Legislature. Office of the Legislative Auditor General

Entity: 590
Entity Type: State Government


The position of Legislative Auditor was created within the framework of the Legislative Council in 1957. The office of Legislative Auditor General was made a separate entity in 1975 by the Utah State Legislature under authority provided through a constitutional amendment, passed by the voters of Utah in 1972 and implemented in 1975. The first Auditor General took office on July 1, 1975. The Legislative Auditor has authority to conduct audits of any funds, functions, and accounts in any branch, department, agency, or political subdivision of this state and performs such other related duties as may be prescribed by the Legislature.

Biography/History Notes

The following have been the Legislative Auditor Generals: Lennis M. Knighton, 1975-1976; Mont G. Kenney, 1977-1983; Wayne L. Welsh, 1984 to present (Annual Report, 1999, page iv).

The Legislative Auditor General is appointed by the Legislature and to serve at its pleasure and shall report to and be answerable to the Legislature (Annual Report, 1976, page 2).