State Records Committee Meeting Minutes (1992-2009) are Available Online
The first State Records Committee (SRC) meeting was held on September 30, 1992. The committee will celebrate its 19th birthday this month. In the years following the first meeting, the SRC heard approximately 238 cases, an average of 12.52 cases per year. Meeting minutes from 1992- 2009 are now available online. Decisions and Orders of the SRC from 1992- present are also available online.
SRC hears appeal cases from governmental entities throughout Utah. Meetings are held once a month, usually the second Thursday of each month, at the Utah State Archives building in Salt Lake City, UT.The current executive secretary is Susan Mumford and the committee chair is Betsy Ross. The SRC has seven committee members appointed by the governor. Three of the members represent state agencies, one is an elected official of a governmental entity, and the remaining three members represent the media, the public and private records management. Committee decisions are reached by majority vote. All SRC meetings are open to the public.
The SRC hears cases for all types of state government records. Examples include: police records, employee personnel files, parole records, investigation files, property records, tax information, and state contract records. Since 1992, the most commonly disputed records have involved employee personnel records. Of the approximately 238 cases heard by the SRC an estimated 7.14 percent, or 17 cases, have involved employee personnel records. At 6.30 percent, 15 cases involved records that do not fit easily within specified GRAMA categories. Requests for inmate records are the third most requested records at 4.62 percent or 11 requests over a 19-year period.
More appeals for hearings are received by the committee than are scheduled.
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