Initial contact incident reports (GRS-1107)


These reports are prepared by officers engaged in public patrol or response duties and describe initial actions taken. These records may include a description of the incident, the identifying information of parties involved, the general scope of actions taken by public safety personnel, and the nature of any injuries and damages sustained (Utah Code 63G-2-103(14)(2019)). These records may also include dash-cam recordings, copies of citations issued, warrants issued, DUIs issued, and driver and witness statements. Fatal crashes and violent felony records including homicide and sexual assault are not included in this schedule.

Retention and Disposition

Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.

Appraisal Value

These records have administrative value(s).


Value of records is based on their usefulness for carrying out the agency’s current business.


Law Enforcement

Effective Date

Previous Schedule Number


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