 23-43 | Brady Eames vs. Utah System of Higher Education | Documentation of the appointment or hiring of certain persons by Dave Woolstenhulme as his professional, legal, and administrative staff; documentation in which he made a determination or setting of the salary, retirement provisions and other benefits pertaining to staff; and issues related to taking an oath of office. | Appeal Denied | ||
785 | | 23-44 | Shaun Lucas vs. Box Elder County | Cost data referred to in Standard 6.6.9 of the Real Property Valuations Standards of Practice issued by the Utah State Tax Commission. | Appeal Denied | ||
786 | | 23-45 | David Reymann (Utah Investigative Journalism Project) vs. Utah Department of Public Safety | All records Utah Police Officer Standards and Training (“POST”) had relating to law enforcement officer certification in Utah. | Appeal Granted | ||
787 | | 23-46 | Paul Amann vs. Division of Risk Management | Reconsideration of Decision and Order, case no. 23-39 (entered Aug. 28, 2023) | Appeal Denied | ||
788 | | 23-47 | ITV America vs. Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office | The “audio of the jail calls placed by Janie Lynn Ridd” that were made from the Salt Lake County Adult Detention Center on certain dates in December 2019 and January 2020. | Appeal Granted | ||
789 | | 23-48 | Ty Winterton vs. Duchesne County | Camera footage from inside and outside the Centennial Center arena. | Appeal Denied | ||
790 | | 23-49 | Steven Boos vs. San Juan County | Sixty-one total items that related to Respondent allegedly releasing emails that were private and confidential under attorney-client privilege without authorization. | Appeal Denied | ||
791 | | 23-50 | Corey Coleman vs. Uintah County and Vernal City | Records relating to the 2019 charges filed against petitioner by respondent, namely: All text messages for Tegan Troutner (Uintah County prosecutor’s office) from September 16, 2022, through September 23, 2022;. a copy of the investigation report; any communication regarding the case; text communications from and to Tegan Troutner on September 20, 2022 through September 22, 2022; any texts and emails from Cameron Beach, Tegan Troutner, Vernal City, Greg Lamb, Jaymon Thomas, ABH Law etc., from January 2019 through September 2019; and an email to or from Greg Lamb containing 200 plus photos and attachments. | Order of Continuation | ||
792 | | 23-51 | Emily Anderson Stern (Salt Lake Tribune) vs. University of Utah | All reports of alleged sexual harassment or misconduct experienced by students in connection with the internships through the Hinckley Institute of Politics and given to the Respondent or its employees from Jan. 1, 2013, to the present; documentation of any actions taken by the Respondent after receiving such information, | Appeal Denied | ||
793 | | 23-52 | Luis Sanchez vs. Salt Lake City Police Department | All audio recordings, video recordings (including handheld cameras, body-worn cameras and any other video recordings), police reports, witness statements, and any and every other document and file created regarding the July 9, 2020, protest of Bernardo Palacios’ murder; video audit trails, and identifiers of responding officers. | Appeal Denied | ||
794 | | 23-53 | Courtney Tanner (Salt Lake Tribune) vs. Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Child and Family Services | The external review or fatality review and related docs, responses conducted on how Utah DCFS handled the Haight family case in Enoch. | Appeal Denied | ||
795 | | 23-54 | Courtney John (ABC 4 News) vs. Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Child and Family Services | Any audio, video, or images collected involving Michael Haight’s abuse allegations. | Appeal Denied | ||
796 | | 23-55 | Dennis Romboy (Deseret News) vs. University of Utah, Utah State University, Weber State University, Utah Valley University, and Southern Utah University | Copies of all "Name, Image, and Likeness" (NIL) contracts and written agreements' submitted from January 2022 to the present. Petitioner also requested “the compliance office’s response to the [contracts’] submission, whether it was approved or disapproved, and any documentation accompanying the response.” | Appeal Granted | ||
