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FAQs for AROs and CAOs
Feb. 06, 2025
What is a record copy?
The “record copy” of a record is the official copy that must follow an approved retention schedule (see Utah Code 63A-12-105(3)(a)). Other copies of the record don’t need to be kept the full retention period,
Feb. 03, 2025
Can non-records-officers certify?
Yes! Anyone from your governmental entity may take the certification test, though only appointed records officers are considered certified records officers. Access the certification test (Local Government) Access the certification test (State employees)
Feb. 03, 2025
Does the CAO have to certify?
There is no mandate for the CAO to certify, but they are welcome to do so. For instructions on how to access the certification test (for local government), see https://archives.utah.gov/knowledge-base/access-the-certification-test-local-government/ For instructions on how to
Feb. 03, 2025
Who has to certify?
“Each records officer of a governmental entity or political subdivision” must certify (Utah Code 63G-2-108). A records officer is defined in the law as “the individual appointed by the chief administrative officer of each governmental
Feb. 03, 2025
Can I respond to a GRAMA appeal if I responded to the original request?
If you are both the CAO and the records officer and you responded to the original request, you may choose to also respond to the appeal, or you may choose to delegate it (see Utah
Feb. 03, 2025
What’s the difference between designation and classification?
The definitions of designation and classification are found in Utah Code 63G-2-103(3) and (7). In a nutshell: Each record series that agencies schedule with State Archives includes a designation, with a supporting citation to the applicable
Feb. 03, 2025
When should I provide access to copyrighted materials?
The first thing to consider is that for the purposes of GRAMA, records that are subject to copyright may or may not be records. This is provided in Utah Code Section 63G-2-103(25)(b)(iv), which states that, “record
Feb. 03, 2025
How do I find my record series?
If your entity has record series documented in State Archives’ system, you can find them by going to archives.utah.gov/rc-list* and searching for your entity. *Archives main page > Records and Information Management > Retention Schedules
Feb. 03, 2025
What’s the difference between a record series and a retention schedule?
A record series is a group of records that share a relationship based on how or why they’re created, used, and/or maintained. Records in a record series should also share a need to be retained
Jan. 31, 2025
How do I file a notice of compliance with the State Records Committee?
If the State Records Committee orders a governmental entity to produce a record and no appeal is filed with the district court, the entity must provide the records to the requester and file a notice
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