Lee, Joseph Bracken
Entity: 5011
Entity Type: Person
Joseph Bracken Lee was born on January 7, 1899 in Price, UT. He never finished high school. Instead he lied about his age to get into the army during World War I. He was an infantry sergeant. When he got home he was a postal clerk for a while and then joined his father at his insurance and real-estate business. He married Nellie Emilia Pace on September 20, 1920. He died in 1926. He later married Margaret Ethel Draper on February 23, 1928. Lee was a republican and entered politics when he was made Mayor of Price 1926-1947. Price was known as an "open city" meaning Lee was soft on gambling, liquor, and prostitution. He was elected Governor 1949-1957. As governor he was against using income tax for foreign aid and was against anyone having unlimited taxing powers. He also put strict controls on state spending. Lee was known for firing those who opposed him, but people put up with this dictatorial attitude because Utah enjoyed a prosperous economy during his term. By the time he left office, Utah had a $8.35 million surplus in the general fund. He moved on to being Mayor of Salt Lake City 1960-1971. He spent his time in office balancing the budget and on civic improvements. He died on October 20, 1996.