Brigham City (Utah). Shade Tree Commission

Entity: 3087
Entity Type: Municipality


Brigham City is famous for its tree-lined streets. The majestic sycamore trees along Main Street are considered to be one of the finest examples of successful urban forestry in Utah. The Shade Tree Commission was established to foster urban forestry in Brigham City. Mayor Olof Zundel and the City Council established the Shade Tree Commission in 1966. The Ordinance states that 'The duties of the Shade Tree Commission are advisory to the City Council and shall extend to all policies and phases of tree culture related to trees and shrubs now planted and growing or hereafter to be planted and grown upon any and all of the public streets and places of Brigham City.'

Biography/History Notes

By 2002: Consists of five (5) members to be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Council. Terms of office of each appointive member shall be for four (4) years. Vacancies occurring otherwise than through the expiration of terms shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council. All appointments to be made prior to January 1 of each year and to become effective this date. Shade Tree Commission shall elect, from its membership, a Chairperson. City Forester shall be a member of the Commission, without vote, as an advisor, and to act in a liaison capacity between the Commission, the Mayor, and the City Council.?