Planned unit development case files (GRS-1052)


These case files document the creation of Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) within the municipality. PUDs are owner initiated projects requesting a variance from standard subdivision and zoning ordinances to allow for the concentration of residential units, office, commercial, or industrial facilities. The project plans must provide for recreational areas, clubs, and other types of facilities to service the community. The owners are given credit for land not inhabited to allow for the concentration of residential units in other areas. Zoning ordinances limit the number of dwelling units per acre. The original proposal describes how the owner wants to build the project with detailed maps and diagrams showing types of buildings and density of structures (dwellings per acre). The case files include initial proposal, approvals or disapprovals, diagrams, site plans, condominium conversions, and copies of minutes from the Planning Commission.

Retention and Disposition

Retain permanently. Transfer records to the archives.

Appraisal Value



Planning and Zoning

Effective Date

Previous Schedule Number


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