State Library Division

Entity: 575
Entity Type: State Government

Prior Names

Department of Community and Culture. State Library Division
Department of Heritage and Arts. State Library Division


The creation of the State Library was provided for by legislative act in 1957. The mission of the State Library is to strengthen and improve library service to the residents of Utah.

Biography/History Notes

The State Library functions as the library authority for the state and is responsible for general library services; extension services; the preservation, distribution, and exchange of state publications; legislative reference; and other services considered proper for a state library. The Division administers state, federal, and contractual programs in support of library service; develops library service capacity in state and local governments; trains individuals in progressive library practice and in the use of new information technologies; fosters cooperative approaches to library service; provides library services to the blind and physically handicapped (legally provided for in 1961 and administratively transferred to the division from the Salt Lake City library in 1966); and is a library and information service provider within the state's multi-type library community.

The State Library Division, initially under the State Library Commission, was moved under the Department of Community and Economic Development following a reorganization of state government in 1979. The Commission was renamed the State Library Board and sets policy for the division. The director of the division is appointed by the executive director of the Department of Community and Economic Development with the concurrence of the board. The director must have a degree in library science from an institution approved by the American Library Association. The director serves under the deputy director of the Department of Community and Economic Development.

As of 1999, the Division director oversees a business office; an administrative secretary; a library services program (including development services, information services, and network services); and a blind and physically handicapped services program (including a regional library program).