797 | | 23-56 | Corey Coleman vs. Uintah County and Vernal City | All text messages for Tegan Troutner (Uintah County prosecutor’s office) from September 16, 2022, through September 23, 2022; a copy of the investigation report; any communication regarding the case; text communications from and to Tegan Troutner on September 20, 2022 through September 22, 2022; any texts and emails from Cameron Beach, Tegan Troutner, Vernal City, Greg Lamb, Jaymon Thomas, ABH Law etc., from January 2019 through September 2019; and an email to or from Greg Lamb containing 200 plus photos and attachments. | Appeal Denied | ||
798 | | 23-57 | Luiz Sanchez vs. Utah Department of Public Safety | All records related to Jared Brooks Cardon’s traffic accident of June 21, 2021. | Appeal Denied | ||
799 | | 23-58 | Michael Rowley vs. Utah Department of Workforce Services | A copy of petitioner's former employer’s response, statement, and/or transcript to the filing for unemployment and the employer’s stated reason as to why he was no longer employed by them. | Appeal Denied | ||
800 | | 23-59 | Jared Kummer vs. Sevier County School District | Records related to physical education classes at South Sevier Middle School. | Order of Continuance | ||
801 | | 23-60 | Office of the Utah State Treasurer vs. Brady Eames | The Petitioner must determine whether Respondent is a vexatious requester under Section 63G-2-209, and, if so, the proper amount of time which the Petitioner, including its various divisions, public bodies, and entities, need not respond to Respondent’s records requests. | Appeal Granted | ||
802 | | 23-61 | Michael Clara vs. Utah State Board of Education | Records related to investigation of a board member regarding social media posts. | Appeal Denied | ||
803 | | 23-62 | Lynn David vs. Wasatch County | Written complaints received by Wasatch County from the public or another governmental entity concerning any activities of Wasatch County from 2015-2023. | Appeal Denied | ||
804 | | 23-63 | Hughes General Contractors (Joe McAllister) vs. Wasatch School District and Westland Construction, Intervenor, Interested Party | Subcontractor documents. | Appeal Granted | ||
805 | | 23-64 | Jared Kummer vs. Sevier County School District | Complaints about physical education classes at South Sevier Middle School. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
806 | | 24-01 | Paul Amann vs. Attorney General's Office | Any and all records of the Utah Attorney General's Office's (UTAG's) representation by Strong and Hanni (SH) and compliance with Utah Procurement Code (UPC) and UTAG's own policy regarding UPC in the hiring of SH to represent UTAG in any matter involving Paul G. Amann, including, but not limited to (i) text messages; (ii) emails; (iii) memoranda, between UTAG and SH, (iv) any and all requests for proposals (RFP's); (v) responses to RFP's; (vi) contracts; and (invoices). | Appeal Denied | ||
807 | | 24-02 | Kelly Anderson vs. Davis County | A copy of voting records for John Benjamin Collier--the elections Mr. Collier voted in, not necessarily how he voted | Appeal Denied | ||
808 | | 24-03 | Aaron Dodd vs. Salt Lake City | All written or digital communications regarding certain individuals from 2022-2023, as well as statistical reports regarding trespassing at the airport. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
809 | | 24-04 | Alisha Ellington vs. Department of Health and Human Services | Email, chats, and other correspondence concerning Petitioner's employment, as well as FMLA and ADA accommodation request. | Order of Continuance | ||
810 | | 24-05 | Michael Smith vs. Canyons School District | All submitted surveys for 2022-2023 postseason Athletics Review for Brighton High School Baseball program. Title of document is '2022-2023 BHS Postseason Athletics Review.' | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
811 | | 24-06 | Alisha Ellington vs. Department of Health and Human Services | Email, chats, and other correspondence concerning Petitioner's employment, as well as FMLA and ADA accommodation request. | Appeal Denied | ||
812 | | 24-07 | Brady Eames vs. Utah Lieutenant Governor's Office | The “Official Signature Sheet for Bills and Resolutions State of Utah” pertaining to S.B. 111 (2020), S.B. 181 (2021), and S.B. 146 (2023), and a fee waiver. | Appeal Denied | ||
813 | | 24-08 | Brady Eames vs. Lehi City | The "statutorily required public biannual report that reveals the public funds deposited and pooled in the [Public Treasurer’s Investment Fund] by the public treasurer of [Lehi City Municipal Corporation] for investment by the State Treasurer as of June 30, 2023 (D&I Report),” as well as a fee waiver. | Order of Continuance | ||
