Series 20999

State Planning Board Water resources drainage basin reports, 1934-1938.

1.15 cubic feet and 2 microfilm reels

These records are housed in the Utah State Archives' permanent storage room.

Historical Note

See history of the records' creator.

Summary of Records

This series contains various basin studies prepared by or for the State Planning Board for the Colorado River Basin, the Great Basin, and the Snake River Basin in Utah.

Scope and Content

This series contains various basin studies prepared by or for the State Planning Board for the Colorado River Basin, the Great Basin, and the Snake River Basin in Utah. The purpose of these reports was to determine the principal water problems in the drainage basins in Utah, to outline a plan of water development and control designed to solve those problems, and to present specific construction projects and investigation projects as elements of the plan, with general priorities of importance and time. The areas under study include the Uintah Basin, Price and San Rafael River areas, Colorado and San Juan River areas, Fremont and Escalante River areas, Virgin River system, Bear River, Weber River, Davis County and Jordan River areas, Utah Lake, Sevier and South Sevier areas, and Western Utah drainage areas. The types of studies include: compilations of data pertaining to the use of land and water; drainage basin problems and programs; envelope records; indexes of river measurementstations; irrigated lands, run-off, precipitation data, and area by elevations by river drainage basins; State Engineer river drainage reports; National Resources Committee drainage basin study; and a preliminary report on flood status of streams in Great Basin. Many of these reports also include maps of the areas.


Alphabetical by drainage basin.

Additional Forms

This series is available on microfilm.
This series is available online as part of the Utah State Archives Digital Archives.

Access Restrictions

This series is classified as Public.

Use Restrictions

These records are available for reproduction and use.

Preferred Citation

Cite the Utah State Archives and Records Service, the creating agency name, the series title, and the series number.

Acquisition Information

These records were acquired from the creating agency through established retention schedules.

Processing Information

This series was processed by M. Call in November 1998 and updated following filming by Gina Strack in December 2004.

Related Material

Water resources reports from the State Planning Board, Series 1180, Contains further studies of the Colorado and Great Basin water conservation projects
Maps from the State Planning Board, Series 5597, This series has river basin studies and related maps.
Water resources minutes from the State Planning Board, Series 21000, Water resources minutes documents committee meetings, 1934-1941.
Administrative reference reports from the State Planning Board, Series 21973, Water reports were mentioned in the reference reports.
National Resources Board bulletins from the State Planning Board, Series 21984, Contains more information regarded drainage basin areas.

