Student withdrawal records (GRS-1562)


This form documents student school transfer requests. The official copy is retained by the school, while a copy is submitted to the school district office with the student's cumulative record and another is given to the student's parent/guardian. The district then sends the student's records to the receiving school. The form includes name, address, and telephone number of school transferring; student's name, birthdate, date, Utah state identification number, last date attended, and sex; parent's name and new address; new school; whether student is receiving additional school services; indication whether lunches and fees are paid, library books returned, cumulative folder completed; whether a copy of immunizations and academic progress is given to parents. The student's teacher adds name, student's reading level, reading text (page or chapter), math text (page or chapter), other comments, date and teacher's signature.

Retention and Disposition

Retain for 2 years, and then destroy records.

Appraisal Value




Effective Date

Previous Schedule Number


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