814 | | 24-09 | Brady Eames vs. Utah League of Cities and Towns | Records showing the deposit and investment report that pertains to the time period January 1, 2023 to June 30, 2023 and that was made by the public treasurer of the [Utah League of Cities and Towns] (Report). | Appeal Denied | ||
815 | | 24-10 | Brady Eames vs. Utah Local Government Trust | Appeal Dismissed | |||
816 | | 24-11 | Brady Eames vs. West Valley City | The “statutorily required public biannual report that reveals the public funds deposited and pooled in the [Public Treasurer’s Investment Fund] by the public treasurer of [West Valley City Municipal Corporation] for investment by the State Treasurer as of June 30, 2023 (D&I Report),” as well as a fee waiver. | Appeal Denied | ||
817 | | 24-12 | Ian Cooperstein vs. University of Utah | Job posting materials for a job posting that Petitioner claims was labeled "Personal Training Supervisor" and was posted from August 2015 until July 2019. | Appeal Granted | ||
818 | | 24-13 | Ian Cooperstein vs. University of Utah | All communication between Mary Bohlig, director of Campus Recreation Services, and Diane Dahlman that relate to me that were communicated through University accounts from 2008-2019. | Partially Granted | ||
819 | | 24-14 | Ian Cooperstein vs. University of Utah | Records related to an Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) hearing regarding Mary Bohlig. | Appeal Denied | ||
820 | | 24-15 | Miki Mullor vs. Town of Hideout | Emails sent by Jan McCosh, the respondent's administrator, from July 2023 to the present. Also, a fee waiver request. | Appeal Denied | ||
821 | | 24-16 | Courtney Tanner vs. Utah System of Higher Education | All complaints submitted to the Respondent, as well as any findings/investigations on those complaints, about alleged misconduct by Commissioner David Woolstenhulme from August 1,2021 to August 30, 2023. Any separation agreement, resignation agreement, and letter of resignation submitted and/or signed by David Woolstenhulme. All communications (including emails, texts, instant messages) sent and received Utah Board of Higher Education members and/or administrators around allegations of misconduct by Commissioner David Woolstenhulme from January 1,2022 to August 30, 2023. | Order of Continuance | ||
822 | | 24-17 | Courtney Tanner vs. Utah State University | Any/all complaints that may have been submitted/filed to Utah State University (such as HR, Title IX, Office of Equity, etc.) about Utah System of Higher Education Commissioner David Woolstenhulme, as well as any findings or investigative reports on those matters. | Appeal Denied | ||
823 | | 24-18 | Michael Turley vs. Utah Division of Human Resource Management | Records related to an investigation of the petitioner. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
824 | | 24-19 | Emmanuel Carranza vs. Department of Corrections | The documentation/information and/or rational information that exists to demonstrate the greater degree of supervision required from approximately April 19, 2023. | Appeal Denied | ||
825 | | 24-20 | Jack Brewer vs. Uintah County | All records cross referencing or pertaining to 2023 "PhenomeCon"--a conference that takes place in Vernal, Utah, with a centralized focus on paranormal phenomena. | Appeal Granted | ||
826 | | 24-21 | Brady Eames vs. Logan City | City bank records, crime reports, and documentation of funds transferred to the State Treasurer. | Appeal Denied | ||
827 | | 24-22 | Logan City vs. Brady Eames | Order declaring Brady Eames a vexatious requester. | Appeal Granted | ||
828 | | 24-23 | Courtney Tanner vs. Utah System of Higher Education | All complaints submitted to the Respondent, as well as any findings/investigations on those complaints, about alleged misconduct by Commissioner David Woolstenhulme from August 1,2021 to August 30, 2023. Any separation agreement, resignation agreement, and letter of resignation submitted and/or signed by David Woolstenhulme. All communications (including emails, texts, instant messages) sent and received Utah Board of Higher Education members and/or administrators around allegations of misconduct by Commissioner David Woolstenhulme from January 1,2022 to August 30, 2023. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
