Governor. Office of Management and Budget. Prison Relocation and Development Authority

Entity: 3751
Entity Type: State Government


The Authority consisted of ten members: two members appointed by the legislative body of the municipality in whose boundary where the prison property is located; three members of the authority shall be appointed by the governor; one member appointed by the Utah Association of Counties; two members members of the Senate appointed by the president of the Senate; two members of the House of Representatives appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives. The purpose of the authority was to prepare and issue requests inviting interested persons to submit proposals regarding the fulfillment of a prison relocation project; receive and evaluate any proposals received in response to a request review and evaluate any proposals relating to a prison relocation project that the executive branch submits; and complete its review and evaluation of proposals within 90 days after receiving proposals. In 2013, MGT of America (MGT) contracted with the Utah Prison Relocation and Development Authority (PRADA) to provide master plan options for the potential relocation of the 4,000-bed Utah State Prison located in Draper, Utah. In January 2014, MGT, with a group of specialty subconsultants (team), submitted its preliminary report of findings and recommendations that outlined the costs and
benefits of relocating the prison. Subsequently, the Legislature and governor approved a resolution supporting prison relocation and establishing the Prison Relocation Commission (PRC), whose main purpose is to "carefully and deliberately consider, study, and evaluate how and where to move the state prison."