Utah Geospatial Resource Center

Entity: 3492
Entity Type: State Government

Prior Names

Department of Technology Services. Automated Geographic Reference Center


The Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC) is the State of Utah's map technology coordination office. UGRC staff (directory/contacts) have knowledge of and experience with geographic information system (GIS) desktop software, hosted map- and web-services, mapping data resources, and GIS professionals and their activities around the state. Since 1984, we have been encouraging and facilitating the effective use of geospatial information and technology for Utah. UGRC is directed under mapping-related sections of Utah statute to coordinate GIS resources within state government including the management of the State Geographic Information Database (SGID) and the operation of The Utah Reference Network for Global Positioning Systems (TURNGPS) that provides high precision correction services for surveying, mapping, and machine control. UGRC was one of the first geospatial information offices in the country, established a few years before its formal adoption in code in 1984.