829 | | 24-24 | Kevin Call (for Andrew Figorski) v. Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Child and Family Services | All documents (activity records, child and family team notes, interview notes, photographs, etc.) related to Case No. 3033485.1. | Appeal Granted | ||
830 | | 24-25 | William Carless vs. Provo City Police | Any investigative files pertaining to investigations of Craig Deleeuw Robertson; and any and all bodycam footage from the incident at Robertson’s home on August 9, 2023. | Appeal Denied | ||
831 | | 24-26 | Corey Coleman vs. Vernal City | Fee waiver regarding copy machine records for planning copy machine from May 1, 2019, to May 12, 2019. | Appeal Granted | ||
832 | | 24-27 | Jared Kummer vs. Sevier School District | A copy of the redacted surveillance footage from [Eric Baker's] period 1 class on 11/17/22, where students are redacted, but educators and aids are not. | Order of Continuance | ||
833 | | 24-28 | Jessica Miller vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | The calendar of Attorney General Sean Reyes. | Appeal Granted | ||
834 | | 24-29 | Adam Herbets vs. Utah County | Initial contact reports for any case in which Mary Hall and Kira Lynch (aka Kira Green) are interviewed as alleged victims of Tim Ballard. | Appeal Denied | ||
835 | | 24-30 | Jared Kummer vs. Sevier School District | A copy of the redacted surveillance footage from [Eric Baker's] period 1 class on 11/17/22, where students are redacted, but educators and aids are not. | Order of Continuance | ||
836 | | 24-31 | Brady Eames vs. Vernal City | Fee waiver to view a financial report | Appeal Granted | ||
837 | | 24-32 | Michael Clara vs. Utah State Board of Education | All email and text correspondence respondent had (to, from, cc, bcc, including attachments) with anyone in reference to petitioner's records request of September 7, 2023 (board member Boggess and Green emails) for the period of 09/06/2021 to 09/24/2021. | Appeal Denied | ||
838 | | 24-33 | Shaun Lucas vs. Utah State Tax Commission | Copies of the real property tax surveys and comparable sales data from the Multiple Listing Services ("MLS") that the Respondent used to prepare its assessment/sales ratio studies for 2021, 2022, and 2023. | Appeal Denied | ||
839 | | 24-34 | Brady Eames vs. Utah School and Institutional Trust Fun Office | Fee waiver | Appeal Granted | ||
840 | | 24-35 | Miki Mullor vs. Town of Hideout | Responses to a Request for Information (RFI) issued by the Town of Hideout | Appeal Denied | ||
841 | | 24-36 | Douglas Hulse vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Order of Continuance | |||
842 | | 24-37 | Corey Coleman vs. Vernal City | Time sheets referenced in a court case. | Appeal Granted | ||
843 | | 24-38 | Corey Coleman vs. Vernal City | Account ledgers, receipts, invoices, and contracts. | Appeal Granted | ||
844 | | 24-39 | Brady Eames vs. Department of Veterans and Military Affairs | The semiannual deposit and investment report pertaining to the Utah Public Treasurers Investment Fund ("PTIF") for the time period ending June 30, 2023, that has been filed with the SMMC; and each separate monthly Statement of Account that pertains to the public state money transferred by the Public Treasurer to the State Treasurer and pooled in the PTIF investment by the State Treasurer. | Appeal Denied | ||
845 | | 24-40 | Sydnee Gonzalez vs. Utah Department of Workforce Services | Emails and other communications from 5/1/23 through 7/31/23 regarding Utah's Medicaid unwinding plan or Medicaid enrollment. | Order of Continuance | ||
846 | | 24-41 | Claire Westenhaver-Loretz and Jerry Kingston vs. Unified Police Department | Order of Continuance | |||
847 | | 24-42 | Tyler Winterton vs. Utah State Tax Commission | A list of all names and mailing addresses of business (non-individual) taxpayers that the Utah State Tax Commission has initiated sales or use tax audit proceedings against in the years 2022 or 2023. | Appeal Denied | ||
848 | | 24-43 | CLAIRE WESTENHAVER-LORETZ and JERRY KINGSTON vs. Unified Police Department | All records for case number 71-40634, including initial contact reports, search warrants, arrest warrants, evidence logs, notes, witness statements, and witness interviews. The records pertain to a crime committed on September 2, 1971, at Natter’s Market where Carolyn Yvonne Kingston, the mother of Petitioner, Jerry Kingston, was tragically murdered. The case went cold and has remained unsolved for over 50 years. | Appeal Denied | ||
