
Division of Archives and Records Service

First State Records Ombudsman Report

Rosemary Cundiff
September 27, 2012

This month the State Archives issued the first records ombudsman report. It highlights some points of interest related to GRAMA. Email, retrieval of electronic data, and fees for GRAMA requests are key issues for both requesters and responders. Responders are also interested in how to classify law enforcement records.

In response to new legislation, State Archivist, Patricia Smith-Mansfield, appointed Rosemary Cundiff to act as state records ombudsman. This appointment fulfills the requirements of the Public Records Management Act, 63A-12-111.  Duties of the ombudsman are:

1) be familiar with the provisions of GRAMA.

2) act as a resource for any person who is either making or responding to a records request.

3) upon request, attempt to mediate disputes between requesters and responders.

4) provide a report on an annual basis.