Governor. Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice

Entity: 1211
Entity Type: State Government


The Commission was created within the Governor's office by legislative act effective July 1983 (UCA 63-25 ), inheriting functions previously performed by the Utah Council on Criminal and Juvenile Justice. The Commission's purpose is to significantly reduce crime and victimization in the state of Utah by promoting broad philosophical agreement concerning the objectives of the criminal and juvenile justice system; and by providing a mechanism for coordinating the functions of the various branches and levels of government concerned with criminal and juvenile justice.

Biography/History Notes

The commission's major functions include promoting the communication and coordination of all criminal and juvenile justice agencies; studying, evaluating, and reporting on the status of crime in the state and various policies and programs directed at reducing crime both within the state and in other jurisdictions; identifying and publishing recommendations on specific programs and policies the commission determines will reduce crime;providing analyses and recommendations on legislation, budget, facility requests, and federal grant monies; providing public information; promoting shared data systems; and reviewing agency forecasts and providing comprehensive strategic planning.

The commission is governed by an executive director appointed by the governor. The commission acts in an advisory capacity to its executive director.

The executive director oversees programs and staff in the following sections: legal; research and data; administration; programs and budget; and victim services.