849 | | 24-44 | Ryan Miller vs. University of Utah | Records regarding alleged failure of student safeguards. | Appeal Denied | ||
850 | | 24-45 | Keaton Yates vs. Utah Department of Corrections | A letter from Amy Konkel, CMHC, MIO Program 6/15/2022, which was a recommendation to the Board of Pardons and Parole. | Appeal Denied | ||
851 | | 24-46 | Angel Echevarria vs. Perry City | Officer Jeremy Godfrey’s disciplinary records, administrative reviews, reprimands, records related to alleged misconduct, and termination documents. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
852 | | 24-47 | Douglas Hulse vs. Utah Department of Corrections | An incident report and any documents from petitioner's write up on 6-27-23, which was the incident report to see why he was removed from a contingent program. | Appeal Denied | ||
853 | | 24-48 | Jared Kummer vs. Sevier School District | Numerous records seeking more information about Respondent’s investigation and response to his November 22, 2022, grievances about the P.E. classes at South Sevier Middle School | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
854 | | 24-49 | Emily Anderson Stern, Salt Lake Tribune, vs. Office of the Governor | Investigative reports related to Major General Michael Turley. | Appeal Granted | ||
855 | | 24-50 | Michael Clara, petitioner, and Phil Lyman and Natalie Clawson, intervenors, vs. Washington County | Signature gathering forms for incumbent candidate Don L. Ispon. | Appeal Denied | ||
856 | | 24-51 | Ian Cooperstein vs. University of Utah | Scheduling a hearing on whether or not the petitioner is vexatious. | Schedule Order | ||
857 | | 24-52 | Paul Dudov vs. Hurricane Police Department | Body cam video of a police incident. | Appeal Denied | ||
858 | | 24-53 | Brady Eames vs. Logan City | Financial records from Logan city, and the Mayor's calendar/schedule. | Appeal Denied | ||
859 | | 24-54 | Harshad Desai vs. Panguitch City | Panguitch City Project Applications filed for the year 2022-2024; Records showing the number of secondary water shares being used for culinary water; the number of water shares being used for secondary water; a list of people who are allotted secondary water shares; a map of secondary water distribution within the city; and Chip Seal Records for Parcel #219 – an alleyway in Panguitch behind the former Panguitch Inn on 50 North Main Street. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
860 | | 24-55 | Sierra Trejos vs. Weber County | Weber County Library policies, Ogden Valley Branch funding, and records related to the Yoga program. | Appeal Denied | ||
861 | | 24-56 | Corey Vonberg vs. Utah Department of Corrections | Signed contracts from February-March 2023, Treatment records including psychological/medical records, Notes from psychologists and interns, Sex Offender Treatment Program (SOTP) notes taken at the January 25, 2024, OMR meeting. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
862 | | 24-57 | Jana Tibbits vs. Millcreek City | Order of Continuance | |||
863 | | 24-58 | Sydnee Gonzalez (Utah Investigative Journalism Project) vs. Utah Department of Public Safety | 911 calls for incidents at Whitehorse High School in Montezuma Creek between Aug. 1, 2022, and March 5, 2024. | Appeal Denied | ||
864 | | 24-59 | Lionel Trepanier, Green Party vs. Lieutenant Governor | Voter registration database. | Appeal Granted | ||
865 | | 24-60 | Adam Herbets (Fox 13) vs. Utah Department of Natural Resources | Copies of all Utah Division of Wildlife Resources law enforcement incident reports in which illegal activity is detected but no interaction with the public is involved from July 1, 2023, through present day; and copies of all records listing DNR performance goals, requiring or encouraging an employee to document a certain number of violations within a particular period of time. | Appeal Denied | ||
866 | | 24-61 | University of Utah vs. Ian Cooperstein | Determine whether Ian Cooperstein is a vexatious requester. | Appeal Denied | ||
867 | | 24-62 | Ian Cooperstein vs. University of Utah | Large number of records that needed to be prioritized. | Appeal Granted | ||
868 | | 24-63 | William Carless vs. Provo City Police | Any investigative files pertaining to investigations of Craig Deleeuw Robertson; and any and all bodycam footage from the incident at Robertson's home on August 9, 2023. | Scheduling Order | ||
