Jan. 14, 2025
August 4, 2010
Newly Processed: June & July 2010
All public records at the Utah State Archives are accessible through the Research Center. However, once processed the records are easier to use with proper storage and fuller descriptions, including online series inventories. The following list includes record series that were processed during the months of June & July 2010: Department of Community and Culture. Division of State History Record
June 30, 2010
Court Record Guides Updated
What began as an effort to update some county probate court information, eventually overhauled two research guides: Probate Records – List of records updated and separated by originating courts with concurrent jurisdiction (during the territorial period). Adoption Records – Expanded to include a list of records based on descriptions and appropriate dates (more than 100 years ago), also linked Utah
June 1, 2010
Newly Processed: May 2010
All public records at the Utah State Archives are accessible through the Research Center. However, once processed the records are easier to use with proper storage and fuller descriptions, including online series inventories. The following list includes record series that were processed during the month of May 2010: Beaver County (Utah). County Clerk Death record, 1881-1949. District Court (Third District
May 25, 2010
Records of Gov. Olene S. Walker Now Online
For immediate release. The Utah State Archives and Records Service has added the records of former Governor Olene Walker to the Governors of Utah Digital Collection. This collection now includes more than 70,000 items of former Governors Michael O. Leavitt (1993-2003) and Olene S. Walker (2003-2004). Governor Walker served for just over a year, however these records show the “footprints”
May 6, 2010
Newly Processed: April 2010
All public records at the Utah State Archives are accessible through the Research Center. However, once processed the records are easier to use with proper storage and fuller descriptions, including online series inventories. The following list includes record series that were processed during the month of April 2010: Garland (Utah) Council minutes, 1908-[ongoing] Governor (2009- : Herbert) State boards and
May 3, 2010
More Records Online from Governor Olene S. Walker
Since the availability of Press Releases, record series for Speeches and Official Statements, Executive Correspondence and Constituent Correspondence have been added online. Newspaper Clippings (Series 25844) are in active production and Photographs (Series 25851) are currently being scanned from prints.
March 31, 2010
Newly Processed: March 2010
All public records at the Utah State Archives are accessible through the Research Center. However, once processed the records are easier to use with proper storage and fuller descriptions, including online series inventories. The following list includes record series that were processed during the month of March 2010:* Lieutenant Governor City and town information files (incorporation papers), 1888-[ongoing] Murray (Utah)
March 17, 2010
Governor Walker Press Releases Now Online
This series contains press releases issued to numerous media sources to publicize Governor Olene Walker’s activities, events, media advisories, proclamations, programs, recommendations, initiatives, and messages. The records include information on the appointment of judges and officials, announcements of new businesses in Utah, legislative announcements, official decrees recognizing and celebrating significant individuals and events, state of the state address, and various
March 8, 2010
Oaths of Office, 2009 Part Deux
In 2009, the new Oaths of Office for top state officers was posted in the Utah State Digital Archives. Only a few months later, those officials changed so new documents were required and eventually sent to the Archives. The oaths for Governor Herbert and Lt. Governor Bell are now online. State officers are required by both the federal and state
March 3, 2010
Sanpete County Death Register
The death register maintained by the Sanpete County Clerk from 1898-1905 is now available as a complete book online. Since June 2008 individual page images have been accessible from an online index. Having this record in both places serve different needs: Are you looking for an ancestor who died in Sanpete County during those years? Search the index. Once you
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