Executive Correspondence (State Agencies)
Transfer or Recall Records
Executive correspondence is historical
Correspondence from Utah’s state agency executives is considered historical and is preserved permanently (see general retention schedule #GRS-1758: State agency executive correspondence). Correspondence includes email and other electronic means of communication, as well as traditional paper records.
When an executive terminates their position for any reason, State Archives works with the agency to obtain a copy of the executive’s records, comprising their hard drive, Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Drive.
- When an executive leaves their position, let State Archives know by contacting your Records and Information Management (RIM) specialist.
- Your RIM specialist will verify that your agency has a retention schedule set up for executive correspondence.
- Your RIM specialist will email your agency's appointed records officer a transfer form to sign. This signed form confirms that the agency authorizes transfer of the executive records to the State Archives for permanent preservation.
- The RIM specialist works with State Archives' electronic records archivist to obtain a preservation copy of the records.

Records requests and access to executive records
Even after State Archives obtains a preservation copy of the executive correspondence, the originating agency continues to provide access to the executive records—including email—throughout the retention period (usually 5 years, but can be updated by the records officer as needed).
This means that even though State Archives holds a preservation copy of the records, we will not provide access to the records until the retention period has been met. At that point, custody transfers automatically to State Archives.
Access to all permanent records is provided according to all restrictions specified in the Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA, Utah Code 63G-2-3).
If you have any questions, please contact your Records and Information Management specialist.