869 | | 24-64 | John Gadd vs. Alpine School District | All records related to any contract or agreement between anyone at Alpine School District and anyone at GT (also known as MGT of America Consulting) during the years of 2022-2024; plus any email conversations between those two groups. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
870 | | 24-65 | Jeffrey and Amanda Oakes vs. Jordan School District | Any records to or from Tiffani Birge or Tiffani Viehweger and the Oakes family. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
871 | | 24-66 | Luis Sanchez vs. Salt Lake City Corp | All audio and videos created regarding the Bernardo Palacios protest of July 9, 2020, by officers with helmet numbers N53, Q20, and A107. Also, a fee waiver. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
872 | | 24-67 | Miki Mullor vs. Hideout Town | All emails sent by [the Hideout Administrator] since July 1, 2023, until September 1, 2023. | Appeal Remanded | ||
873 | | 24-68 | Adam Herbets (Fox 13) vs. Sandy City | Every record regarding calendars and/or appointments for Monica Zoltanski and Greg Severson from January 1, 2019, through March 1, 2025. | Appeal Denied | ||
874 | | 24-69 | Adam Herbets (Fox 13) vs. Park City | Copies of all records (electronic or otherwise) reflecting calendars and/or appointments for Nann Worel and Wade Carpenter from January 1, 2019, through March 1, 2025. | Appeal Denied | ||
875 | | 24-70 | Lynn David vs. Wasatch County Sheriff's Office | Records related to an internal investigation of Wasatch County Deputy Brandon Rose for alleged misconduct that occurred in connection with an incident that involved Petitioner in January 2017. Specifically, complete interviews and other notes, description and final report of investigation. This would include the background concerning the investigation and who assigned the investigation. | Appeal Denied | ||
876 | | 24-71 | Adam Herbets vs. West Valley City | All records (electronic or otherwise) reflecting calendars and/or appointments for three individuals from January 1, 2021, through March 1, 2025. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
877 | | 24-72 | Adam Herbets vs. West Jordan City | All records (electronic or otherwise) reflecting calendars and/or appointments for two individuals from January 1, 2019, through March 1, 2025. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
878 | | 24-73 | Adam Herbets vs. Vanguard Academy | All records (electronic or otherwise) reflecting calendars and/or appointments for seventeen individuals from January 1, 2019, through March 1, 2025. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
879 | | 24-74 | Adam Herbets (Fox 13) vs. Utah County | All records (electronic or otherwise) reflecting calendars and/or appointments for six individuals from January 1, 2021, through March 1, 2025. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
880 | | 24-75 | Adam Herbets vs. South Salt Lake City | All records (electronic or otherwise) reflecting calendars and/or appointments for three individuals from January 1, 2020, through March 1, 2025. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
881 | | 24-76 | Adam Herbets (Fox 13) vs. Salt Lake City | All records (electronic or otherwise) reflecting calendars and/or appointments for two individuals from January 1, 2019, through March 1, 2025. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
882 | | 24-77 | Adam Herbets vs. Heber City | All records (electronic or otherwise) reflecting calendars and/or appointments for five individuals from January 1, 2018, through March 1, 2025. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
883 | | 24-78 | Adam Herbets (Fox 13) vs. Centerville City | All records (electronic or otherwise) reflecting calendars and/or appointments for three individuals from January 1, 2020, through March 1, 2025. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
884 | | 24-79 | Adam Herbets (Fox 13) vs. Utah Attorney General | All records reflecting Sean Reyes' calendar and/or appointments from 2013 through Feb 2025. An additional request mentioned all records (electronic or otherwise) reflecting calendars and/or appointments for seven individuals from January 1, 2018, through March 1, 2025. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
