Governor Shaffer

Research Guides


About the Shaffer Administration

President Ulysses S. Grant appointed John Wilson Shaffer as territorial governor of Utah. Governor Shaffer believed in crushing any act that appeared rebellious to the federal government. This commonly concerned the Mormons, and his stringent actions resulted in conflict with other officials in Utah. He died suddenly in his first year as governor.

Powell, Allan Kent, ed. Utah History Encyclopedia. Territorial Governors, by Miriam B. Murphy. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1994.

History of Shaffer Administration
Biography of John Wilson Shaffer
Public domain, via Wikimedia

Records of Governor Shaffer

There are no records at the Utah State Archives. You may search for related records and papers held by other repositories in Social Networks and Archival Context. Territorial records may be available in the National Archives.

Page Last Updated May 29, 2002.