
Division of Archives and Records Service

January ARMA Utah Chapter Meeting: How to Build a Retention Schedule

Joseph Sharp
January 7, 2013

The first monthly chapter meeting for 2013 will be held in downtown Salt Lake at the LDS Church History Library on January 17th from 11:45 AM to 1:00 PM. An optional tour of the facility will be available after the normal monthly meeting for those who desire to get a behind the scenes look at the Church’s Archives.

The primary focus of this month’s meeting will be presenting an approach for developing a retention schedule, and how to win executive support for the new schedule. Daryl Downs, CRM, will be presenting a “how to” build your retention schedule; and Alan Johnson, director of the CHL library division, will discuss approaches to gaining executive support.

Come and participate in this month’s meeting.

A RSVP is requested for those planning on attending.

To RSVP please contact Tracy Hansen at [email protected] ASAP.