South Summit School District (Utah)

Entity: 1123
Entity Type: School District


Summit County School District was formed in 1911. The district was divided in 1915, forming the South Summit and North Summit districts. South Summit School District Mission Statement: All students learn well what schools want them to learn....The philosophical base: "All students can and will learn if given adequate time and appropriate instruction."

Biography/History Notes

Summit County School District was formed in 1911. The district was divided in 1915, forming the South Summit and North Summit districts (History of Summit County, Utah State Historical Society, 1998, pp. 232-233). South Summit School District Mission Statement: All students learn well what schools want them to learn....The philosophical base: "All students can and will learn if given adequate time and appropriate instruction." (South Summit School District web page,, July 2000.)

South Summit County School District provides public education for students in kindergarten through twelfth grade. District offices are located in Kamas, Utah.


School education