Offender tracking records (GRS-16585)


These are permanent records kept in the Offender Tracking System maintained by the Utah Department of Corrections. The records may include static identification information, admittance, criminal offenses, assessments, incident/disciplinaries, treatment plans, education and work records, supervision notes, locations, agents, case workers and family/associate information. The Offender Tracking System is designed to provide consolidated offender information collected by the separate divisions within the Department of Corrections and the Board of Pardons and Parole to facilitate offender management. The system also provides a communications network that supports the entry and access of information. In addition to facilitating offender management, the information is used in the publication of research reports, annual reports and other requested reports. The system also provides a history of an offender while under the supervision of the Department.

Retention and Disposition

Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.

Appraisal Value



offender Supervision

Effective Date

Previous Schedule Number

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