Student fee waiver records (GRS-1522)


These records document the application and receipt of a waiver for the payment of student fees in accordance with UCA?? 53A-12-103??(2008). The application is sent to all students with a statement of fees owed as part of the registration process. They are completed annually. Parents complete the application and submit it to the school. All fees are suspended until the school determines student's eligibility for fee waiver. If waiver is granted then a fee waiver statement is signed. The records include the application and the fee waiver statement. The application includes the student's name, date, parent's or guardian's name, reason for waiver; and indication of fees being requested to be waived (fee description and amount). The fee statement includes parent's or guardian's name, address, and telephone number; date; student's name and grade; fees being waived; total fees waived; parent's or guardian's signature; and administrator's signature.

Retention and Disposition

Retain for 4 years after separation, and then destroy records.

Appraisal Value

These records have administrative, and/or fiscal value(s).


Fiscal value is based on the need to maintain the records for financial audit or financial obligations.



Effective Date

Previous Schedule Number


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