Governor. Office of Economic Development. Governor's Rural Partnership Board

Entity: 4053
Entity Type: State Government


The purpose of the Board was to maintain a rural voice for economic development through collaboration and representations of all interested rural partnerships and acts in an advisory capacity to the Governor on rural economic and planning issues. Its duties were to serve as an advisory board to:the governor on rural economic and planning issues and the Governor's Office of Economic Development on rural economic development issues; prepare an annual strategic plan that:identifies rural economic development, planning, and leadership training challenges, opportunities, priorities, and objectives, and include a work plan for accomplishing the objectives;identify local, regional, and statewide rural economic development and planning priorities; study and take input on issues relating to local, regional, and statewide rural economic development, including challenges, opportunities, best practices, policy, planning, and collaboration; advocate for rural needs, programs, policies, opportunities, and other issues relating to rural economic development and planning; and no later than October 1 of each year, submit to the governor and to the Legislature an annual report that provides:an overview of the rural economy in the state, a summary of current issues and policy matters relating to rural economic development, and a statement of the board's initiatives, programs, and economic development priorities.