Container List

111Colorado River Basin; Compilation of data pertaining to the use of land and water; 1936; Uintah Basin Areas
112Colorado River Basin; Compilation of data pertaining to the use of land and water; 1936; Price and San Rafael River Areas
113Colorado River Basin; Compilation of data pertaining to the use of land and water; 1936; Colorado and San Juan River Areas
114Colorado River Basin; Compilation of data pertaining to the use of land and water; 1936; Fremont and Escalante River Areas
115Colorado River Basin; Compilation of data pertaining to the use of land and water; 1936; Virgin River Drainage System; (Maps 1- See Oversize)
116Colorado River Basin; Drainage Basin Problems and Programs; 1936; Final published National Resources Board report
117Colorado River Basin; Drainage Basin Problems and Programs; 1936; Final report project list- Lower Colorado
118Colorado River Basin; Drainage Basin Problems and Programs; 1936; Final report project list- Upper Colorado
119Colorado River Basin; Drainage Basin Problems and Programs; 1936; Project descriptions
1110Colorado River Basin; Envelope Records; 1934
1111Colorado River Basin; Index of River Measurement Stations; 1933
1112Colorado River Basin; Irrigated lands, run-off, precipitation data, and area by elevations by river drainage basins; 1937-1938; Uintah Basin
1113Colorado River Basin; Irrigated lands, run-off, precipitation data, and area by elevations by river drainage basins; 1937-1938; Price and San Rafael River drainage areas
1114Colorado River Basin; Irrigated lands, run-off, precipitation data, and area by elevations by river drainage basins; 1937-1938; San Juan and Colorado drainage areas
1115Colorado River Basin; Irrigated lands, run-off, precipitation data, and area by elevations by river drainage basins; 1937-1938; Fremont River and Escalante drainage areas
1116Colorado River Basin; Irrigated lands, run-off, precipitation data, and area by elevations by river drainage basins; 1937-1938; Virgin River drainage area; (Maps 2- See Oversize)
1117Colorado River Basin; Preliminary report of the engineering commission on Lower Basin water distribution; 1935
1118Colorado River Basin; U.S. Department of Agriculture statement of water resources; 1936
1119Drainage Basin Problems and Programs Guidelines; 1937
1120Great Basin; Compilation of Data pertaining to the use of land and water; 1936; Bear River
1121Great Basin; Compilation of Data pertaining to the use of land and water; 1936; Bear River
1122Great Basin; Compilation of Data pertaining to the use of land and water; 1936; Weber River area
1123Great Basin; Compilation of Data pertaining to the use of land and water; 1936; Jordan River and Davis County areas
1124Great Basin; Compilation of Data pertaining to the use of land and water; 1936; Utah Lake area
1125Great Basin; Compilation of Data pertaining to the use of land and water; 1936; Sevier River area
1126Great Basin; Compilation of Data pertaining to the use of land and water; 1936; South Sevier River area
1127Great Basin; Compilation of Data pertaining to the use of land and water; 1936; Western Utah area; (Maps 3- See Oversize)
1128Great Basin; Drainage Basin Problems and Programs; 1937; Final published report
1129Great Basin; Drainage Basin Problems and Programs; 1937; Final report project list
1130Great Basin; Drainage Basin Problems and Programs; 1937; Project descriptions
1131Great Basin; Envelope records; 1934
1132Great Basin; Index of river measurement stations; 1933
1133Great Basin; Irrigated lands, run-off data, and elevations by river drainage area; 1937; General description
1134Great Basin; Irrigated lands, run-off data, and elevations by river drainage area; 1937; Bear River drainage area
1135Great Basin; Irrigated lands, run-off data, and elevations by river drainage area; 1937; Weber River system; map- see oversize
1136Great Basin; Irrigated lands, run-off data, and elevations by river drainage area; 1937; Davis County drainage area
1137Great Basin; Irrigated lands, run-off data, and elevations by river drainage area; 1937; Utah Lake drainage system
1138Great Basin; Irrigated lands, run-off data, and elevations by river drainage area; 1937; Sevier River drainage area
2139Great Basin; Irrigated lands, run-off data, and elevations by river drainage area; 1937; South Sevier drainage area
2140Great Basin; Irrigated lands, run-off data, and elevations by river drainage area; 1937; Western Utah system
2141Great Basin; National Resources Committee Drainage Basin Study- The Great Basin; 1936; (Map 4- See Oversize)
2142Great Basin; Preliminary Report on Flood Status of Streams in Great Basin; 1938
2143Great Basin; River Drainage Reports- State Engineers Office; 1937; Davis County, Salt Lake County, Jordan River drainage
2144Great Basin; River Drainage Reports- State Engineers Office; 1937; Sevier River drainage
2145Great Basin; River Drainage Reports- State Engineers Office; 1937; Utah Lake drainage
2146Great Basin; River Drainage Reports- State Engineers Office; 1937; Weber River drainage
2147Great Basin; U.S. Department of Agriculture statement of water resources; 1936
2148Inventory of the water resources of the South Pacific and Great Basin drainage areas; 1935
2149Preliminary guidelines for proposed drainage basin studies; 1936
2150Proposed procedures for drainage basin committees; 1938-1939
2151Snake River Basin; U.S. Department of Agriculture statement regarding water resources; 1936
Map folderDescription
Fremont and Escalante River drainage map; Price and San Rafael River drainage map; San Juan and Colorado River drainage map; Uintah Basin drainage map; Virgin River drainage map
San Juan, Colorado, and Green River watershed map; San Juan, Colorado, and Green River watershed data; San Raphael and Price River watershed map; San Raphael and Price River watershed data; Uintah Basin watershed map; Uintah Basin watershed data; Virgin River watershed map; Virgin River watershed data
Davis County, Jordan River drainage map; South Sevier drainage map; Utah Lake drainage map; Weber River drainage map; Weber River watershed map; Great Salt Lake- Sevier Basin, Great Basin Drainage District 10b