Division of Human Resource Management

Entity: 789
Entity Type: State Government

Prior Names

Department of Human Resource Management


The Department's mission is to promote excellence within the State's workforce, and the wise use of human resources in achieving the State's goals, by providing sound, active leadership and effective human resource management tools.

Biography/History Notes

Purpose: "The purpose of the Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM) is to hire the best people possible, to recommend fair compensation, to recognize the value of employees, and to develop innovative programs.?"DHRM has both a statutory and service responsibility to the agencies of state government. The department's governing statute relates primarily to the compensation, classification, and selections of employees. The primary challenge is to balance the regulatory requirements with the need to provide various services." (From "Capitol Connections" newsletter, volume 2, issue 8, December 1994, page 4.) "General administration of the state personnel system in Utah is under the direction of the Department of Human [Resource] Management. This agency is responsible for developing, implementing, and administering a statewide program of personnel management for state employees. Although some state agencies and institutions are allowed to perform some personnel functions on their own behalf, the department may not delegate administration of the state pay plan and other activities of a statewide nature." (Source: "State and Local Government in Utah, 1992 ed., p. 114.)