
Division of Archives and Records Service

Model GRAMA Forms Available

Rosemary Cundiff
February 13, 2013

            As outlined in the Public Records Management Act, one of the responsibilities of the State Archives is to prepare forms for use by all governmental entities for persons making GRAMA requests (Utah Code § 63A-12-101(2)(l)).  The most commonly used form is a simple GRAMA request form which captures the necessary elements for anyone who wants to request records: name, address, and daytime phone number, along with a description that identifies records sought with reasonable specificity. A model GRAMA Request Form is available on the Archives website.  This electronic form can be filled out on the user’s computer and then sent to the governmental entity that maintains the requested record(s). Although GRAMA requests must be “in writing,” the use of this form is not mandatory. Many governmental entities have created their own versions of a GRAMA request form, and some may have records policies about how GRAMA requests will be accepted.

          In addition to this GRAMA request form, the State Archives has published additional forms which are designed to expedite the records request and appeals process. Forms designed for both requesters and responders are compiled on the Archives website. The use of these forms will ensure that appropriate steps are taken and that all necessary information is included in the interchange between government and the public. In addition to the GRAMA request form, forms for requesters include models for notices of appeal to the chief administrative officer and to the State Records Committee.  For responders, additional forms include an assortment of notices of denial, as well as forms for such things as confidentiality agreements, permission to disclose a private record, and a fees worksheet. The Archives welcomes comments and suggestions.