Department of Health and Human Services. Division of Services for People with Disabilities

Entity: 469
Entity Type: State Government

Prior Names

Department of Human Services. Division of Services for People with Disabilities


The mission of the Division of Services for People with Disabilities is to plan and deliver a continuum of services to handicapped citizens in the State of Utah in co-operation with other state, government, and private organizations.

Biography/History Notes

Purpose: "Oversees the funding and quality of home and community-based services for more than 4,000 disabled Utahns and their families. Monitors group homes, independent living situations and sheltered workshops that provide work in a protective, non-competitive environment. Oversees the Developmental Youth Center in American Fork." (From "Capitol Connections" newsletter, volume 1, issue 2, June 1993, page 4.)??"Division of services for people with disabilities provides an array of services and support for persons with disabilities and special treatment programs for handicapped adults to help them gain skills to become self-sufficient. The division also provides respite services for families caring for handicapped individuals, personal care assistance for severely physically handicapped persons, and ongoing coaching for handicapped adults. The division operates the Utah State Development Center (formerly known as the Utah State Training School) in American Fork for mentally retarded