1. Start at the Archives website at archives.utah.gov
2. Select Records Officer Hub
3. Select Take Me To The Hub
You’ll need to a) be set up as an Appointed Records Officer (ARO) for your entity and b) have a Utah ID before you can view and update your entity’s contacts from the Hub. If you’re not yet an ARO, please review the instructions for Signing Up as a New Records Officer before proceeding.
- After clicking Take Me to the Hub, you’ll be asked to login using your Utah ID
5. Once inside the Hub, select the button to View or Edit Contacts
6. From the View or Edit Contacts page you’ll see an option for My Roles on the left, which shows the roles you’ve been assigned. On the right, you’ll see Entities Available; these are the government entities you have authority to add user roles to.
7. From this section you will have several options, including to Delete Role—this option will remove a person from a specific role.
8. In this section you can also Edit User, which will allow you to add or remove a role for a person already entered into the system. This is also where you can indicate whether an Appointed Records Officer shows up on the Open Records Portal.
Tip: if you hover over the role you can see a short description. The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and Appointed Records Officer (ARO) are the only two mandated roles.
9. And lastly, you can Add Other User if you need to add a new person to a role
This will bring up a screen where you can enter the person’s contact details and assign them a role. You can assign more than one role, but only one is required.
10. Once you’ve entered the information, you’ll receive a pop-up notification on the screen that the User & Role(s) were successfully created:
If you entered information incorrectly you’ll receive an error message on the screen indicating which information you need to correct.
If you run into errors that you’re unable to correct, please reach out to the Records and Information Management Specialists at [email protected] or by phone at 801-531-3863.