Homeless student report (GRS-1494)


This report documents homeless students attending schools within the district. UCA 53A-11-101 (2007) requires minors between the ages of six and eighteen to attend school during the school year while UCA 53A-2-201(3) (1997) makes each school district responsible for providing education services for all school age children within the district. The State Office of Education distributes monies from the federal Homeless Children and Youth program (34 CFR 74) to ensure that a child's education is not needlessly disrupted because of homelessness. The report includes Student's name, reasons for homelessness, date, month, and student's address.

Retention and Disposition

Retain for 2 years, and then destroy records.

Appraisal Value

These records have administrative value(s).


Value of records is based on their usefulness for carrying out the agency’s current business.



Effective Date

Previous Schedule Number


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