
Division of Archives and Records Service

Navigating the New Archives Website: Records Transfer and Retrieval Forms

Joseph Sharp
January 9, 2013

The Utah State Archives launched it’s new website in December. The most notable changes were made to the redesign and navigation of the Records Management page and the creation of two new pages: Micrographics and Open Records. Additionally, the new website provides an “I want to….” menu in the footer of each page.

Records officers needing to transfer records to the Records Center in Clearfield, or that need to retrieve files already in storage, may have had difficulty locating the necessary forms to complete these tasks.

The records transfer form is found in several places on the new website:

1. In the “I want to…” footer.

Records officers should select “I want to transfer records.”

I wan to

I want to transfer records.

You will then be redirected to the “Records Storage” page (which can also be found under Records Management).  On the records storage page, select “Transfer Records”.

To retrieve records already in storage, select Records Center File Retrieval Form”.

transfer sheet

Records Transfer Sheet


The “I want to…” navigation feature is available on the main Archives webpage and all records management pages.

2. From the main page (

Records officers can find the records transfer sheet, and all other forms, on the main Archives webpage.

Archives main page

Archives main page

To find a list of all Archives forms use the navigation menu on the right-hand side of the website. Select “Archives Forms”.

The records transfer sheet is listed under the “Records Management” section.


Take a minute to review all of the forms on our website, many have been revised and updated.

Archives Forms

Archives Forms

3. From the records management page (

Records officers can access the records transfer sheet and record retrieval form in two places on the records management main page.

First, from the right-hand navigation menu, under “Forms” (this link does not contain the same list of forms as you found on the main archives webpage).

Records Management forms

Records Management forms

Second, from the “Records Storage” button on the Records Management main page. Once the “Records Storage” page has opened, select “Transfer Records” to complete the records transfer form. Select “Records Center Retrieval Form” to receive records already in storage at the Records Center facility in Clearfield, UT.

Records Storage options

Select “Records Storage”

If you need additional assistance locating information on our new website, please call us at:

(801) 531-3863

or send an email to:

[email protected]