885 | | 24-80 | Adam Herbets (Fox 13) vs. Utah State Board of Education | All records (electronic or otherwise) reflecting calendars and appointments for ten individuals from January 1, 2019, through March 1, 2025. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
886 | | 24-81 | Adam Herbets (Fox 13) vs. Cottonwood Heights | All records (electronic or otherwise) reflecting calendars and/or appointments for three individuals from January 1, 2019, through March 1, 2025. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
887 | | 24-82 | Adam Herbets (Fox 13) vs. Davis County | Copies of all records (electronic or otherwise) reflecting calendars and/or appointments for five individuals from January 1, 2019, through March 1, 2025. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
888 | | 24-83 | Adam Herbets (Fox 13) vs. Department of Public Safety | All records (electronic or otherwise) reflecting calendars and/or appointments for five individuals from January 1, 2021, through March 1, 2025. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
889 | | 24-84 | Adam Herbets (Fox 13) vs. Utah Department of Corrections | All records (electronic or otherwise) reflecting calendars and/or appointments for three individuals from January 1, 2019, through March 1, 2025. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
890 | | 24-85 | Annie Knox (KSL) vs. Utah Attorney General's Office | Attorney General Sean Reyes's daily calendar from January 1, 2020, to the present. | Appeal Partially Granted | ||
891 | | s-2024-132 | Michael Judd vs. Utah Tech University | Subpoena requesting access to two data files. One related to a quantitative survey conducted for Utah Tech as part of its name study in 2020. The other notes and summaries from 8 focus groups and 102 interviews. | Appeal Denied | ||
892 | | 25-01 | Tooele City vs. Kevin Sullivan | By this petition, Tooele City (“Petitioner”) seeks a formal order declaring Kevin Sullivan (“Respondent”) a vexatious requester “for the maximum time allowed by law,” including relief from the legal duty to respond further to the 21 Records Requests and other requests (if any) that have been filed and are currently pending with Petitioner. | Appeal Granted | ||
893 | | 25-02 | Kent Singleton vs. Utah Department of Commerce, Office of Property Rights Ombudsman | Any and all communications (including attempts of communication) and responses including emails, phone calls, texts with UDOT, Morgan County, or DNR/DWR and communications with newspapers concerning petitioner's complaints against said agency. | Appeal Denied | ||
895 | | 25-04 | Harshad Desai vs. Panguitch City | Records concerning 393 water shares owned by Respondent. Specifically, Petitioner wants to know which city residents are receiving secondary water. | Appeal Denied | ||
896 | | 25-05 | Nyssa Olsen vs. Cache County Attorney's Office | Emails that pertain to Petitioner from January 1, 2020, to February 18, 2022, including emails that contain Petitioner's name in the body and/or the subject of the test, send or received by any individual within Cache County including but not limited to the following individuals: Terryl Warner, James Swink, Tony Baird, Stefani Olson, Amy Adams, and John Luthi. | Appeal Denied | ||
897 | | 25-06 | Adam Herbets (Fox 13) vs. Woods Cross Police Department | Bodycam video for the following cases, with appropriate redactions: X22-03301; X22-04650; X22-04789; and X23-02416. | Appeal Denied | ||
898 | | 25-07 | Adam Herbets (Fox 13) vs. Vanguard Academy | Copies of all records showing the disclosure of family relationships as required by Vanguard Academy’s charter agreement. | Appeal Denied | ||
899 | | 25-08 | Matthew Drachman (UVU Review) vs. Utah Valley University | Any and all documents pertaining to the UVUSA elections through the months of February 1 and March 8, 2024, in particular grievance forms and donation forms related to each candidate, election committee communications, including their votes on various election decisions, grievance debates, membership of the body and the group chat log of the committee while performing their duties. | Appeal Denied | ||
894 | | 25-03 | Daniella Rivera (KSL) vs. Taylorsville Police Department | Records related to case # 23-40143 WESLEY HAZEN SALISBURY, including all written reports as well as any audio/video recordings and any other police generated records related to this case. | Appeal Granted |