Annual school lunch and breakfast statistical report (GRS-1413)


This is the annual statistical report on the school lunch, special milk, and breakfast programs submitted to the State Child Nutrition Section. It is used to create the state annual report and to comply with federal requirements. Includes district number; period covered; number of institutions in lunch and breakfast programs; average number of days lunch served; variations in number of days schools served lunch; reduced price charged to students for lunch; total number of reimbursable student lunches claimed (free, reduced, paid); average number of days breakfasts served; variations in number of days schools served breakfast; reduced price charge to student for breakfast; total number of reimbursable student breakfasts claimed for regular and severe need (free, reduced, paid); title and the reporter's signature. The Schedule A form is submitted with the annual policy indicating each school's percent of free and reduced price lunch participation in the second preceding year. If the school served at least forty percent free and reduced meals then that school qualifies for severe need breakfast reimbursement. Qualifying schools are entitled to additional breakfast program disbursement federal funding. Summer programs qualify if the percentage of free and reduced lunches are at least fifty percent of lunches served. The State Child Nutrition's copy is retained for "3 years after final status report is filed with the U.S. Department of Agriculture" in accordance with 7 CFR 210.23 (1995).?

Retention and Disposition

Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.

Appraisal Value

These records have administrative value(s).


Value of records is based on their usefulness for carrying out the agency’s current business.




Food Service

Effective Date

Previous Schedule Number


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