ARO Resources

Records and Information Management

What is an appointed records officer (ARO)?

An appointed records officer is "the individual appointed by the chief administrative officer… to work with State Archives in the care, maintenance, scheduling, designation, classification, disposal, and preservation of records." (See Utah Code 63G-2-103(27)


Update your agency's ARO(s)

Log in to the Records Officer Hub to view and update your agency's appointed records officers.
Update ARO(s)

Look up your ARO(s)

Not sure who your agency's ARO is? Use the Records Officer Search to find them. No log in needed.
Look up ARO(s)


A records officer may have some or all of the following responsibilities:

  • Respond to records requests (Utah Code 63A-12-103(2))
  • Manage agency record series (retention schedules are part of series) (Utah Code 63A-12-103(2))
  • Certify via the online test (Utah Code 63G-2-108)
  • Receive training on GRAMA and RIM (Utah Code 63A-12-103(3))

Using DARS Services

Records officers may be a GRAMA records officer (ARO-GRA) or a records and information management records officer (ARO-RIM) or both. These distinctions are for your agency's ease in tracking who does what; both types of records officers can utilize all of the Division of Archives and Records Service’s (DARS) services.

A records officer may utilize the following DARS services:

Long row in a warehouse filled from top to bottom with boxes containing files